Early hominin paleoecology (Boulder, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEarly hominin paleoecology / ed. by M.Sponheimer, J.A.Lee-Thorp, K.E.Reed, P.S.Ungar. - Boulder: University press of Colorado, 2013. - xi, 470 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.459-470. - ISBN 978-1-60732-224-5

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Acknowledgments ................................................ xi

Part 1: Paleoclimate and Paleoenvironment	
1  Faunal Approaches in Early Hominin Paleoecology .............. 3
   Kaye E. Reed, Lillian M  Spencer, and Amy L. Rector
2  Facies Analysis and Plio-Pleistocene Paleoecology ........... 35
   Craig S. Feibel
3  East African Hominin Paleoecology: Isotopic Evidence from
   Paleosols ................................................... 59
   Jay Quade and Naomi E. Levin
4  Tectonics, Orbital Forcing, Global Climate Change, and
   Human Evolution in Africa .................................. 103
   Mark A. Maslin, Beth Christensen, and Katy E. Wilson

Part 2: Hominin Adaptations and Behavior	
5  Early Hominin Posture and Locomotion ....................... 163
   Carol V. Ward
6  The Functional Morphology of Jaws and Teeth: Implications 
   for Understanding Early Hominin Dietary Adaptations ........ 203
   Peter S. Ungar and David J. Daegling
7  Dental Microwear and Paleoecology .......................... 251
   Mark F. Teaford, Peter S. Ungar, and Frederick E. Grine
8  Hominin Ecology from Hard Tissue Biogeochemistry ........... 281
   Julia A. Lee-Thorp and Matt Sponheimer
9  The Behavior of Plio-Pleistocene Hominins: Archaeological
   Perspectives ............................................... 325
   David R. Braun

Part 3: Analogies and Models	
10 Plants and Protopeople: Paleobotanical Reconstruction 
   and Early Hominin Ecology .................................. 355
   Jeanne Sept

II  Chimpanzee Models of Human
11 Behavioral Evolution ....................................... 397
   John C. Mitani
12 Analogies and Models in the Study of the Early Hominins .... 437
   Clifford J. Jolly

Contributors .................................................. 457
Index ......................................................... 459

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