Natural mineral nanotubes: properties and applications (Oakville, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаNatural mineral nanotubes: properties and applications / ed. by P.Pasbakhsh, G.J.Churchman. - Oakville; Waretown: Apple academic press, 2015. - xvii, 498 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.489-498. - ISBN 978-1-77188-056-5

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Оглавление / Contents
List of Contributors ........................................... xi
List of Abbreviations .......................................... xv
List of Symbols ............................................... xix
List of Reviewers ............................................. xxi
Introduction ................................................ xxiii

Part I: The Major Nanotubular Minerals and Their Structures
1  Phyllosilicates Used as Nanotube Substrates in Engineered
   Materials: Structures, Chemistries, and Textures ............. 3
   Stephen Guggenheim

Part II: The Identification and Nomenclature of Natural
Mineral Nanotubes (A Historical Perspective)
2  The Identification and Nomenclature of Halloysite
   (A Historical Perspective) .................................. 51
   G. Jock Churchman
3  The Identification and Nomenclature of Sepiolite and
   Palygorskite (A Historical Perspective) ..................... 69
   Emilio Galán and Patricia Aparicio
4  The Identification and Nomenclature of Chrysotile
   (A Historical Perspective) .................................. 85
   Saverio Fiore and F. Javier Huertas

Part III: Mineralogy, Geology and Occurrence of Natural
Mineral Nanotubes
5  The Mineralogy, Geology and Occurrences of Halloysite ....... 95
   John L. Keeling
6  The Mineralogy, Geology and Main Occurences of Sepiolite
   and Playgorskite Clays ..................................... 117
   Emilio Galán and Manuel Pozo
7  The Mineralogy, Geology and Main Occurrences of
   Chrysotile ................................................. 131
   Saverio Fiore and F. Javier Huertas

Part IV: Applications of Natural Mineral Nanotubes in
8  Polymer Nanocomposites Reinforced by Halloysite Nanotubes:
   A Review ................................................... 141
   Vahdat Vahedi and Pooria Pasbakhsh

Part V: Biopolymer Composites of Natural Mineral Nanotubes and
Their Applications
9  Bionanocomposites of Sepiolite and Palygorskite and Their
   Medical Issues ............................................. 173
   Eduardo Ruiz-Hitzky, Margarita Darder, Francisco
   M. Fernandes, Bernd Wicklein, Ana CS. Alcântara, and Pilar
10 Biopolymer Nanocomposites: Polylactic Acid/Halloysite
   Nanotube Composites ........................................ 197
   Rangika T. De Silva, Pooria Pasbakhsh, and Kheng Lim Goh
11 Halloysite-Poly(Lactic-co-glycolic Acid) Nanocomposites
   for Biomedical Applications ................................ 217
   Mingxian Liu, Peng Ao, Qi Peng, Binghong Luo, and Changren
12 Current Research on Chitosan- Halloysite Composites ........ 235
   Kavitha Govindasamy, Pooria Pasbakhsh, and Kheng Lim Goh

Part VI: Mechanical Properties of Halloysite and Other Nanotubes
13 Measurement of the Elastic Modulus of Halloysite
   Nanotubes Using Atomic Force Microscopy .................... 251
   B. Lecouvet, C. Bailly, and B. Nysten
14 Mechanics of Halloysite Nanotubes .......................... 261
   Kheng Lim Goh, Rangika De Silva, and Pooria Pasbakhsh

Part VII: Modification of Natural Mineral Nanotubes
15 Functionalization and Compatiblization of Halloysite
   Nanotubes .................................................. 283
   Vahdat Vahedi and Pooria Pasbakhsh
16 Modification of Sepiolite and Palygorskite Nanotubes and
   Their Applications ......................................... 307
   Gustave Kenne Dedzo and Christian Detellier
17 Organopalygorskites Prepared from Quaternary Ammonium
   Compounds and Their Environmental Uses ..................... 323
   Binoy Sarkar and Ravi Naidu
18 Surface Modification of Halloysite Nanotubes: Role of
   External Hydroxyl Groups ................................... 341
   Vahdat Vahedi, Pooria Pasbakhsh, and Siang-Piao Chai

Part VIII: Natural Mineral Nanotubes as Nanoreactors Used
in Industrial and Agricultural Applications
19 Halloysite Tubule Nanoreactors in Industrial and
   Agricultural Applications .................................. 363
   Elshad Abdullayev and Yuri Lvov
20 Some Further Industrial, Environmental and Biomedical
   Applications of Halloysite Nanotubes ....................... 383
   B. Lecouvet
21 Nanotubular Minerals as Templates and Nanoreactors ......... 407
   Gustave Kenne Dedzo and Christian Detellier

Part IX: Medical and Health Applications of Natural Mineral
Nanotubes and Their Health Problems
22 Medical and Health Applications of Halloysite Nanotubes .... 421
   Elshad Abdullayev
23 Medical and Health Applications of Natural Mineral
   Nanotubes .................................................. 437
   César Viseras, Carola Aguzzi, and Pilar Cerezo
24 The Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Different Naturally
   Occurring Halloysites ...................................... 449
   Javiera Cervini-Silva, Antonio Nieto-Camacho and Maria
   Teresa Ramirez-Apán
25 Health Effects of Carbon Nanotubes and Some Comparisons
   with Natural Mineral Nanotubes ............................. 461
   Marie-Claude Jaurand

Part X: Final Remarks
26 Current Trends in Research and Application of Natural
   Mineral Nanotubes .......................................... 481
   G. Jock Churchman and Pooria Pasbakhsh

Index ......................................................... 489

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