Weigold P. The role of microorganisms in the natural cycling of organohalogens in soils and sediments (Tubingen, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаWeigold P. The role of microorganisms in the natural cycling of organohalogens in soils and sediments: Diss. … Dr.rer.nat. - Tubingen: Eberhard-Karls Universitat, 2015. - 215 p.: ill. - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p.205-207. 

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Оглавление / Contents
Summary ......................................................... 1
Zusammenfassung ................................................. 3
Introduction .................................................... 5

Chapter I: Ribosomal tag pyrosequencing of DNA and RNA reveals 
   'rare' taxa with high protein synthesis potential in the 
   sediment of a hypersaline lake in Western Australia ......... 28
Chapter II: Predominance of biotic over abiotic formation of 
   halogenated hydrocarbons in hypersaline sediments in 
   Western Australia ........................................... 65
Chapter III: Microbial community composition in acidic and pH
   neutral sediments from two hypersaline lakes in Western
   Australia ................................................... 91
Chapter IV: Halogenated hydrocarbon formation in a moderately
   acidic salt lake in Western Australia - role of abiotic 
   and biotic processes ....................................... 126
Chapter V: Formation of volatile organohalogens by 
   Sinorhizobium meliloti strain 1021 ......................... 150
Chapter VI: A metagenomic approach to assess microbial
   halogenation and dehalogenation potential in a German 
   forest soil ................................................ 166
General Discussion & Outlook .................................. 198
Acknowledgements .............................................. 208
Statement personal contribution ............................... 210
Curriculum vitae .............................................. 214

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