Gerhardt H. Analysis of insect secretions by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (Tubingen, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаGerhardt H. Analysis of insect secretions by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry: Diss. … Dr. rer. nat. - Tubingen: Eberhard-Karls Universitat, 2015. - 232 p.: ill. - Res. also Germ. - Bibliogr.: p.79-91.

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Оглавление / Contents
Danksagung ..................................................... IV
Content ........................................................ VI
Abbreviations .................................................. IX
Summary of the PhD-thesis ....................................... X
Zusammenfassung der Dissertation .............................. XII
List of Publications .......................................... XIV
Author Contribution ............................................ XV
List of Poster Presentation ................................... XIX
List of Oral Presentation ..................................... XIX
1  Introduction ................................................ 20
   1.1  Bionics / Biomimetics .................................. 20
   1.2  Definition of adhesion ................................. 22
   1.3  Adhesion of insects .................................... 23
        1.3.1  Anatomy of the tarsi ............................ 23
        1.3.2  Dry adhesion systems of insects ................. 24
        1.3.3  Wet adhesion systems of insects ................. 25
        1.3.4  Status quo of analysis of insect adhesive
               secretions ...................................... 25
   1.4  Biosynthesis of cuticular hydrocarbons ................. 28
   1.5  Insects used for the current research project .......... 29
        1.5.1  Gromphadorhina portentosa ....................... 29
        1.5.2  Sagra femorata .................................. 30
        1.5.3  Nicrophorus nepalensis .......................... 31
        1.5.4  Nicrophorus vespilloides ........................ 32
        1.5.5  Schistocerca gregaria ........................... 32
   1.6  Sampling methods for insect secretions ................. 33
        1.6.1  Online / in liner sampling for GC-analysis ...... 33
        1.6.2  Solvent sampling for lipid extraction ........... 34
        1.6.3  Solid-phase micro extraction .................... 35
   1.7  Analytical methods ..................................... 36
        1.7.1  Identification of alkanes ....................... 37
        1.7.2  Kovats-lndex .................................... 39
        1.7.3  Identification via NIST data base ............... 41
   1.8  Data processing and statistics ......................... 42
        1.8.1  Principal component analysis (PCA) .............. 42
        1.8.2  Discriminant function analysis .................. 44
        1.8.3  Hierarchical cluster analysis ................... 45
        1.8.4  Mann-Whitney U-Test ............................. 46
2  Aim of the project .......................................... 47
3  Results and Discussion ...................................... 49
   3.1  Development and optimization of the sampling
        procedure .............................................. 49
        3.1.1  General aspects of sampling ..................... 51
        3.1.2  Determination of an optimum sampling time for
               contact SPME sampling ........................... 52
        3.1.3  Hydrocarbon yield for each sampling method ...... 53
        3.1.4  Comparison of sampling methods in terms of the
               hydrocarbon profile ............................. 55
   3.2  GC-MS method development ............................... 57
   3.3  Summary of detected hydrocarbons for all analyzed
        insects ................................................ 59
   3.4  Hydrocarbon-profiles of insect secretions in
        dependence of species, sex and sampled body region ..... 65
        3.4.1  Hydrocarbon pattern of studied insects .......... 66
        3.4.2  Comparison of hydrocarbon profiles in
               dependence of sex ............................... 70
        3.4.3  Comparison of hydrocarbon profiles of tarsi
               and tibiae ...................................... 72
   3.5  Conclusion ............................................. 76
4  References .................................................. 79
5  List of figures ............................................. 92
6  List of tables .............................................. 94
7  Appendix .................................................... 95
   7.1  Accepted manuscripts ................................... 95
        7.1.1  Publication I ................................... 95
        7.1.2  Publication II ................................. 119
        7.1.3  Publication III ................................ 134
   7.2  Draft manuscript ...................................... 141
        7.2.1  Publication IV ................................. 141
   7.3  Additional Publications differing from PhD-theme ...... 142
        7.3.1  Publication V .................................. 142
        7.3.2  Publication VI ................................. 152
        7.3.3  Publication VII ................................ 165
8  Curriculum vitae ........................................... 231

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