Thomas L. Coal geology (Oxford; Chichester, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThomas L. Coal geology. - 2nd ed. - Oxford; Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013. - xi, 444 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.385-397. - Ind.: p.431-444. - ISBN 978-1-119-99044-4

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface To First Edition ....................................... ix
Preface ........................................................ xi
1  Preview ...................................................... 1
   1.1  Scope ................................................... 1
   1.2  Coal geology ............................................ 1
   1.3  Coal use ................................................ 1
   1.4  Backgrounds .............................................
2  Origin of Coal ............................................... 3
   2.1  Introduction ............................................ 3
   2.2  Sedimentation of coal and coal-bearing sequences ........ 3
   2.3  Structural effects on coal ............................. 33
3  Age and Occurrence of Coal .................................. 53
   3.1  Introduction ........................................... 53
   3.2  Plate tectonics ........................................ 53
   3.3  Stratigraphy ........................................... 54
   3.4  Age and geographical distribution of coal .............. 58
4  Coal as a Substance ......................................... 87
   4.1  Physical description of coal ........................... 87
   4.2  Coalification (rank) .................................. 103
   4.3  Coal quality .......................................... 111
   4.4  Classification of coals ............................... 125
5  Coal Sampling and Analysis ................................. 137
   5.1  Coal sampling ......................................... 137
   5.2  In situ sampling ...................................... 137
   5.3  Ex situ sampling ...................................... 142
   5.4  Coal analysis ......................................... 145
6  Coal Exploration and Data Collection ....................... 151
   6.1  Introduction .......................................... 151
   6.2  Field techniques ...................................... 151
   6.3  Drilling .............................................. 165
   6.4  Geotechnical properties ............................... 173
   6.5  Computer applications ................................. 178
7  Coal Resources and Reserves ................................ 185
   7.1  Introduction .......................................... 185
   7.2  Classification of coal resources and reserves ......... 185
   7.3  Reporting of resources and reserves ................... 198
   7.4  World coal reserves and production .................... 205
8  Geophysics of Coal ......................................... 211
   8.1  Introduction .......................................... 211
   8.2  Physical properties of coal-bearing sequences ......... 211
   8.3  Surface geophysical methods ........................... 213
   8.4  Underground geophysical methods ....................... 231
   8.5  Geophysical borehole logging .......................... 233
9  Hydrogeology of Coal ....................................... 253
   9.1  Introduction .......................................... 253
   9.2  The nature of groundwater and surface flow ............ 253
   9.3  Hydrogeological characteristics of coals and
        coal-bearing sequences ................................ 255
   9.4  Collection and handling of hydrogeological data ....... 258
   9.5  Groundwater inflows in mines .......................... 259
   9.6  Groundwater rebound ................................... 269
10 Geology and Coal Mining .................................... 271
   10.1 Introduction .......................................... 271
   10.2 Underground mining .................................... 271
   10.3 Surface mining ........................................ 287
11 Coal as an Alternative Energy Source ....................... 303
   11.1 Introduction .......................................... 303
   11.2 Gas in coal ........................................... 303
   11.3 Underground coal gasification (UCG) ................... 322
   11.4 Coal as a liquid fuel ................................. 330
   11.5 Coal as an oil-prone source rock ...................... 332
   12 Coal  Use and the Environment ........................... 339
   12.1 Introduction .......................................... 339
   12.2 Coal mining ........................................... 339
   12.3 Coal use .............................................. 354
   12.4 Health ................................................ 362
   12.5 Carbon capture and storage (CCS) ...................... 363
   12.6 Environmental regulations ............................. 364
   12.7 Future implications ................................... 368
13 Coal Marketing ............................................. 369
   13.1 Introduction .......................................... 369
   13.2 Coal quality .......................................... 369
   13.3 Transportation ........................................ 371
   13.4 Coal contracts ........................................ 379
   13.5 Coal price and indexing ............................... 381
   References ................................................. 385
Appendix 1. List of International and National Standards
   used in Coal and Coke Analysis and Evaluation .............. 399
Appendix 2. Tables of True and Apparent Dip, Slope Angles,
   Gradients and Per Cent Slope ............................... 415
Appendix 3. Calorific Values Expressed in Different Units ..... 417
Appendix 4. Units of measurement .............................. 421
Appendix 5. Methane Units Converter ........................... 423
Glossary ...................................................... 425
Index ......................................................... 431

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