Statistical yearbook. 2012, 57th iss (New York, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаStatistical yearbook = Annuaire statistique. 2012, 57th iss. / UN. - New York: UN publ, 2015. - xii, 599 p.: tab. - Text parall. French. - ISBN 978-92-1-061351-4

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... iii
New features and explanatory notes .............................. v
Introduction .................................................... 1

Part One: World and region summary

I  World and region summary
1  World statistics - selected series .......................... 11
2  Population, rate of increase, birth and death rates,
   surface area and density .................................... 13
3  Index numbers of total agricultural and food production ..... 15
4  Index numbers of per capita agricultural and food
   production .................................................. 15
5  Production, trade and consumption of commercial energy ...... 16
6  Total imports and exports by regions ........................ 18

Part Two: Population and social statistics

II  Population
7  Selected indicators of life expectancy, childbearing and
   mortality ................................................... 23
8  Population in urban and rural areas, rates of growth and
   largest urban agglomeration population ...................... 32
** Population by sex, rate of population increase, surface
   area and density

III  Gender
9  Proportion of seats held by women in national parliament .... 43
10 Share of women in wage employment in the non-agricultural
   sector ...................................................... 49
11 Ratio of girls to boys in primary, secondary and tertiary
   education ................................................... 54

IV  Education
12 Public expenditure on education ............................. 67
13 Teaching staff at the primary, secondary and tertiary
   levels ...................................................... 72
** Education at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels

V  Nutrition and health
14 Food supply ................................................. 91
15 Population below minimum level of dietary energy
   consumption ................................................. 96
16 People living with HIV ...................................... 99

VI  Culture and communication
17 Telephones ................................................. 103
18 Internet usage ............................................. 116
** Cinema infrastructure
** Cellular mobile telephone subscribers

Part Three: Economic activity

VII  National accounts and industrial production
19 Gross domestic product and gross domestic product per
   capita ..................................................... 125
20 Implicit price deflators of gross domestic product ......... 143
21 Gross domestic product by type of expenditure .............. 160
22 Gross value added by kind of economic activity ............. 173
23 Index of industrial production ............................. 185

VIII  Financial statistics
24 Rates of discount of central banks ......................... 195
25 Short-term interest rates .................................. 198

IX  Labour force
26 Unemployment ............................................... 205
** Employment by economic activity

X  Trices
27 Producer price indices ..................................... 223
** Consumer price indices
** Wages in manufacturing

XI  Agriculture, forestry and fishing
28 Agricultural production .................................... 233
29 Oil crops .................................................. 239
30 Cereals .................................................... 244
31 Roundwood .................................................. 249
32 Fish production ............................................ 253
33 Fertilizers ................................................ 260
34 Livestock .................................................. 271

XII  Manufacturing
35 Sugar ...................................................... 295
36 Beer ....................................................... 305
37 Cigarettes ................................................. 310
38 Paper and paperboard ....................................... 314
39 Aluminium unwrought ........................................ 317
40 Radio receivers ............................................ 319
41 Television receivers ....................................... 321
42 Household washing and drying machines ...................... 323
43 Machine tools .............................................. 325
** Trucks
** Meat

XIII Energy
44 Production, trade and consumption of commercial energy ..... 328
45 Production of selected energy commodities .................. 360

XIV Environment
46 Land ....................................................... 379
47 CO2 emissions estimates .................................... 389
48 Ozone-depleting chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) ................. 395
49 Water supply and sanitation coverage ....................... 400
** Threatened species

XV Science and technology
50 Personnel in research and development (R & D) .............. 417
51 Gross domestic expenditure on R & D ........................ 427
** Patents

Part Four: International economic relations

XVI International merchandise trade
52 Total imports and exports by regions and countries or
   areas ...................................................... 437
53 Total imports and exports by countries or area ............. 454
54 Manufactured goods exports ................................. 460

XVII International tourism and transport
55 Tourist/visitor arrivals by region of origin ............... 465
56 Tourist/visitor arrivals and tourism expenditure ........... 493
57 Outbound tourism ........................................... 506
** Civil aviation

XVIII International finance
58 External debt stocks and flows, long term .................. 521
59 External debt stocks, (long-term) public and publicly
   guaranteed ................................................. 523
** Exchange rates

XIX Development assistance
60 Disbursements of bilateral and multilateral official
   development assistance and official aid to individual
   recipients ................................................. 527
61 Net official development assistance from DAC countries to
   developing countries and multilateral organizations ........ 541
62 Socio-economic development assistance through the United
   Nations system ............................................. 542

I   Country and area nomenclature, regional and other
    groupings ................................................. 551
II  Technical notes ........................................... 561
III Conversion coefficients and factors ....................... 596
IV  Tables added and omitted .................................. 598

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