Magnetotails in the Solar system (Washington; Hoboken, 2000). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMagnetotails in the Solar system / eds.: A.Keiling, C.Jackman, P.Delamere. - Washington: American geophysical union; Hoboken: Wiley, 2000. - x, 407 p.: ill. - (Geophysical monograph; 207). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.393-407. - ISBN 978-1-118-84234-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Contributors .................................................. vii

Andreas Keiling, Caitrfona Jackman, and Peter Delamere ......... ix

Section I: Introduction
1  Magnetotail: Unsolved Fundamental Problem of
   Magnetospheric Physics
   Vytenis M. Vasyliũnas ........................................ 3

Section II: Tutorials
2  Mercury's Magnetotail
   T. Sundberg and J.A. Slavin ................................. 23
3  Magnetotails of Mars and Venus
   E. Dubinin and M. Fraenz .................................... 43
4  Earth's Magnetotail
   Robert L. McPherron ......................................... 61
5  Jupiter's Magnetotail
   Norbert Krupp, Elena Kronberg, and Aikaterini Radioti ....... 85
6  Saturn's Magnetotail
   Caitríona M. Jackman ........................................ 99
7  Magnetotails of Uranus and Neptune
   C.S. Arridge ............................................... 119
8  Satellite Magnetotails
   Xianzhe Jia ................................................ 135
9  Moon's Plasma Wake
   J.S. Halekas, D.A. Brain and M. Holmström .................. 149
10 Physics of Cometary Magnetospheres
   Tamas I. Gombosi ........................................... 169
11 Heliotail
   David J. McComas ........................................... 189

Section III: Specialized Topics
12 Formation of Magnetotails: Fast and Slow Rotators
   D.J. Southwood ............................................. 199
13 Solar Wind Interaction with Giant Magnetospheres and
   Earth's Magnetosphere
   P.A. Delamere .............................................. 217
14 Solar Wind Entry Into and Transport Within Planetary
   Simon Wing and Jay R. Johnson .............................. 235
15 Magnetic Reconnection in Different Environments:
   Similarities and Differences
   Michael Hesse, Nicolas Aunai, Masha Kuznetsova, Seiji
   Zenitani, and Joachim Birn ................................. 259
16 Origin and Evolution of Plasmoids and Flux Ropes in the
   Magnetotails of Earth and Mars
   J.P. Eastwood and S.A. Kiehas .............................. 269
17 Current Sheets Formation in Planetary Magnetotail
   Antonius Otto, Min-Shiu Hsieh, and Fred Hall IV ............ 289
18 Substorms: Plasma and Magnetic Flux Transport from
   Magnetic Tail into Magnetosphere
   Cerhard Haerendel .......................................... 307
19 Injection, Interchange, and Reconnection: Energetic
   Particle Observations in Saturn's Magnetosphere
   D.G. Mitchell, P.C. Brandt, J.F. Carbary, W.S. Kurth,
   S.M. Krimigis, C. Paranicas, Norbert Krupp,
   D.С. Hamilton, В.H. Маuк, С.В. Hospodarsky,
   М.К. Dougherty, and W.R. Pryor ............................. 327
20 Radiation Belt Electron Acceleration and Role of
   Geoffrey D. Reeves ......................................... 345
21 Substorm Current Wedge at Earth and Mercury
   L. Kepko, K.-H. Glassmeier, J.A. Slavin, and
   T. Sundberg ................................................ 361
22 Review of Global Simulation Studies of Effect of
   Ionospheric Outflow on Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System
   M. Wiltberger .............................................. 373

Index ......................................................... 393

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