Benz K.E. Cell biological and application-oriented aspects of chondrogenic cells relevant to regenerative medicine (Tubingen, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаBenz K.E. Cell biological and application-oriented aspects of chondrogenic cells relevant to regenerative medicine: Diss. … Dr. der Humanwiss. - Tubingen: Eberhard-Karls Universitat, 2013. - 212 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.186-206.

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Оглавление / Contents
Chapter 1  INTRODUCTION AND AIM OF THE STUDY .................... 1
Chapter 2  RESULTS ............................................. 21
   2.1  A polyethylene glycol-crosslinked serum albumin
        hyaluronan hydrogel for the cultivation of
        chondrogenic cell types ................................ 23
   2.2  Rheological and biological properties of a hydrogel
        support for cells intented for intervertebral disc
        repair ................................................. 57
   2.3  Intervertebral disc cell- and hydrogel-supported and
        spontaneous intervertrebral disc repair in
        nucleotomized sheep .................................... 87
   2.4  Maintenance of "stem cell" features of cartilage cell
        sub-populations during in vitro propagation ........... 111
Chapter 3  DISCUSSION ......................................... 165
Chapter 4  SUMMARY ............................................ 177
Chapter 5  DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENFASSUNG ........................... 181
Chapter 6  REFERENCES ......................................... 185
Chapter 7  AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS ............................. 207
   DANKSAGUNG ................................................. 211

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