Computational and experimental fluid mechanics with applications to physics, engineering and the environment (Cham, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаComputational and experimental fluid mechanics with applications to physics, engineering and the environment / eds.: L. Di G.Sigalotti et al. - Cham: Springer, 2014. - xxiii, 554 p.: ill. - (Environmental science and engineering. Environmental engineering). - Incl. bibl. ref. - ISBN 978-3-319-00190-6; ISSN 1431-2492

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Оглавление / Contents
Part I  Invited Lectures

Environmental Fluid Mechanics: Applications to Weather
Forecast and Climate Change ..................................... 3
Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti, Eloy Sira, Jaime Klapp and Leonardo

Turbulent Diffusion of Heat at High Rayleigh Numbers ........... 37
Joseph J. Niemela

Numerical Simulation of Sliding Drops on an Inclined Solid
Surface ........................................................ 47
Marco Maglio and Dominique Legendre

Fluids in Cosmology ............................................ 71
Jorge L. Cervantes-Cota and Jaime Klapp

Fluid Mechanics and Systems Biology for Understanding
the Cosmic Distribution of Life: A Review ..................... 107
Julian Chela-Flores

The Impact of Computational Fluid Mechanics on Cancer
Research ...................................................... 121
Dimas C. Belisario and Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti

Growth of Bubbles in Reservoirs and Its Consequences
on the Foam Formation ......................................... 141
Abel López-Villa and Abraham Medina

Theoretical Physics of Granular Fluids and Solids ............. 165
Leonardo Trujillo and Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti

Shock Structure and Acoustic Waves in a Supersonic Jet ........ 193
Catalina Stern Forgach and Jose Manuel Alvarado Reyes

xii Contents Complex Fluids, Soft Matter and the Jamming
Transition Problem ............................................ 211
Alberto A. Díaz and Leonardo Trujillo

A Multiphase Approach to Model Blood Flow in Micro-Tubes ...... 235
Т.M. Mubita, L.R. Rojas-Solórzano and J.B. Moreno

Perspective: The Breakup of Liquid Jets and the Formation
of Droplets ................................................... 249
Jose R. Castrejón-Pita and Ian M. Hutchings

Experimental Investigation of Thermal Diffusion in Binary
Fluid Mixtures ................................................ 259
Humberto Cabrera

Stellar Mass Accretion Rates from Fragmentation of
a Rotating Core ............................................... 271
Jaime Klapp, Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti and Miguel Zavala

Biocompatible Treatment of Extra Heavy Oil Produced
in Venezuela .................................................. 289
Ledys Y. Sánchez, Efrén D.J. Andrades, Erick A. Pacheco,
Hilda C. Grassi, Carlos R. Vera-Lagos and Victor
J. Andrades-Grassi

Dynamical Behaviour of As(V) and Se(IV) Adsorption in
Biofllters: Analysis of Dimensions, Flux and Removal
Percentage .................................................... 297
Jaime Klapp, Carlos E. Alvarado-Rodríguez and Elizabeth
Teresita Romero-Guzmán

Part II  Drops, Particles and Waves

The Geometry of Drop-Formed Vortex Rings ...................... 307
Franklin Peña-Polo, Armando Blanco and Leonardo Di
G. Sigalotti

Hydrodynamics of Multiple Coalescence Collisions of Liquid
Drops: From the Modelling of the Coalescence Phenomenon
to Flocculation of Drops in 3D Using the SPH Formalism ........ 315
Alejandro Acevedo-Malavé

A Three-Dimensional SPH Approach for Modelling the Collision
Process Between Liquid Drops: The Formation of Clusters
of Unequal-Sized Drops ........................................ 325
Alejandro Acevedo-Malavé

Numerical Simulations of Freely Oscillating Drops ............. 335
Jorge Troconis, Armando Blanco, Dominique Legendre, Leonardo
Trujillo and Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti

Brownian Dynamics Simulation by Reticular Mapping Matrix
Method ........................................................ 345
Eric Plaza

Faraday Wave Patterns on a Triangular Cell Network ............ 357
Franklin Peña-Polo, Iván Sánchez and Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti

Part III  Multiphase and Multicomponent Flow

Faraday Wave Patterns on a Triangular Cell Network ............ 357
Gas-Liquid-Solid Volumetric Phase Distribution Estimation in
a Cold Slurry Bubble Column System for Hydro-Conversion
Processes ..................................................... 369
Miguel V. Paiva-Rojas, Virginia Contreras-Andrade and
Solange С. Araujo

Feasibility of Slug Flow Simulation Using the Commercial
Code CFX ...................................................... 379
Mauricio A. Labarca, Juan J. González and Carlos Araujo

Heavy Oil Transportation as a Solid-Liquid Dispersion ......... 389
Adriana Brito, H. Salazar, Ramón Cabello, Jorge Trujillo,
L. Mendoza and L. Alvarez

Comprehensive Evaluation of Gas-Liquid Cyclonic Separation
Technologies .................................................. 397
Yessica Arellano, Adriana Brito, Jorge Trujillo and Ramón

Geometric Design Optimization of a Prototype Axial
Gas-Liquid Cyclonic Separator ................................. 409
Luis D. Peréz Guerra, Jorge Trujillo and William Blanco

Effect of Hydrotreating Reaction Conditions on Viscosity,
API Gravity and Specific Gravity of Maya Crude Oil ............ 423
Yanet Villasana, Sergio Ramírez, Jorge Ancheyta and Joaquín
L. Brito

Mechanistic Model for Eccentric Annular Gas-Liquid Flow
in Horizontal Pipelines ....................................... 431
Adriana Brito, Nelson MacQuhae, Francisco García, Nelson
Fernández and José Colmenares

Scaling Properties in the Adsorption of Ionic Polymeric
Surfactants on Generic Nanoparticles of Metallic Oxides
by Mesoscopic Simulation ...................................... 443
Estela Mayoral and Eduardo Nahmad-Achar

Effect of Mixtures of Polysorbate 80 and Low Molecular Weight
Alcohols on Density and °API Gravity of Treated Venezuelan
Extra Heavy Oil ............................................... 453
Efrén D.J. Andrades, Ledys Y. Sánchez, Hilda C. Grassi,
Erick A. Pacheco, Silvia E. Andrades-Grassi and Gerardo
E. Medina-Ramírez

Part IV  Granular and Porous-Media Flow

On the Construction of a Continuous Theory for Granular
Flows ......................................................... 463
Juan C. Petit, Juan F. Marín and Leonardo Trujillo

Integral Representation for Continuous Matter Fields
in Granular Dynamics .......................................... 473
Juan F. Marín, Juan C. Petit, Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti and
Leonardo Trujillo

Numerical SPH Calculations of Fluid Flow Through Saturated
and Non-Saturated Porous Media ................................ 481
Estela Mayoral, Mario A. Rodríguez-Meza, Eduardo de la
Cruz-Sánchez, Jaime Klapp, Francisco Solórzano-Araujo,
César Ruiz-Ferrel and Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti

Part V  Astrophysical and Relativistic Flow

Propagation of Longitudinal Waves in Super-Radially
Expanding Solar Plumes ........................................ 499
Leonardo Di G. Sigalotti, Jordan A. Guerra and Hailleen

Comparing Accretion Centres Between Rotating and Turbulent
Cloud Cores ................................................... 509
Guillermo Arreaga-García and Jaime Klapp

Statistical Methods for the Detection of Flows in Active
Galactic Nuclei Using X-Ray Spectral Lines .................... 521
Luis F. Pérez and José M. Ramírez

Reproducing the X-Ray Soft Step @ 0.9 keV Observed in the
Spectrum of Ark 564 Using Reflection Models ................... 529
José M. Ramírez and Snell Rojas

Dynamics of Relativistic, Dissipative and Anisotropic
Self-Gravitating Fluids ....................................... 535
Orlenys Troconis

Hydrodynamic Version of the Equation of Motion of a Charged
Complex Scalar Field .......................................... 545
Mario A. Rodríguez-Meza and Tonatiuh Matos

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