Muehe E.M. Plant-micorbe-mineral interactions in metal(loid) - contaminated environments (Tubingen, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMuehe E.M. Plant-micorbe-mineral interactions in metal(loid) - contaminated environments: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. - Tubingen: Eberhard-Karls Universitat, 2013. - 221 p.: ill. - Res. also Germ.

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................ 15
2  Geochemical characterization of and microbial enrichments
   and isolations from the Cd-contaminated field sites 
   Langelsheim, Stutenkamm, and Rodacherbrunn in Germany ....... 27
3  Fate of Cd during microbial Fe(III) mineral reduction by 
   a novel and Cd-tolerant Geobacter species ................... 47
4  Organic carbon and reducing conditions lead to cadmium 
   immobilization by secondary Fe mineral formation in a 
   pH-neutral soil ............................................. 67
5  Microbial shifts depending on the distance to the roots of
   the cadmium-hyper-accumulating plant Arabidopsis halleri .... 85
6  Presence of soil microorganisms stimulates cadmium 
   accumulation in the metal-hyperaccumulating plant 
   Arabidopsis halleri ........................................ 105
7  Biogenic Fe(III) minerals lower the efficiency of iron 
   mineral-based commercial filter systems for arsenic 
   removal .................................................... 131
8  Are rice (Oryza sativa L.) phosphate transporters 
   regulated similarly by phosphate and arsenate? - 
   a comprehensive study ...................................... 151
9  Fate of arsenic during microbial reduction of biogenic 
   versus abiogenic As-Fe(III)-mineral coprecipitates ......... 179
8  Arsenic redox transformation and As binding to secondary
   Fe minerals formed during microbial reduction of 
   arsenic(V)-bearing biogenic Fe(III)(oxyhydr)oxides .......... 197
11 Summary and outlook ........................................ 211
Statement of personal contribution ............................ 215
Curriculum vitae .............................................. 219

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