Frontiers in differential geometry, partial differential equations and mathematical physics: in memory of Gu Chaohao (Singapore, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFrontiers in differential geometry, partial differential equations and mathematical physics: in memory of Gu Chaohao / ed. by M.Ge, J.Hong, T.Li, W.Zhang. - Singapore: World sci, 2014. - ISBN 978-981-4578-07-3

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
A Profile of the Late Professor Gu Chaohao ...................... 1
   Tatsien Li
List of Publications of Gu Chaohao ............................. 17
In Memory of Professor Gu Chaohao .............................. 27
   Xiaqi Ding
In Memory of Professor Gu Chaohao .............................. 29
   Gongqing Zhang (Kung Ching Chang)
Stability of E-H Mach Configuration in Pseudo-Steady 
Compressible Flow .............................................. 35
   Shuxing Chen
Incompressible Viscous Fluid Flows with Slip Boundary
Conditions and Their Numerical Simulations ..................... 49
   Ben-yu Quo
Global Existence and Uniqueness of the Solution for the
Generalized Schrodinger-KdV System ............................. 69
   Baling Quo, Bolin Ma, Jingjun Zhang
Anomaly Cancellation and Modularity ............................ 87
   Fei Han, Kefeng Liu, Weiping Zhang
On Interior Estimates for Mean Curvature of Convex Surfaces
in R3 and Its Applications .................................... 105
   Jiaxing Hong
Geometric Invariant Theory of the Space - A Modern Approach 
to Solid Geometry ............................................. 125
   Wu-yi Hsiang
Optimal Convergence Rate of the Binomial Tree Scheme for
American Options and Their Free Boundaries .................... 153
   Lishang Jiang, Jin Liang
Rademacher Ф Flinction, Jacobi Symbols, Quantum and 
Classical Invariants of Lens Spaces ........................... 169
   Bang-He Li, Tian-Jun Li
Historical Review on the Roles of Mathematics in the Study 
of Aerodynamics ............................................... 189
   Jiachun Li
Toward Chern-Simons Theory of Complexes on Calabi-Yau 
Threefolds .................................................... 199
   Jun Li
Exact Boundary Synchronization for a Coupled System of Wave 
Equations ..................................................... 219
   Tatsien Li
Scahng Limit for Compressible Viscoelastic Fluids ............. 243
   Xianpeng Ни, Fanghua Lin
Uniqueness Modulo Reduction of Bergman Meromorphic 
Compactifications of Canonically Embeddable Bergman 
Manifolds ..................................................... 271
   Ngaiming Моk
The Application of Conditional Nonlinear Optimal Perturbation 
to Targeted Observations for Tropical Cyclone Prediction ...... 291
   Mu Mu, Feifan Zhou, Xiaohao Qin and Boyu Chen
Isometric Immersions in Minkowski Spaces ...................... 327
   Yi-Bing Shen
Remarks on Volume Growth for Minimal Graphs in
Higher Codimension ............................................ 345
   Yuanlong Xin
Separation of Variables for the Lax Pair of the Bogomolny 
Equation in 2+1 Dimensional Anti-de Sitter Space-Time ......... 351
   Zi-Xiang Zhou

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