Remote sensing of the cryosphere (Oxford; Chichester; Hoboken, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRemote sensing of the cryosphere / ed. by M.Tedesco. - Oxford; Chichester; Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. - xxiv, 403 p.: ill. - (The cryosphere science series). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.393-403. - ISBN 978-1-118-36885-5

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Оглавление / Contents
List of contributors ........................................... xv
Cryosphere Science: Series Preface ............................ xix
Preface ....................................................... xxi
Acknowledgments ............................................. xxiii
About the companion website .................................. xxiv
1  Remote sensing and the cryosphere ............................ 1
   Marco Tedesco
2  Electromagnetic properties of components of the
   cryosphere .................................................. 17
   Marco Tedesco
3  Remote sensing of snow extent ............................... 31
   Dorothy K. Hall, Allan Frei, and Stephen J. Déry
4  Remote sensing of snow albedo, grain size, and pollution
   from space .................................................. 48
   Alexander A. Khokanovsky
5  Remote sensing of snow depth and snow water equivalent ...... 73
   Marco Tedesco, Chris Berksen, Jeffrey S. Deems, and
   James L. Foster
6  Remote sensing of melting snow and ice ...................... 99
   Marco Tedesco, Thomas Mote, Konrad Steffen, Dorothy K.
   Hall, and Waleed Abdalati
7  Remote sensing of glaciers ..................................123
   Bruce H. Raup, Liss M. Andreassen, Tobias Boich, and
   Suzanne Bevan
8  Remote sensing of accumulation over the Greenland and
   Antarctic ice sheets ....................................... 157
   Lora Koenig, Richard Forster, Ludovic Brucker, and Julie
9  Remote sensing of ice thickness and surface velocity ....... 187
   Prasad Gogineni and Jie-Bang Yan
10 Gravimetry measurements from space ......................... 231
   Scott B. Luthcke, D.D. Rowlands, T.J. Sabaka,
   B.D. Loomis, M. Horwath, and A.A. Arendt
11 Remote sensing of sea ice .................................. 248
   Walter N. Meier and Thorsten Markus
12 Remote sensing of lake and river ice ....................... 273
   Claude R. Duguay, Monique Bernier, Yves Gauthier, and
   Alexei Kouraev
13 Remote sensing of permafrost and frozen ground ............. 307
   Sebastian Westermann, Claude R. Duguay, Guido Grosse, and
   Andreas Kääb
14 Field measurements for remote sensing of the cryosphere .... 345
   Hans-Peter Marshall, Robert L. Hawley, and Marco Tedesco
15 Remote sensing missions and the cryosphere ................. 382
   Marco Tedesco, Tommaso Parrinello, Charles Webb, and
   Thorsten Markus

Index.......................................................... 393

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