Preface ........................................................ ix
1 Introduction ................................................. 1
1.1 Historical Remarks ...................................... 1
1.2 The Question "What h Science?" in Focus ................. 8
2 The Main Thesis ............................................. 14
2.1 Science and Systematicity .............................. 14
2.1.1 A Little History ................................ 14
2.1.2 Preliminary Remarks ............................. 21
2.2 The Concept of Systematicity ........................... 25
2.3 The Structure of the Argument ........................... 30
3 The Systematicity of Science Unfolded ....................... 35
3.1 Descriptions ........................................... 37
3.1.1 Some Preliminaries .............................. 37
3.1.2 Axiomatization .................................. 41
3.1.3 Classification, Taxonomy, and Nomenclature ...... 42
3.1.4 Periodization ................................... 43
3.1.5 Quantification .................................. 45
3.1.6 Empirical Generalizations ....................... 47
3.1.7 Historical Descriptions ......................... 49
3.2 Explanations ........................................... 53
3.2.1 Some Preliminaries .............................. 53
3.2.2 Explanations Using Empirical Generalizations .... 56
5.2 Explanations Using Theories ............................ 59
3.2.1 Explanations of Human Actions ................... 61
3.2.4 Reductive Explanations .......................... 63
3.2.5 Historical Explanations ......................... 68
3.2.6 Explanation and Understanding in the Humanities
in General ...................................... 71
3.2.7 Explanations in the Study of Literature ......... 75
3.3 Predictions ............................................ 78
3.3.1 Some Preliminaries .............................. 78
3.3.2 Predictions Based on Empirical Regularities of
the Data in Question ............................ 80
3.3.3 Predictions Based on Correlations with Other
Data Sets ....................................... 82
3.3.4 Predictions Based on (Fundamental) Theories or
Laws ............................................ 83
3.3.5 Predictions Based on Models ..................... 85
3.3.6 Predictions Based on Delphi Methods ............. 87
3.4 The Defense of Knowledge Claims ........................ 88
3.4.1 Some Preliminaries .............................. 88
3.4.2 Nonevidential Considerations .................... 92
3.4.3 Empirical Generalizations, Models, and
Theories ........................................ 94
3.4.4 Causal Influence ................................ 98
3.4.5 The Verum Factum Principle ..................... 102
3.4.6 The Role of Mathematics in the Sciences ........ 103
3.4.7 Historical Sciences ............................ 107
3.5 Critical Discourse .................................... 108
3.5.1 Some Preliminaries ............................. 108
3.5.2 Norms and Institutions ......................... 110
3.3.1 Practices in Science Fostering Critical
Discourse ...................................... 111
3.6 Epistemic Connectedness ............................... 113
3.6.1 Preliminaries: The Problem ..................... 113
3.6.2 Failing Answers ................................ 116
3.6.3 The Concept of Epistemic Connectedness ......... 118
3.6.4 Revisiting the Examples ........................ 121
3.7 The Ideal of Completeness ............................. 124
3.7.1 Some Preliminaries ............................. 124
3.7.2 Examples ....................................... 126
3.8 The Generation of New Knowledge ....................... 132
3.8.1 Some Preliminaries ............................. 132
3.8.2 Data Collection ................................ 134
3.8.3 The Exploitation of Knowledge from Other
Domains ........................................ 139
3.8.4 The Generation of New Knowledge as an
Autocatalytic Process .......................... 141
3.9 The Representation of Knowledge ........................ 141
3.9.1 Some Preliminaries .............................. 141
3.9.2 Examples ........................................ 142
4 Comparison with Other Positions ............................ 148
4.1 Aristotle ............................................. 150
4.1.1 The Position ................................... 150
4.1.2 Comparison with Systematicity Theory ........... 151
4.1 Rene Descartes ........................................ 152
4.2.1 The Position ................................... 152
4.2.2 Comparison with Systematicity Theory ........... 154
4.3 Immanuel Kant ......................................... 155
4.3.1 The Position ................................... 155
4.3.2 Comparison with Systematicity Theory ........... 158
4.4 Logical Empiricism .................................... 159
4.4.1 The Position .................................... 159
4.4.2 Comparison with Systematicity Theory ............ 160
4.5 Karl R. Popper ........................................ 161
4.5.1 The Position ................................... 161
4.5.2 Comparison with Systematicity Theory ........... 162
4.6 Thomas S. Kuhn ........................................ 163
4.6.1 The Position ................................... 163
4.6.2 Comparison with Systematicity Theory ........... 164
4.7 Paid K. Feyerabend .................................... 165
4.7.1 The Position ................................... 166
4.7.2 Comparison with Systematicity Theory ........... 168
4.8 Nicholas Rescher ...................................... 170
4.8.1 The Position ................................... 170
4.8.2 Comparison with Systematicity Theory ........... 173
5 Consequences for Scientific Knowledge ...................... 176
5.1 The Genesis and Dynamics of Science ................... 176
5.1.1 Conceptual Clarifications ...................... 177
5.1.2 The Genesis of a Science ....................... 180
5.1.3 The Dynamics of Science ........................ 183
5.2 Science and Common Sense .............................. 187
5.2.1 The Preservation of Common Sense ............... 187
5.2.2 The Deviations from Common Sense ............... 190
5.2.3 Additional Remarh .............................. 193
5.3 Normative Consequences ................................ 196
5.4 Demarcation from Pseudoscience ........................ 199
5.4.1 A Little History ............................... 200
5.4.2 Systematicity Theory's Demarcation Criterion ... 203
6 Conclusion ................................................. 208
Notes ......................................................... 213
Literature Cited .............................................. 259
Index ......................................................... 279