Functional materials and nanotechnology: sel., peer rev. papers from the 2012 Intern. conf. on function materials a. nanotechnology (FMN 2012), May 19-20, 2012, Zhengzhou, China (Durnten-Zurich, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

Архив выставки новых поступлений | Отечественные поступления | Иностранные поступления | Сиглы
ОбложкаFunctional materials and nanotechnology: sel., peer rev. papers from the 2012 Intern. conf. on function materials a. nanotechnology (FMN 2012), May 19-20, 2012, Zhengzhou, China / ed. by B.Xu, H.Y.Li. - Durnten-Zurich: Trans Tech Publications, 2012. - xiv, 560 p.: ill. - (Advanced materials research; vol.496). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Keyword-, auth. ind.: p.551-560. - ISBN 978-3-03785-393-1; ISSN 1022-6680

Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
Committees and Sponsors ........................................ vi

Chapter 1: Advanced Material Engineering and Nanotechnology

Experimental Study of the Mechanical Properties of the 
Composite Materials Hose
   Z. Wang, W.W. Liu and Y.H. Du ................................ 3
Study on Preparation of Silica Aerogels Derived from Silica Sol
   P. Liu, G.Q. Geng and Y.J. Wang .............................. 7
Fractal Model for Thermal Conductivity of Wetting, Fibrous 
Porous Media
  F.L. Zhu, D.H. Xia and Y. Zhou ............................... 12
Modification of Glucose Oxides Sensors Using Colloidal Gold
   N.H. Fakhrabadi, A.A. Rohani and A. Farahbakhsh ............. 17
Application of the Nanocrystalline Alloy in Stress Measuring
   Y.P. Shi and Y. Zang ........................................ 21
Effect of Urea Content on Properties and Microstructure of
Ni/TiO2 Group Particles ЈR Fluid
   S.K. Tan, X.P. Song, H. Zhao, S. Ji, H.Y. Guo and Y.H. Sun .. 25
Study on Durability of Silicone Rubber Sealant for Pavement 
   J.S. Liu, D.L. Li, J. Yu and Z.W. Zhang ..................... 30
Study in Surface Modification of Silica in Silicone Rubber
   J.S. Liu, D.L. Li, J. Yu and Z.W. Zhang ..................... 34
Synthesis and Photoluminescent Properties of a Zinc (II) 
Complex with Phenanthroline Derivative
   L. Guo, G. Hu and S. Wei .................................... 38
Pretreatment of High Strength Ammonia Removal from Rare-Earth
Wastewater by Magnesium Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) Precipitation
   H. Wang, G.W. Cheng, X.W. Song, Z.H. Xu, J.J. Meng and 
   C.Q. Dong ................................................... 42
Morphology Controlled Synthesis of ZnS(en)0.5 Nanostructures 
via a Novel Mixed-Solvent Solvothermal Process
  Q.F. Lu and D.J. Wang ........................................ 46
Structure Improvement on Dual Variable Gear Shaft of the
Transmission for ZL50 Wheel Loader
   Z.S. Yin, Y.W. Han and X.C. Cai ............................. 50
Electrochemical Sensing of L-Histidine Based on Structure-
Switching Aptamer and Elongated Tetrahexaheral Gold
   Z.B. Chen, X.J. Mu, J. Li, L.D. Li and L. Guo ............... 54
Simulation of Monomers Selection on Single-Molecular
Copolymer Nano-Particles that Mimic Protein Folding
   W. Zhang .................................................... 58
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine-Templated Formation of tlie Fluorescent 
Silver Nanocluster and its Application to Bioimaging
   X.Q. Xu and L. Ga ........................................... 62
Changes in Layer Properties and Physical Properties of Papers
from Old Corrugated Container Fibres with PDADMAC/HEC
Polyelectrolyte MultUayers
   Z.Y. Yang, H.Z. Shi and Y.J. Tang ........................... 67
TEMPO-Mediated Oxidation of Unbleached Bagasse Pulp
   M.R. Liu and H.L. Li ........................................ 71
CMAC Applied in Wind Power Prediction Based on Applied 
   Y.C. Shao and X.L Yao ....................................... 75
Influence of High Temperature Annealing in Nitrogen on 
Upconversion Luminescence of β-NaYF4: Yb3+ Er3+ Hexagonal 
   J.W. Zhao, Т.К. Jia and X.G. Kong ........................... 79
Synthesis of Ionic Liquids [BMIM]BF4 and [BMIM]PF6 under
Microwave Irradiation by One-Pot
   X.G. Du, J.P. Du, J. Zhang, X.M. Guo, W.W. Lu and 
   Z.Y. Yang ................................................... 84
The Effects of Temperature and Heating Rate on the 
Preparation of Stalk Char
   J. Pan and L. Wang .......................................... 88
Comparison between Microcosmic Characterizations of 
Propellants by SEM and AFM
   C.H. Yang, P. Du and X. Liao ................................ 94
Simulated Annealing Algorithm Optimization of the Deterred-
Coating Propellant Charge Design
   Z.T. Liu, D.D. Ji, B. Xu, H.X. Jia and X. Liao .............. 99
Research on Squirrel-Cage Induction Generator Full Power 
Converter Control Strategies of Wind Power Generation System
with Dynamic Systems
   B.S. Mei, H.K. Jiang and J. Yu ............................. 104
Structure and Properties of Poly(Diphenylsiloxane-Co-
Dimethylsiloxane) Modified MQ Silicone Resin
   R. Li, B.T. Zhang, B.L. Liu, X.N. Chen and G.Y. Wang ....... 109
Artificial Aging Test Analysis of Alkyd and Polyurethane 
Coating System
   P. Liu ..................................................... 116
Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Anticorrosive Coating of Steel 
   P. Liu ..................................................... 121
The Applied Research of Nanophase Materials in Sports 
   H.E. Zhao and F. Shen ...................................... 126
Preparation and Characterization of Thermally Expandable 
Microcapsules by In Situ Polymerization
   X.B. Wang .................................................. 130
Processing and Mechanical Properties of Starch and PCL 
Composite Reinforced by Nano-SiO2
   W.Y. Liu, Y. Chen, G.Y. Long, Y.J. Liu and X.H. Нас ........ 134
Effects of Substrate, Solvent, Graft Density and Graft Length
on the Formation of Cellulose-Based Ordered Porous Film
   W.Y. Liu, Y. Chen, Y.J. Liu and X.H. Hao ................... 138
Methyl Orange Degradation on TiO2 and Mixture of TiO2 and 
HZSM-5 in NaHCOj Solution
   Y.F. Sun, J.L. Chen and W.J. Zhang ......................... 142
Porous B-TiO2 Prepared by Sol-Gel Method Using Boric Acid as 
Boron Source
   Y.F. Sun, K.X. Li and W.J. Zhang ........................... 146
Carbon Footprint Inventory, Estimation and Analysis System 
in a RC Building Materials
   L.T. Lu and L.C. Chang ..................................... 150
Photocatalytic Activity of В-ТЮг Prepared Using Boric Acid 
as Boron Source
   W.J. Zhang and K.X. Li ..................................... 154

Chapter 2: Nanotechnology, Mechanics and Material Science

Effects of Calcination Time on Structure and Morphology of
Porous ТiO2-Аl2O3 Material
   W.J. Zhang and J.L. Chen ................................... 161
Porous ТiO2-Аl2O3 Photocatalyst: The Effects of Calcination
   W.J. Zhang and H.L. Xin .................................... 165
On the Absorbability of Lead Chrome Yellow by Using Active 
   M.Y. Shu, G.H. Liu and H.Y. Yin ............................ 169
The Coherent Transport Properties of Electrons in
a 4-Terminal Nano Device with Rashba Spin-Orbit Coupling in 
the Presence of Magnetic Field
   H.X. Wang, L.B. Li, D.W. Kang and H.H. Liu ................. 175
Biocorrosion of Biodegradable Implant Mg-sCa-4Zn Alloy in
Simulated Body Fluid with the Addition of Ca
   J.J. Wang, Y.J. Feng, T. Cui, D. Jiang, N. Li and 
   Y.J. Wang .................................................. 181
Separation of Glycomacropeptide (a Functional Protein 
Material) by Aqueous Two-Phase Systems
   J. Wu, Y. Wang and L. Huang ................................ 185
Analysis on Active Behavior of Wheat Straw by Py-GC-MS
   G. Hai Yan and Z.Z. Zheng .................................. 189
Analysis on Pyrolytic Behavior of Wheat Straw Multifunctional
Materials by Py-GC-MS
   Z.F. Zhang ................................................. 194
Measurement on Pyrolytic Active Materials of Wheat Straw
Biomass by Py-GC-MS
   A.J. Wang and J.Z. Qiao .................................... 198
The Theory Calculation and Experimental Analysis of 
Composite Beam
   J.H. Huang, J.H. Jiang, T. Huang and H.M. Li ............... 203
Research of Preparation and Ultraviolet Shielding for
Nanometer Powder of Tin Dioxide Coated with Zinc Oxide
   Y.R. Wang, G.J. Qiang and F.J. Liu ......................... 207
Study on the Molding Process of Nano-Ceramics
   Z.X. Zhang, H.F. Bo and R.Z. Wang .......................... 211
Rapid Evaluation of Anti-Corrosive Property of Marine 
Protective Coatings
   Z.P. Zhang, Y.H. Qi and Z.W. Zhang ......................... 215
Preparation and Characterization of Novel Nano-ZnO/
Polystyrene Resin Composite
   S. Xu, Y. Jiao, N. Song, J. Li and C.H. Ding ............... 220
Effect on Ultrafiltration of Lactic Acid Fermentation Broth 
by Using Inclined Tubes Sedimentation as Pretreatment
   L.J. Wang, Q.H. Wang, Y. Li and D.Q. Cao ................... 224
Deposition of Metal Clusters into the Functionalized Metal 
Organic Frameworks
   Y. Gu, Y.S. Zhu, B. Li and W.L. Chen ....................... 230
Analysis Xe-Lamp Selection Methods on Full Spectrum Solar 
   L. Gao, G.Y. Zhang, Y. Jiao and J. Liu ..................... 235
Study on Effect of Gasket Stress Distribution on Bolted
Flanged Connections
   L. Liu and S.L. Zhang ...................................... 239
Grinding Load Identification of an Horomill Using Inverse 
Pseudo Excitation Method
   Z.H. Lv, K. Li, K.M. Chen and J.F. Zhang ................... 243
Study on Mechanics Structural Synthesis of Six-Legged
Walking Robot with Parallel Leg Mechanisms
   Y. Rong, Z.L. Jin and M.K. Qu .............................. 247
Electron Transport Properties of Rippled Zigzag Graphene 
   Z.K. Tao, J.W. Chen, W. Wang and L. Chen ................... 251
Effect of Nano-ZnO on Properties of Anti-Fouling Coatings 
Based on FEVE Coploymer
   Z.P. Zhang, Y.H. Qi and Q. Sun ............................. 255
Study on Preparation of Mg(OH)2 as New Flame-Resisting 
Materials from Dolomite through the Carbonization
   Y.R. Wang, F.J. Liu, G.J. Qiang and J.L. Hu ................ 259
Preparation, Morphology and Dielectric Properties of
Polyamide-6/Poly(Vinylidene Fluoride) Blends
   R. Li, J.Z. Pei, Y.W. Li, X. Shi and Q.L. Du ............... 263
Uniform Nano/Micron-Sized ZnO Spheres with Controllable 
   J.H. Cheng, S. Xu and C.H. Ding ............................ 268
The De-Gassing Evaluation with Full Penetration for Remote 
Laser Welding of Zinc Coated Sheet Metal
   J. Tian and Z.N. Zhang ..................................... 272
Experimental Researches on Composite Bentonite-Based 
Briquette Binder
   M.Y. Shu, H.Y. Yin and G.H. Liu ............................ 276
Study on Mechanical Properties of the Composite Materials 
Film by Speckle Projection Method
   W.W. Liu, Z. Wang, Y.H. Du, X.Z. Xu, D.Q. Liu and L. Shi ... 281
Cr-Substituted Mesoporous Aluminophosphate Molecular Sieve: 
Preparation, Characterization and Catalytic Activity in the 
Oxidation Reaction of Ethylbenzene
   J.S. Zhang, Z. Wang, J.W. Xue and X.Z. Li .................. 285
Widely Tunable Fiber Ring Laser with Narrow Linewidth and 
Fine Tuning Resolution Based on Laser Materials
   Y. Su, J.H. Ren, T.G. Zhao, S.Q. Shen, Z.S. Xu, 
   X.B. Liu and W. Wu ......................................... 290
Synthesis, Structures, and Luminescent Properties of 
a Yellow-Emitting Iridium Complex
   L.Y. Zhang and X.Y. Liu .................................... 294
Synthesis of Magnetic-Fluorescent Liposome for Cancer Imaging
   Z. PChen ................................................... 298
Addition of Nano-ZrOz Effects on Microstructures and 
Properties of WC-8C0 HardAUoys
   L. Sun ..................................................... 302
Application of Magnetoelastic Effect of Ferromagnetic 
Material in Stress Measurement
   Y.P Shi and S.H. Fan ....................................... 306
Preparation and Synthesis of Functional Silica-Nafion 
Composite Materials
   Y.Y. Zhi, K. Gu, H.Q. Lian and X.G. Cui .................... 310

Chapter 3: Material Application, Green Chemistry, and Mining

Orthogonal Experiment of Wave Absorption Property for Three-
Layer Absorbing Structure Composite Material Plates
   J.L. Deng and B. Feng ...................................... 317
Structural Analysis for an Ultra-Precision Machine Slide by 
FEM Based on Applied Mechanics
   B. Gao, J.H. Zhu and W.C. Lang ............................. 321
Cracic Security Influence on Refractory Design with Thermo-
Mechanical Stress
   S.T. Kong, P. Cai, M.J. Zhang and L.J. Zhao ................ 325
Experimental Study of Kinetic Parameters about Pyrolysis of
Sewage Sludge
   S.T. Kong, P. Cai, L. Jiang and J.T. Wei ................... 329
Low Frictional ТЮг and MoS2/TiO2 Coatings on Ti-6A1-4V Alloy
   T. Cheng, Z.J. Peng and X.Y. Nie ........................... 334
Dynamic Research of Construction Safety with Building 
   L.Jia and F.F. Fu .......................................... 339
Research of Target Motion Model in Polar Coordinates Based on 
Dynamic Systems
   S.J. Zhao and C. Wang ...................................... 343
Experimental Study of the Real Gas Flow in Microtubes
   Q.M. Zhao, X.A. Yue and F. Wang ............................ 347
The Side Effect of Spin Precession and Quantum Interference 
in a Four-Terminal Nano Device with Rashba Spin-Orbit 
   H.X. Wang, L.B. Li and D.W. Kang ........................... 351
Characteristics and Outline of Water-Lubricated Thordon
   Y.Q. Wang and L.J. Zhang ................................... 355
Analysis on High Temperature Oxidation of U71Mn Steel under 
   Z.W. Zhao, Y.Z. Li, B.W. Li, S. Li and W.F. Wu ............. 359
Differential Gene Expression in Incompatible Interaction 
between Phytophthora capsici and Capsicum annuum
   Q.L. Jia, Z.H. Gong and D.W. Li ............................ 363
Study on Synergy Mold Preservation to Bamboo with Extractives
   W.X. Peng, F.J. Wu, Q. Xue and Z. Lin ...................... 367
The Martensitic Transformation Behavior of the TiNi in TiNi/
TijNi Composite Synthesized in Molten Salts
   R.S. Yang, M.T. Li, X.J. Cui, C.H. Liu and Y.Z. Jin ........ 370
Numerical Analysis on the Characteristics of Settlement
Deformation of the High Rock-Filled Embankment during the 
Construction Period
   S.F. Wang, X.D. Xu and C.Z. Yang ........................... 374
The Synthesis of Cu0,81Ni0.19 Intermetallics by Mechanical 
   R.S. Yang, M.T. Li, C.H. Liu, X.J. Cui and Y.Z. Jin ........ 379
Preparation and Characterisation of CaP-Containing Coating 
on Magnesium Alloy by Micro-Arc Oxidation and Hydrothermal 
   L.M. Chang, D.D. Xu and W. Liu ............................. 383
Graphite Encapsulated Iron Nanoparticles Produced by Ball-
Milling and Annealing a Mixture of Expanded Graphite and 
Iron Powders
   C.B. Bi .................................................... 387
Effect of Agitation on Sorption Behavior of Expanded 
Graphite for Methyl Orange in Water and Crude Oil Floated on
   H.M. Wang .................................................. 391
Anti-Friction Effect of Ball-MiUed Expanded Graphite/Fe 
   H.X. Li .................................................... 395
Natural Chlorophyll-Sensitized Nanocrystalline TiO2 as 
Photoanode of a Hybrid Photoelectrochemical Biofuel Cell
   K.Q.Wang and J. Tang  ...................................... 399
Rejection of Arsenopyrite in a High As-Containing Pyrite
Concentrate by Inorganic Depressants
   S.Q. Liu, X. Tong, Z.Y. Lan and C.C. Ji .................... 403
Cobalt Ion Extraction from Wastewater by P204 Microemulsion
   D.S. Huang, J.G. Yu, R.M. Xiao, Z.J. Li and L.D. Sun ....... 407
Extraction of L-Theanine Using Chiral Supported Emulsion 
Liquid Membrane
   D.S. Huang, J.G. Yu, W. Liu, Z.L. Huang and N. Wu .......... 411
Separation of Cobalt and Nickel from Wastewater by P204 
Microemulsion Saponified
   D.S. Huang, J.G. Yu, Z.Z. Yi, Y. Jiang and Y.S. Chen ....... 415
Studies on Oxidation of Noradrenaline Using CuPc as Catalyst
   M.T. Li, R.S. Yang and L.Y. Yu ............................. 419
Study on Predicting Rock DrUlabiUty Based on the Method of 
Gray Theory
   Z.D. Liu and X.Y. Tang ..................................... 423
The Application of Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy on 
Detection of Engine Crankshaft Bearing Abnormal Sound
   L.D. Chen .................................................. 427
The Mechanical Property of Milk Protein Fiber
   Q.B. Yang .................................................. 431
Study on the Relation between the Properties and the Blended
Ratio of Soybean Protein Fiber/Fine-Polyester Blended Yarn
   Q.B. Yang .................................................. 435
The Fiber Optic Biosensor for Noradrenaline Concentration 
Detection Based on CuPc Catalysis
   M.T. Li, R.S. Yang and L.Y. Yu ............................. 439
Manufacture and Grinding Performance of a Polyimide Resin-
Bonded cBN Wheel for Precision Grinding of Ferrous Materials
   J.L. Chen and L. Wan ....................................... 443
Artificial Neural Network Compensation for an Optical Fiber
Micro-Displacement Sensor in Positioning System
   L.J. Cui, H.C. Shang, G. Zhang, Y.P. Chen and Y. Li ........ 449
Some Considerations on Processing Cassiterite-Bearing 
Polymetallic Sulphide Ores Ш China
   S.Q. Liu, B.L. Ge, B.X. Song and W.P. Wang ................. 453
Growth Conditions of a Thermophilic Geobacillus sp. as an 
Enhanced OU Recovery Material
   X.P Kong ................................................... 457

Chapter 4: Material, Biotechnology, Manufacturing Engineering 
and Environment

The Elasticity of PLA Fiber Blended Yarn
   Q.B. Yang .................................................. 463
Effects of a High Magnetic Field on Abnormal Microstructure 
in Fe-LlC (wt.%) Alloy
   M.L. Gong, F.F. Liu, X. Zhao and L. Zuo .................... 467
Determination of Major Metals Contents in Engine Lubricating 
Oil Based on Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
   L.D. Chen and Y.L Zheng .................................... 472
Adsorption of Pb(H) by Silica/Yeast Composites from Aqueous 
Solution: Kinetic and Equilibrium Studies
   H.X. Gu, Y.J. Song, L.R. Li and W.H. Huang ................. 476
The Application of Carbon Fiber Composite Material for 
Sports Equipment
   X. Bai and N. Li ........................................... 480
An Optimal Preventive Maintenance Model for a Structure
   X.L. Zou ................................................... 484
MoS2/Al2O3 Composite Coatings on A356 Alloy for Friction
   Z.J. Peng, T. Cheng and X.Y. Nie ........................... 488
Tribochemical Study of Two Ashless Triazine Derivatives as 
Additives in Rapeseed Oil
   C.L. Li, L.P. Xiong, L.T. Xiong and W. Wang ................ 493
Pregnant Women Shoes Design Based on Ergonomics and Mechanics
   L.X. Shi, W.L. Peng and L. Lu .............................. 498
Seasonal Dynamics of Fertilizer-Derived Hydrolysable NH3 in 
an Arable Soil of Northeast China
   H.J. Lü, H.B. He and X.D. Zhang ............................ 502
Enhanced Direct Electrochemistry of Glucose Oxidase and
Glucose Biosensing Based on TiO2-Decorated Graphene 
   J. Wu, Q. Liu, K. Wang and J.R. Cai ........................ 507
Synthesis of Novel Anionic Fluorinated Polyacrylate Emulsion 
and its Application in Leather Waterproofing
   W. Xu and L.F. Hao ......................................... 511
Preparation and Application of Novel Cationic Fluorinated 
Polyacrylate Latex in Leather Waterproofing
   W. Xu and L.F. Hao ......................................... 515
Preparation of Carboxylated Polysiloxane and its Application 
in Leather Waterproofing
   W.Xu and L.F. Hao .......................................... 519
The Mystery of the Dark Energy Based on Energy Materials
   J.G. Lu and M. Hu .......................................... 523
Ring Oscillator Phase Noise Properties due to PSN with 
Deterministic Frequency
   N. Bai, H.G. Zhou, Q.L. Wu and C.Y. Peng ................... 527
Study on the Recycling Technical Measures of Deserted Wood 
Furniture Materials
   J.J. Zhang ................................................. 534
The Study of Fractured Rock Mass Instability of the Law 
Based on the Hydraulic Fracturing
   Z.Q. Kang, W.J. Li and Y.B. Jia ............................ 538
Characteristics of a Geobacillus sp. as an Enhanced Oil 
Recovery Material
   X.P. Kong .................................................. 542
Estimating Crack Depth of Concrete Structures Using 
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
   Y.S. Cho, S.W. Han, H.S. Jang, S.K. Back and S.U. Hong ..... 546

Keyword Index ................................................. 551
Author Index .................................................. 557

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