Metal chalcogenide nanostructures for renewable energy applications (Hoboken; Salem, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMetal chalcogenide nanostructures for renewable energy applications / ed. by A.Qurashi. - Hoboken: Wiley; Salem: Scrivener publishing, 2015. - xii, 305 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.299-305. - ISBN 978-1-118-23791-5

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ xi


1  Introduction: An Overview of Metal Chalcogenide
   Nanostructures for Renewable Energy Applications ............. 3
   Ahsanulhaq Qurashi
   1.1  Introduction ............................................ 3
   1.2  Metal Chalcogenide Nanostructures ....................... 7
   1.3  Growth of Metal Chalcogenide Nanostructures ............. 8
   1.4  Applications of Metal Chalcogenide Nanostructures ...... 16
   1.5  Summary and Future Perspective ......................... 18
   References .................................................. 18

2  Renewable Energy and Materials .............................. 23
   Muhammad Asif
   2.1  Global Energy Scenario ................................. 23
   2.2  Role of Renewable Energy in Sustainable Energy
        Future ................................................. 25
   2.3  Importance of Materials Role in Renewable Energy ....... 27
   References .................................................. 30

3  Sustainable Feed Stock and Energy Futures ................... 33
   H. Idriss
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 33
   3.2  Discussion ............................................. 34
        3.2.1  Nuclear Technology .............................. 35
        3.2.2  Solar Energy .................................... 36
        3.2.3  Hydrogen by Water Splitting ..................... 38
   References .................................................. 41


4  Metal-Selenide Nanostructures: Growth and Properties ........ 45
   Ramin Yousefi
   4.1  Introduction ........................................... 45
   4.2  Growth and Properties of Different Groups of
        Metal-Selenide Nanostructures .......................... 48
        4.2.1  Metal Selenides from II-VI Semiconductors ....... 48
        4.2.2  ZnSe ............................................ 48
        4.2.3  CdSe ............................................ 54
        4.2.4  HgSe ............................................ 57
   4.3  Metal Selenides from III-VI Semiconductors ............. 57
        4.3.1  In2Se3 .......................................... 58
   4.4  Metal Selenides from IV-VI Semiconductors .............. 61
        4.4.1  SnSe ............................................ 61
        4.4.1  PbSe ............................................ 62
   4.5  Metal Selenides from V-VI Semiconductors ............... 66
        4.5.1  Sb2Se3 .......................................... 66
        4.5.2  Bi2Se3 .......................................... 68
   4.6  Metal Selenides from Transition Metal (TM) ............. 69
        4.6.1  Copper Selenide (CuSe, Cu3Se2) .................. 70
        4.6.2  Iron Selenide (FeSe2, FeSe) ..................... 71
        4.6.3  MoSe2 ........................................... 72
        4.6.3   WSe2 ........................................... 74
   4.7  Ternary Metal-Selenide Compounds ....................... 75
        4.7.1  CuInSe2 (Copper Indium Diselenide) .............. 75
        4.7.2  CdSSe ........................................... 76
        4.7.3  CdZnSe .......................................... 77
   4.8  Summary and Future Outlook ............................. 78
   Acknowledgment .............................................. 79
   References .................................................. 79

5  Growth Mechanism and Surface Functionalization
   of Metal Chalcogenides Nanostructures ....................... 83
   Muhammad Nawaz Tahir, Jugal Kishore Sahoo, Faegheh
   Hoshyargar, Wolfgang Tremel
   5.1  Introduction ........................................... 84
        5.1.2  Structure of Layered Transition Metal
               Chalcogenides (LTMCs) ........................... 87
   5.2  Synthetic Methods for Layered Metal Chalcogenides ...... 89
        5.2.1  Laser Ablation .................................. 89
        5.2.2  Arc Discharge ................................... 90
        5.2.3  Microwave-Induced Plasma ........................ 90
        5.2.4  Electron Beam Irradiation ....................... 90
        5.2.5  Spray Pyrolysis ................................. 91
        5.2.6  Sulfidization with H2S .......................... 91
        5.2.7  Hydrothermal .................................... 91
        5.2.8  Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition
               (MOCVD) Technique ............................... 91
        5.2.9  Vapor-Liquid-Solid (VLS) Growth ................. 94
        5.2.10 Oxide-to-Sulfide Conversion ..................... 95
        5.2.11 Hot-Injection Solution Synthesis ................ 98
        5.2.12 Liquid Exfoliation .............................. 99
   5.3  Surface Functionalization of Layered Metal
        Dichalcogenide Nanostructures ......................... 102
        5.3.1  Surface Functionalization Based on
               Polymeric Ligands .............................. 102
        5.3.2  Surface Functionalization Based on
               Pearson Hardness ............................... 107
        5.3.3  Surface Functionalization of Metal
               Chalcogenides by Silane ........................ 110
   5.4  Applications of Inorganic Nanotubes and Fullerenes .... 110
        5.4.1  Energy ......................................... 111
   References ................................................. 113

6  Optical and Structural Properties of Metal Chalcogenide
   Semiconductor Nanostructures ............................... 123
   Ihsan-ul-Haq Toor and Shafique Khan
   6.1  Optical Properties of Metal Chalcogenides
        Semiconductor Nanostructures .......................... 124
        6.1.2  Metal Chalcogenide Nanocrystals ................ 126
   6.2  Structural Properties and Defects of Metal
        Chalcogenide Semiconductor Nanostructures ............. 133
   References ................................................. 142

7  Structural and Optical Properties of CdS Nanostructures .... 147
   Y. Al-Douri
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 147
   7.2  Nanomaterials ......................................... 150
   7.3  II-VI Semiconductors .................................. 152
   7.4  Sol-Gel Process ....................................... 155
   7.5  Structural and Surface Characterization of
        Nanostructured CdS .................................... 156
   7.6  Optical Properties .................................... 159
   7.7  Conclusion ............................................ 161
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 162
   References ................................................. 162


8  Metal Sulfide Photocatalysts for Hydrogen Generation
   by Water Splitting under Illumination of Solar Light ....... 167
   Zhonghai Zhang
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 167
   8.2  Photocatalytic Water Splitting on Single Metal
        Sulfide ............................................... 169
        8.2.1  CdS ............................................ 169
        8.2.2  ZnS ............................................ 170
        8.2.2  SnS2 ........................................... 172
   8.3  Photocatalytic Water Splitting on Multi-metal
        Sulfide ............................................... 173
        8.3.1  ZnIn2S4 ........................................ 173
        8.3.2  CuS/ZnS ........................................ 175
        8.3.4  CuGa3S5 ........................................ 176
        8.3.5  CdS-MoS2 ....................................... 177
        8.3.6  NiS-CdS ........................................ 178
        8.3.7  Mn-Cd-S ........................................ 179
        8.3.8  PbS/CdS ........................................ 180
        8.3.9  AGa2In3S8 (A = Cu or Ag) ....................... 180
   8.4  Metal Sulfides Solid-Solution Photocatalysts .......... 180
   8.5  Summary and Future Outlook ............................ 184
   References ................................................. 184

9  Metal Chalcogenide Hierarchical Nanostructures for
   Energy Conversion Devices .................................. 189
   Ramin Yousefi, Farid Jamali-Sheini, Ali Khorsand Zak
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 190
        9.1.1  Why Metal Chalcogenide Semiconductors Matter
               for Energy Conversion .......................... 191
   9.2  Main Characteristics of Cd-Chalcogenide Nanocrystals
        (CdE; E = S, Se, Те) .................................. 192
   9.3  Different Methods to Grow Cd-Chalcogenide
        Nanocrystals .......................................... 192
        9.3.1  Thermal Evaporation Method to Grow
               Cd-Chalcogenide Nanocrystals ................... 192
        9.3.2  Chemical Bath Deposition Method to Grow
               Cd-Chalcogenide Nanocrystals ................... 205
        9.3.3  Electrochemical Deposition Method to Grow
               Cd-Chalcogenide Nanocrystals ................... 210
        9.3.4  Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) Method to Grow
               Cd-Chalcogenide Nanocrystals ................... 212
   9.4  Solar Energy Conversion ............................... 212
        9.4.1  Modeling of Solar Energy Conversion ............ 213
        9.4.2  Semiconductor Solar Cells ...................... 216
        9.4.3  Hierarchical Branching Nanostructures as
               Better Solar Energy Harvesting ................. 218
   9.5  Cd-Chalcogenide Nanocrystals as Solar Energy
        Conversion ............................................ 219
        9.5.1  CdS Nanostructures Solar Cells ................. 219
        9.5.2  CdSe Nanostructures Solar Cells ................ 223
        9.5.3  CdTe Nanostructures Solar Cells ................ 226
   9.6  Summary and Future Outlook ............................ 230
   References ................................................. 230

10 Metal Chalcogenide Quantum Dots for Hybrid Solar
   Cell Applications .......................................... 233
   Mir Waqas Alam and Ahsanulhaq Qurashi
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 233
   10.2 Chemical Synthesis of Quantum Dots .................... 235
        10.2.1 Single-Step Synthesis of Highly Luminescent
               Quantum Dots ................................... 235
        10.2.2 Electrochemical Deposition Method .............. 235
        10.2.3 Chemical Aerosol Flow Method ................... 236
        10.2.4 Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) ................. 237
   10.3 Quantum Dots Solar cell ............................... 238
   10.4 Summary and Future Prospects .......................... 243
   References ................................................. 243

11 Solar Cell Application of Metal Chalcogenide
   Semiconductor Nanostructures ............................... 247
   Hongjun Wu
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 247
   11.2 Chalcogenide-Based Thin-Film Solar Cells .............. 248
   11.3 CdTe-Based Solar Cells ................................ 249
   11.4 Cu(In, Ga)(S, Se)2 (CIGS)-Based Solar Cells ........... 251
   11.5 Metal Chalcogenides-Based Quantum-Dots-Sensitized
        Solar Cells (QDSSCs) .................................. 253
   11.6 Hybrid Metal Chalcogenides Nanostructure-Conductive
        Polymer Composite Solar Cells ......................... 257
   11.7 Conclusions ........................................... 261
   References ................................................. 262

12 Chalcogenide-Based Nanodevices for Renewable Energy ........ 269
   Y. Al-Douri
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 269
   12.2 Renewable Energy ...................................... 272
   12.3 Nanodevices ........................................... 274
   12.4 Density Functional Theory ............................. 277
   12.5 Analytical Studies .................................... 278
   12.6 Conclusion ............................................ 284
   References ................................................. 285

13 Metal Tellurides Nanostructures for Thermoelectric
   Applications ............................................... 289
   Salman B. Inayat
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 290
   13.2 Thermoelectric Microdevice Fabricated by a MEMS-Like
        Electrochemical Process ............................... 290
   13.3 Bi2Te3-Based Flexible Micro Thermoelectric
        Generator ............................................. 292
   13.4 High-Thermoelectric Performance of Nanostructured
        Bismuth Antimony Telluride Bulk Alloys ................ 293
   13.5 Nano-manufactured Thermoelectric Glass Windows
        for Energy Efficient Building Technologies ............ 294
   13.6 Conclusion ............................................ 296
   References ................................................. 297

Index ......................................................... 299

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