Geotherapy: innovative methods of soil fertility restoration, carbon sequestration, and reversing CO2 uncrease (Boca Raton, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGeotherapy: innovative methods of soil fertility restoration, carbon sequestration, and reversing CO2 uncrease / ed. by T.J.Goreau, R.W.Larson, J.Campe. - Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2015. - xxix, 600 p.: ill. + 1 CD-ROM. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.591-600. - ISBN 978-1-4665-9539-2

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Оглавление / Contents
Richard Grantham: Father of Geotherapy, 1922-2009 .............. ix
Dick Grantham: A Reminiscence ................................ xiii
Preface ........................................................ xv
Foreword ..................................................... xvii
Executive Summary of Chapters ................................. xxi
Acknowledgments ............................................... xxv
Contributors ................................................ xxvii

1  Introduction: Geotherapy, the Down-to-Earth Solution to 
   Global Warming ............................................... 1
   Thomas J. Goreau, Ronal W. Larson, and Joanna Campe
2  Global Biogeochemical Restoration to Stabilize CO2 at Safe
   Levels in Time to Avoid Severe Climate Change Impacts to 
   Earth's Life Support Systems: Implications for the United
   Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ............... 5
   Thomas J. Goreau
3  Potential Annual and Cumulative Carbon Dioxide Removal via
   Biochar ..................................................... 59
   Ronal W. Larson
4  Potential of Remineralization as a Global Movement .......... 81
   Joanna Campe
5  Curing Sick Soils through Chemistry ........................ 111
   Richard S. Stein and Tadeusz S. Wysocki
6  Rates and Mechanisms of Functional Mineral Reactions in 
   Soils ...................................................... 121
   David A.C. Manning
7  The Green Cookery Book: Recipes against Climate Change 
   and Ocean Acidification .................................... 133
   Olaf Schuiling
8  Olivine: Time for Action! .................................. 153
   Oliver Tickell
9  Reestablishing the Evolutionary Grassland-Grazer
   Relationship to Restore Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide to 
   Preindustrial Levels	 ....................................... 155
   Adam D. Sacks, Richard Teague, Fred Provenza, Seth Itzkan, 
   and Jim Laurie
10 Geology into Biology: Carbon, Minerals, and Microbes -
   Tools to Remineralize Soil, Sequester Carbon, and Restore
   the Earth .................................................. 195
   David Yarrow
11 Biochar: The Field Experience .............................. 235
   Kurt Spokas and Jeff Novak
12 Survey of Biochar Field Trials ............................. 249
   Erich J. Knight
13 Hydrological, Ecological and Economic Advantages of
   Aliquot Biochar Dosing for Soil, Climate, and Ecosystem 
   Remediation ................................................ 255
   D. Nathaniel Mulcahy
14 Mobilizing Biochar: A Multistakeholder Scheme for 
   Climate-Friendly Foods and Rural Sustainable Development ... 269
   Steven R. McGreevy and Akira Shibata
15 Role of Biochar in Farming Systems Producing Food and 
   Energy from Biomass ........................................ 283
   T.R. Preston
16 Vetiver System: Reversing Degradation On and Off Farm to
   Keep Soil Carbon In Place, Build Up Root Biomass, and 
   Turn Degraded Areas into Biofuel Sources ................... 301
   Elise Pinners
17 Basalt Powder Restores Soil Fertility and Greatly 
   Accelerates Tree Growth on Impoverished Tropical Soils in
   Panama ..................................................... 325
   Thomas J. Goreau, Felix Lufkin, Carlos A. Arango, Gabriel
   Despaigne-Matchett, Gabriel Despaigne-Ceballos, Roque
   Solis, Marina Goreau, and Joanna Campe
18 Basalt Dust and Biochar Interactions at New Harmony Farm,
   Massachusetts .............................................. 343
   Thomas J. Goreau, Erin Stack, Elaine Senechal, Jianwu 
   Tang, Rebecca Ryals, Tom Vanacore, and Joanna Campe
19 Soil Remineralization Trial: Preliminary Effects of 
   Montserrat Volcanic Ash on Barbuda Limestone Soils ......... 361
   John Mussington
20 Building Soil Where There is None: Feasibility of Using
   Recycled Glass in Growing Media ............................ 369
   Fred Riger
21 Soil Remineralization in Scotland .......................... 385
   Jennifer A. Brodie
22 Stonemeal: Principles, Potential, and Perspectives from
   Brazil ..................................................... 403
   Suzi Huff Theodora and Othon Henry Leonardos
23 Chemical Composition of Litter Fall and Inputs of Carbon,
   Nitrogen, and Mineral Elements in a Secondary Forest of
   South Cameroon ............................................. 419
   Damien Henri Odigui Ahanda, Monique Abossolo Angue, and
   Jean Jacques Braun
24 Pyroclastic Rocks as Natural Fertilizer: Case Study of
   Volcanic Ashes from Tombel Graben (Cameroon Volcanic 
   Line, Central Africa) ...................................... 425
   David Guimolaire Nkouathio
25 Effect of Powders of Basalts, Tuff, Granites, and 
   Pyroclastic Materials on the Yield and Quality of Carrots
   and Cabbages Grown on Tropical Soils in the Northwest
   Region of Cameroon ......................................... 435
   Samuel Tetsopgang, Pierre Kamga, Paul F. Gonang Achoumele, 
   Bonaventure Alemanji, Dieudonne Z. Manjo, and Linda Mazoh
26 Rock Fertilizers as an Alternative to Conventional
   Fertilizers: The Use of Basalt from the Cameroon
   Volcanic Line for Maize Farming on Ferralitic Soils ........ 445
   Jean Pierre Tchouankoue, Arliane Nicole Tetchou
   Tchekambou, Monique Abossolo Angue, Christophe Ngansop,
   and Suzi Huff Theodoro
27 Seawater Concentrate for Abundant Agriculture .............. 459
   Arthur Zeigler
28 Superior Food Production Using Sea Salt and Plant 
   Extracts ................................................... 475
   Ioan Hossu
29 Biochar-Based Amendment Enhances Tomato Transplant Growth 
   and Early Fruiting ......................................... 497
   Ronald Morse and Jon Nilsson
30 Organic Restoration Minerals Upgrade Soil .................. 503
   Barry Carter
31 SEM-EDX Observation of Diatomaceous Earth at Radioactive 
   Paddy Soils in Fukushima, Japan ............................ 521
   Kazue Tazaki, Teruaki Takehara, Yasuhito Ishigaki, Hideaki 
   Nakagawa, and Masayuki Okuno
32 Healing the Earth by Healing the Waters: Recycling Waste 
   Nutrients Using Biochar and Limestone ...................... 545
   Kirk D.S. Jones
33 Australian Journey toward Commercially Viable Carbon 
   Farming .................................................... 571
   Cindy Eiritz
34 Conclusions: Regreening Earth and Growing Our Way out of 
   Global Crisis .............................................. 587
   Thomas J. Goreau, Ronal W. Larson, and Joanna Campe
Index ......................................................... 591

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