The handbook of ground water engineering (Boca Raton [et al.], 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe handbook of ground water engineering / ed. J.W.Delleur. - 2nd ed. - Boca Raton [et al.]: CRC Press: Taylor & Francis, 2007. - 1 vol. (var. pag.). - ISBN 0-8493-4316-X

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Оглавление / Contents
1  History of Groundwater Hydrology
   Jacobus J. de Vries ........................................ 1-1
2  Geological Occurrence of Groundwater
   Darre Wl. Leap ............................................. 2-1
3  Elementary Groundwater Flow and Transport Processes
   Jacques W. Delleur ......................................... 3-1
4  Two- and Three-Dimensional Flow of Groundwater
   F. De Smedt ................................................ 4-1
5  Groundwater and Seepage: Accounting for Variability
   Milton E. Harr ............................................. 5-1
6  Soil Properties and Moisture Movement in the Unsaturated
   Randel Haverkamp, Samuel Debionne, Pierre Viallet, Rafael
   Angulo-Jaramillo, and Devaraj de Condappa .................. 6-1
7  Infiltration
   Jan W. Hopmans, Jean-Yves Rarlange, and Shmuel Assouline ... 7-1
8  Infiltration and Run-On under Spatially Variable
   Hydrologie Properties
   R.S. Govindaraju, N. Nahar, C. Corradini, and
   R. Morbidelli .............................................. 8-1
9  Modeling the Movement of Water and Solute through
   Preferential Flow Paths and Fractures
   Rony Wallach, Tammo S. Steenhuis, and Jean-Yves Parlange ... 9-1
10 Well Hydraulics and Aquifer Tests
   Hans Boonstra and Richard Soppe ........................... 10-1
11 Well Design and Construction
   Hans Boonstra and Richard Soppe ........................... 11-1
12 Sea Water Intrusion into Coastal Aquifers
   Jacob Bear and Quanlin Zhou ............................... 12-1
13 Groundwater and Heat Flow
   Darrell I. Leap ........................................... 13-1
14 Hydrogeological Characterization Using Geophysical
   Susan S. Hubbard and Yoram Rubin .......................... 14-1
15 Geophysical and Tracer Characterization Methods
   David W. Hyndman .......................................... 15-1
16 Geostatistics: Interpolation and Inverse Problems
   Peter K. Kitanidis ........................................ 16-1
17 Groundwater Contaminants
   Ernest R. Blatchley, III and John E. Thompson ............. 17-1
18 Nonreactive Contaminant Transport in the Saturated Zone
   Natalie Kleinfelter and John H. Cushman ................... 18-1
19 Reactive Contaminant Transport in the Saturated Zone:
   Review of Some Upscaling Approaches
   J.H. Cushman and T.R. Ginn ................................ 19-1
20 Groundwater Flow and Solute Transport in Fractured Media
   K.S. Novakowski and E.A. Sudicky .......................... 20-1
21 Groundwater Flow in Karstic Aquifers
   William B. White .......................................... 21-1
22 Contaminant Transport in the Unsaturated Zone Theory and
   Jiří Šimůnek and Martinus Th. van Genuchten ............... 22-1
23 Groundwater Modeling
   Leonard F. Konikow, Thomas E. Reilly, Paul M. Barlow,
   and Clifford I. Voss ...................................... 23-1
24 Groundwater Model Validation
   Ahmed E. Hassan ........................................... 24-1
25 Scale Issues
   Keith Loague and Dennis L. Corwin ......................... 25-1
26 Accounting for Aquifer Heterogeneity in Solute Transport
   Modeling: A Case Study from the Macrodispersion
   Experiment (MADE) Site in Columbus, Mississippi
   Chunmiao Zheng ............................................ 26-1
27 Determining Sustainable Groundwater Development
   John D. Bredehoeft ........................................ 27-1
28 The Impact of Climate Change on Groundwater
   Mikko I. Jyrkama and Jon F. Sykes ......................... 28-1
29 Ecohydrology: Water, Carbon, and Nutrient Cycling in the
   Soil-Plant Atmosphere Continuum
   Edoardo Daly, Gabriel Katul, and Amilcare Porporato ....... 29-1
30 The Role of Geographical Information Systems in
   Groundwater Engineering
   Bernard Engel, Kyoung Jae Lim, and Kumar C.S. Navulur ..... 30-1
31 Biodegradation
   Loring F. Nies and Chad T. Jafvert ........................ 31-1
32 Legal Framework for Groundwater Protection in the United
   John A. Veil, Deborah Elcock, Nancy L. Ranek, and Markus
   G. Puder .................................................. 32-1
33 Landfills
   Beth A. Keister and Pedro C. Repetto ...................... 33-1
34 Evapotranspirative Cover Systems for Waste Containment
   Jorge G. Zornberg and John S. McCartney ................... 34-1
35 Groundwater Monitoring
   Michael F. Houlihan and Paul J. Botek ..................... 35-1
36 Remediation of Contaminated Groundwater
   Michael F. Houlihan and Michael H. Berman ................. 36-1
37 Geosynthetics
   Jorge G. Zornberg and Barry R. Christopher ................ 37-1

Index ......................................................... 1-1

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