Weiner J. Light - matter interaction: physics and engineering at the nanoscale (Oxford, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWeiner J. Light - matter interaction: physics and engineering at the nanoscale / J.Weiner, F.Nunes. - Oxford: Oxford university press, 2013. - xiii, 261 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.259-261. - ISBN 978-0-19-856765-3

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Historical Synopsis of Light - Matter Interaction ............ 1
   1.1  Light and Matter in Antiquity ........................... 1
   1.2  Light and Matter in the European Renaissance ............ 2
   1.3  The Revolution Accelerates .............................. 3
   1.4  One Scientific Revolution Spawns Another ................ 4
   1.5  Further Reading ......................................... 6
2  Elements of Classical Field Theory ........................... 7
   2.1  Introduction ............................................ 7
   2.2  Relations among Classical Field Quantities .............. 7
   2.3  Classical Fields in Matter .............................. 9
   2.4  Maxwell's Equations .................................... 10
   2.5  Static Fields, Potentials, and Energy .................. 11
   2.6  Three Illustrative Applications ........................ 14
   2.7  Dynamic Fields and Potentials .......................... 25
   2.8  Dipole Radiation ....................................... 28
   2.9  Light Propagation in Dielectric and Conducting Media ... 32
   2.10 Plane Electromagnetic Waves ............................ 35
   2.11 Exercises .............................................. 59
   2.12 Further Reading ........................................ 60
Complement A  Energy Flow in Polarizable Matter ................ 61
   A.l  Poynting's Theorem in Polarizable Material ............. 61
   A.2  Harmonically Driven Polarization Field ................. 62
   A.3  Drude-Lorentz Dispersion ............................... 63
Complement В  Macroscopic Polarization from Microscopic
   Polarizability .............................................. 70
   B.l  Introduction ........................................... 70
   B.2  Electric Field inside a Material ....................... 70
   B.3  Polarization and Polarizability ........................ 72
Complement С  The Classical Charged Oscillator and
   the Dipole Antenna .......................................... 74
   C.l  The Proto-antenna ...................................... 74
   C.2  Real Antennas .......................................... 76
3  Surface Waves ............................................... 81
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 81
   3.2  History of Electromagnetic Surface Waves ............... 81
   3.3  Plasmon Surface Waves at Optical Frequencies ........... 82
   3.4  Plasmon Surface Wave Dispersion ........................ 93
   3.5  Energy Flux and Density at the Boundary ................ 99
   3.6  Plasmon Surface Waves and Waveguides .................. 104
   3.7  Surface Waves at a Dielectric Interface ............... 107
   3.8  Exercises ............................................. 114
   3.9  Further Reading ....................................... 116
4  Transmission Lines, Waveguides, and Equivalent Circuits .... 117
   4.1  Introduction .......................................... 117
   4.2  Elements of Conventional Circuit Theory ............... 117
   4.3  Transmission Lines .................................... 122
   4.4  Special Termination Cases ............................. 130
   4.5  Waveguides ............................................ 134
   4.6  Rectangular Waveguides ................................ 140
   4.7  Cylindrical Waveguides ................................ 143
   4.8  Networks of Transmission Lines and Waveguides ......... 150
   4.9  Nanostructures and Equivalent Circuits ................ 159
   4.10 Exercises ............................................. 170
   4.11 Further Reading ....................................... 171
5  Radiation in Classical and Quantal Atoms ................... 173
   5.1  Introduction .......................................... 173
   5.2  Dipole Emission of an Atomic Electron ................. 173
   5.3  Radiative Damping and Electron Scattering ............. 175
   5.4  The Schrodinger Equation for the Hydrogen Atom ........ 176
   5.5  State Energy and Angular Momentum ..................... 186
   5.6  Real Orbitals ......................................... 188
   5.7  Interaction of Light with the Hydrogen Atom ........... 190
   5.8  The Fourth Quantum Number: Intrinsic Spin ............. 201
   5.9  Other Simple Quantum Dipolar Systems .................. 201
   5.10 Exercises ............................................. 208
   5.11 Further Reading ....................................... 208
Complement D  Classical Blackbody Radiation ................... 210
   D.l  Field Modes in a Cavity ............................... 210
   D.2  Planck Mode Distribution .............................. 213
   D.3  The Einstein A and В Coefficients ..................... 214
Appendix A  Systems of Units in Electromagnetism .............. 216
   A.l  General Discussion of Units and Dimensions ............ 216
   A.2  Coulomb's Law ......................................... 217
   A.3  Ampere's Law .......................................... 219
Appendix В  Review of Vector Calculus ......................... 222
   B.l  Vectors ............................................... 222
   B.2  Axioms of Vector Addition and Scalar Multiplication ... 224
   B.3  Vector Multiplication ................................. 224
   B.4  Vector Fields ......................................... 229
   B.5  Integral Theorems for Vector Fields ................... 232
Appendix С  Gradient, Divergence, and Curl in Cylindrical
   and Polar Coordinates ...................................... 235
   C.l  The Gradient in Curvilinear Coordinates ............... 237
   C.2  The Divergence in Curvilinear Coordinates ............. 238
   C.3  The Curl in Curvilinear Coordinates ................... 239
   C.4  Expressions for Grad, Div, Curl in Cylindrical and
        Polar Coordinates ..................................... 239
Appendix D  Properties of Phasors ............................. 243
   D.l  Introduction .......................................... 243
   D.2  Application of Phasors to Circuit Analysis ............ 244
Appendix E  Properties of the Laguerre Functions .............. 247
   E.l  Generating Function and Recursion Relations ........... 247
   E.2  Orthogonality and Normalization ....................... 248
   E.3  Associated Laguerre Polynomials ....................... 248
Appendix F  Properties of the Legendre Functions .............. 251
   F.l  Generating Function ................................... 251
   F.2  Recurrence Relations .................................. 252
   F.3  Parity ................................................ 253
   F.4  Orthogonality and Normalization ....................... 253
Appendix G  Properties of the Hermite Polynomials ............. 255
   G.1  Generating Function and Recurrence Relations .......... 255
   G.2  Orthogonality and Normalization ....................... 256

Index ......................................................... 259

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