Mathematical modeling of technological processes (Cham, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMathematical modeling of technological processes: proc. of the 8th Intern. conf., CITech 2015 Almaty, Kazakhstan, Sept. 24-27, 2015 / eds.: N.Danaev et al. - Cham: Springer, 2015. - xii, 212 p.: ill. - (Communications in computer and information science; 549). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Auth. ind.: p.211-212. - ISBN 978-3-319-25057-1; ISSN 1865-0929

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Оглавление / Contents
Mathematical Modelling of Oil Recovery by Polymer/Surfactant 
Flooding ........................................................ 1
   Nargozy Danaev, Darkhan Akhmed-Zaki, Saltanbek
   Mukhambetzhanov, and Timur Imankulov
Modelling of Evolution Small-Scale Magnetohydrodynamic 
Turbulence Depending on the Magnetic Viscosity of the 
Environment .................................................... 13
   Aigerim Abdibekova, Bakhytzhan Zhumagulov, and Dauren
Enhancement of the In-Situ Leach Mineral Mining Process
by the Hydrodynamic Method ..................................... 26
   Karlygash Alibayeva and Aidarkhan Kaltayev
Numerical Modeling of Artificial Heart Valve ................... 33
   Dmitriy Dolgov and Yury Zakharov
Numerical Model of Plasma-chemical Etching of Silicon
in CFa/H2 Plasma ............................................... 44
   Aleksey Gorobchuk
Simulation of Transonic Airfoil Flow Using a Zonal RANS-LES 
Method ......................................................... 53
   Alibek Issakhov, Benedikt Roidl, Matthias Meinke, and 
   Wolfgang Schröder
Mathematical Algorithm for Calculation of the Moving Tsunami
Wave Height .................................................... 66
   Sergey Kabanikhin and Olga Krivorotko
Hybrid Evolutionary Approach to Multi-objective Mission
Plaiming for Group of Underwater Robots ........................ 73
   Maksim Kenzin, Igor Bychkov, and Nikolai Maksimkin
Theoretical and Numerical Prediction of the Permeability of
Fibrous Porous Media ........................................... 85
   Aziz Kudaikulov, Christophe Josserand, and Aidarkhan 
A Study of (m,k)-Methods for Solving Differential-Algebraic
Systems of Index 1 ............................................. 94
   Alexander I. Levykin and Eugeny A. Novikov
Apphcation of Immersed Boundary Method in Modelling of
Thrombosis in the Blood Flow .................................. 108
   Saule Maussumbekova and Assel Beketaeva
Modeling the Impact of Relief Boundaries in Solving the
Direct Problem of Direct Current Electrical Sounding .......... 117
   Balgaisha Mukanova and Tolkyn Mirgalikyzy
Quantum Computing and Its Potential for Turbulence
Simulations ................................................... 124
   S. Sammak, A.G. Nouri, N. Ansari, and P. Givi
Modeling of Adsorption and Transfer of Radiation in an 
Expanding Sphere .............................................. 133
   Nikolai Shaparev
Three-Dimensional Model of Fracture Propagation from the
Cavity Caused by Quasi-Static Load or Viscous Fluid Pumping ... 143
   Yuriy Shokin, Sergey Chemy, Denis Esipov, Vasily Lapin, 
   Alexey Lyutov, and Dmitriy Kuranakov
Self-purification Modelling for Small River in Climate
Conditions of Central Siberia ................................. 158
   Olga Taseiko, Tatyana Spitsina, and Hranislav Milosevic
Modeling of Three-Phase Non-isothermal Flow in Porous Media
Using the Approach of Reduced Pressure ........................ 166
   N.M. Temirbekov and D.R. Baigereyev
Self-Organization Phenomena in Underground Hydrogen
Storages ...................................................... 177
   A. Toleukhanov, M. Panfilov, and A. Kaltayev
Numerical Modeling of Posteriori Algorithms for the
Geophysical Monitoring ........................................ 190
   Gyulnara Voskoboynikova and Marat Khairetdinov
Two-Component Incompressible Fluid Model for Simulating
Surface Wave Propagation ...................................... 201
   Yuri Zakharov, Anton Zimin, and Vladimir Ragulin

Author Index .................................................. 211

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