Khomskii D.I. Transition metal compounds (Cambridge, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаKhomskii D.I. Transition metal compounds. - Cambridge: Cambridge university press, 2014. - xii, 485 p., [1] l. tab.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.409-480. - Ind.: p.481-485. - ISBN 978-1-107-02017-7

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Оглавление / Contents
Introduction ................................................... ix
1  Localized and itinerant electrons in solids .................. 1
   1.1  Itinerant electrons, band theory ........................ 1
   1.2  Hubbard model and Mott insulators ....................... 5
   1.3  Magnetism of Mott insulators ........................... 11
   1.4  Interplay of electronic motion and magnetism in Mott 
        insulators ............................................. 14
   1.5  Doped Mott insulators .................................. 19
   S.l  Summary of Chapter 1 ................................... 22
2  Isolated transition metal ions .............................. 25
   2.1  Elements of atomic physics ............................. 25
   2.2  Hund's rules ........................................... 28
   2.3  Spin-orbit interaction ................................. 31
   S.2  Summary of Chapter 2 ................................... 35
3  Transition metal ions in crystals ........................... 37
   3.1  Crystal field splitting ................................ 37
   3.2  Jahn-Teller effect for isolated transition metal ions .. 57
   3.3  High-spin vs low-spin states ........................... 65
   3.4  Role of spin-orbit coupling ............................ 71
   3.5  Some general principles of the formation of typical
        crystal structures of transition metal compounds ....... 78
   S.3  Summary of Chapter 3 ................................... 91
4  Mott-Hubbard vs charge-transfer insulators .................. 94
   4.1  Charge-transfer insulators ............................. 94
   4.2  Exchange interaction in charge-transfer insulators .... 103
   4.3  Systems with small or negative charge-transfer gap .... 105
   4.4  Zhang-Rice singlets ................................... 108
   S.4  Summary of Chapter 4 .................................. 118
5  Exchange interaction and magnetic structures ............... 120
   5.1  Superexchange in insulators and Goodenough-Kanamori-
        Anderson rules ........................................ 120
   5.2  Double exchange ....................................... 136
   5.3  Role of spin-orbit interaction: magnetic anisotropy,
        magnetostriction, and weak ferromagnetism ............. 142
   5.4  Systems with unquenched orbital moments ............... 156
   5.5  Singlet magnetism ..................................... 159
   5.6  Magnetic ordering in some typical situations .......... 163
   5.7  Frustrated magnets .................................... 173
   5.8  Different magnetic textures ........................... 191
   5.9  Spin-state transitions ................................ 194
   S.5  Summary of Chapter 5 .................................. 198
6  Cooperative Jahn-Teller effect and orbital ordering ........ 204
   6.1  Cooperative Jahn-Teller effect and orbital ordering 
        in eg systems ......................................... 205
   6.2  Reduction of dimensionality due to orbital ordering ... 221
   6.3  Orbitals and frustration .............................. 225
   6.4  Orbital excitations ................................... 227
   6.5  Orbital effects for t2g-electrons ..................... 228
   6.6  Quantum effects in orbitals ........................... 231
   S.6  Summary of Chapter 6 .................................. 234
7  Charge ordering in transition metal compounds .............. 238
   7.1  Charge ordering in half-doped systems ................. 240
   7.2  Charge ordering away from half-filling ................ 244
   7.3  Charge ordering vs charge density waves ............... 253
   7.4  Charge ordering in frustrated systems: Fe304 and 
        similar ............................................... 255
   7.5  Spontaneous charge disproportionation ................. 259
   S.7  Summary of Chapter 7 .................................. 265
8  Ferroelectrics, magnetoeiectrics, and multiferroics ........ 269
   8.1  Different types of ferroelectrics ..................... 269
   8.2  Magnetoelectric effect ................................ 282
   8.3  Multiferroics: materials with a unique combination 
        of magnetic and electric properties ................... 288
   8.4  "Multiferroic-like" effects in other situations ....... 303
   S.8  Summary of Chapter 8 .................................. 307
9  Doping of correlated systems; correlated metals ............ 310
   9.1  Nondegenerate Hubbard model at arbitrary band 
        filling ............................................... 311
   9.2  Representative doped transition metal oxides .......... 319
   9.3  Doped Mott insulators: ordinary metals? ............... 331
   9.4  Magnetic properties of doped strongly correlated 
        systems ............................................... 338
   9.5  Other specific phenomena in doped strongly 
        correlated systems .................................... 341
   9.6  Superconductivity in strongly correlated systems ...... 350
   9.7  Phase separation and inhomogeneous states ............. 357
   9.8  Films, surfaces, and interfaces ....................... 363
   S.9  Summary of Chapter 9 .................................. 371
10 Metal-insulator transitions ................................ 378
   10.1 Different types of metal-insulator transitions ........ 378
   10.2 Examples of metal-insulator transitions in systems
        with correlated electrons ............................. 384
   10.3 Theoretical description of Mott transitions ........... 404
   10.4 Insulator-metal transitions for different electronic 
        configurations ........................................ 408
   10.5 Insulator-metal transitions in Mott-Hubbard and
        charge-transfer insulators ............................ 415
   10.6 Formation of molecular clusters and "partial" Mott
        transitions ........................................... 420
   10.7 Mott transition: a normal phase transition? ........... 426
   S.10 Summary of Chapter 10 ................................. 428
11 Kondo effect, mixed valence, and heavy fermions ............ 433
   11.1 Basic features of/-electron systems ................... 433
   11.2 Localized magnetic moments in metals .................. 436
   11.3 Kondo effect .......................................... 438
   11.4 Heavy fermions and mixed valence ...................... 442
   S.11 Summary of Chapter 11 ................................. 448
Appendix A  Some historical notes ............................. 452
   A.l  Mott insulators and Mott transitions .................. 452
   A.2  Jahn-Teller effect .................................... 456
   A.3  Peierls transition .................................... 456
Appendix В  A layman's guide to second quantization ........... 459
Appendix С  Phase transitions and free energy expansion: 
   Landau theory in a nutshell ................................ 462
   C.l  General theory ........................................ 462
   C.2  Dealing with the Landau free energy functional ........ 464
   C.3  Some examples ......................................... 466

References .................................................... 469
Index ......................................................... 481

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