Dubrovskii V.G. Nucleation theory and growth of nanostructures (Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаDubrovskii V.G. Nucleation theory and growth of nanostructures. - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, 2014. - xiii, 601 p.: ill. - (Nanoscience and technology). - Bibliogr.: p.573-589. - Ind.: p.591-601. - ISBN 978-3-642-39659-5; ISSN 1434-4904

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Fundamentals of Nucleation Theory ............................ 1
   1.1  Thermodynamics of Phase Transition ...................... 4
   1.2  Scenarios of Phase Transition .......................... 11
   1.3  Laplacian Pressure and Gibbs-Thomson Effect ............ 15
   1.4  Contact Angle .......................................... 18
   1.5  Formation Energy ....................................... 24
   1.6  Adsorption and Thin Films .............................. 30
   1.7  Growth Rates ........................................... 38
   1.8  Rate Equations of Nucleation Theory .................... 43
   1.9  Exact Solutions ........................................ 47
   1.10 Continuum Approximation ................................ 55
   1.11 Stationary State ....................................... 57
   1.12 Stages of Nucleation-Condensation Process .............. 64
2  Theoretical Description of Condensation Stages .............. 75
   2.1  Transformation to Invariant Size ....................... 77
   2.2  Nucleation Stage ....................................... 81
   2.3  Nucleation Modes ....................................... 88
   2.4  Green Function at the Growth Stage ..................... 95
   2.5  Absence of Fluctuation-Induced Spreading at the 
        Nucleation Stage ...................................... 100
   2.6  Time Evolution of Size Spectrum ....................... 101
   2.7  Asymptotic Growth Stage ............................... 112
   2.8  Ostwald Ripening ...................................... 115
   2.9  Tailoring the Size Distribution ....................... 122
   2.10 Kolmogorov-Johnson-Mehl-Avrami Model .................. 129
   2.11 Three-Dimensional Thin Films .......................... 133
   2.12 Growth Rate of a Crystal Facet of Arbitrary Size ...... 138
   2.13 Irreversible Growth ................................... 143
   2.14 Formation of Peptide Chains ........................... 156
   2.15 Open Irreversible Systems ............................. 161
3  Self-Induced Islands in Lattice Mismatched Systems ......... 167
   3.1  Size Quantization in Semiconductor Nanostructures ..... 170
   3.2  Stranski-Krastanow Growth ............................. 178
   3.3  Elastic Relaxation in Nanostructures .................. 190
   3.4  Growth Scenarios and Preferred Aspect Ratio ........... 197
   3.5  Formation Energy of Stranski-Krastanow Islands ........ 207
   3.6  Nucleation Stage and Critical Thickness ............... 213
   3.7  Growth of Stranski-Krastanow Islands .................. 219
   3.8  Modeling of Size Distribution ......................... 223
   3.9  Role of Surface Steps ................................. 225
   3.10 Subcritical Quantum Dots .............................. 228
   3.11 Kinetically Controlled Engineering of Quantum Dot 
        Ensembles ............................................. 231
   3.12 Theory and Experiment: InAs/GaAs System ............... 235
   3.13 Theory and Experiment: Ge/Si System ................... 243
   3.14 III-V Nanoneedles and Nanopillars ..................... 249
   3.15 Growth Kinetics of GaAs Nanoneedles ................... 260
   3.16 Growth Properties of Co Nanoislands on CaF2/Si( 111) .. 265
4  Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth of Nanowires ..................... 275
   4.1  Vapor-Liquid-Solid Growth Mechanism ................... 277
   4.2  Alternative Growth Mechanisms ......................... 298
   4.3  Role of Size-Dependent Effects ........................ 304
   4.4  Role of Surface Energies .............................. 310
   4.5  Triple Phase Line Nucleation .......................... 315
   4.6  Non-planar Growth Interfaces .......................... 318
   4.7  Adsorption-Induced Growth ............................. 323
   4.8  Diffusion-Induced Growth .............................. 332
   4.9  Simplified Growth Equations ........................... 342
   4.10 Self-Consistent Growth Models ......................... 347
   4.11 Length—Radius Dependences ............................. 355
   4.12 Temperature Conditions for the VLS Growth ............. 369
   4.13 Growth Chronology of a Single InPAs Nanowire .......... 379
   4.14 Non-linear Effects in Nanowire Growth ................. 384
   4.15 Narrowing the Length Distribution of Ge Nanowires ..... 390
5  Special Topics of Nanowire Growth and Morphology ........... 397
   5.1  Axial Nanowire Heterostructures ....................... 399
   5.2  Nanowires on Lattice Mismatched Substrates ............ 403
   5.3  Core-Shell Nanowire Heterostructures .................. 410
   5.4  Cylinder-to-Cone Shape Modification ................... 416
   5.5  Growth Modeling of CdTe Nanowires ..................... 427
   5.6  Nucleation Statistics ................................. 430
   5.7  Self-Regulated Pulsed Nucleation in Catalyzed 
        Nanowires ............................................. 435
   5.8  Boron Distribution in Si Nanowire ..................... 442
   5.9  Ga-catalyzed GaAs Nanowires ........................... 448
   5.10 Self-Induced GaN Nanowires ............................ 456
   5.11 Nucleation of GaN Nanowires ........................... 463
   5.12 Scaling Growth Kinetics ............................... 471
   5.13 Vertical Growth Rate of GaN Nanowires ................. 476
   5.14 Cooperative Effects in Nanowire Growth ................ 482
        5.14.1 Shadow Effect .................................. 483
        5.14.2 Re-emission Assisted Growth of InSb-InAs
               Nanowires ...................................... 488
   5.15 Chemical Potentials for Au-assisted VLS Growth
        of III-V Nanow:res .................................... 493
6  Crystal Structure of III-V Nanowires ....................... 499
   6.1  Crystal Structures of III-V Materials ................. 501
   6.2  Experimental Observations of Polytypism ............... 509
   6.3  Surface Energies of Nanowire Sidewalls ................ 515
   6.4  Equilibrium Radius of Zincblende-Wurtzite Transition .. 523
   6.5  Kinetic Theory of Wurtzite Phase Formation ............ 526
   6.6  Further Development of Kinetic Approach ............... 532
   6.7  Kinetic Radius of Structural Transition ............... 538
   6.8  Crystal Phase Engineering ............................. 541
   6.9  Benefits of High Growth Rate .......................... 553
   6.10 Zincblende Structure of Ga-catalyzed GaAs Nanowires ... 559
   6.11 Wetting Mode of VLS Growth ............................ 563
   6.12 Wurtzite Structure of III-V Nanoneedles ............... 568
References .................................................... 573
Index ......................................................... 591

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