Handbook of membrane separations: chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and biotechnological applications (Boca Raton [et al.], 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаHandbook of membrane separations: chemical, pharmaceutical, food, and biotechnological applications / ed.: A.K.Pabby, S.S.H. Rizvi, A. M. Sastre. - Boca Raton [et al.]: CRC Press: Taylor & Francis, 2009. - xix, 1164 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind. at the end of the book. - ISBN 978-0-8493-9549-9

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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ....................................................... ix
Preface ........................................................ xi
Editors ...................................................... xiii
Contributors ................................................... xv

SECTION I  Membrane Applications in Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Industries and in Conservation of Natural Resources

Chapter 1  Membrane Applications in Chemical and 
   Pharmaceutical Industries and in Conservation of Natural
   Resources: introduction ...................................... 3
   Ana Maria Sastre, Anil Kumar Pabby, and Syed S.H. Rizvi   
Chapter 2  Application of Membrane Contactors as Mass Transfer
   Devices ...................................................... 7
   A. Sengupta and R.A. Pittman   
Chapter 3  Membrane Chromatography ............................. 25
   M.E. Avramescu, Z. Borneman, and M. Wessling   
Chapter 4  Membranes in Gas Separation ......................... 65
   May-Britt Hägg   
Chapter 5  Pervaporation: Theory, Practice, and Applications
   in the Chemical and Allied Industries ...................... 107
   Vishwas G. Pangarkar and Sangita Pal   
Chapter 6  Current Status and Prospects for Ceramic Membrane
   Applications ............................................... 139
   Christian Guizard and Pierre Amblard   
Chapter 7  Membrane Technologies and Supercritical Fluids: 
   Recent Advances ............................................ 181
   D. Paolucci-Jeanjean, G.M. Rios, and S. Sarrade   
Chapter 8  Techniques to Enhance Performance of Membrane 
   Processes .................................................. 193
   A.G. Fane and S. Chang   
Chapter 9  Separation and Removal of Hydrocarbons Using 
   Polymer Membranes .......................................... 233
   S.I. Semenova   
Chapter 10  Zeolite Membranes: Synthesis, Characterization,
   Important Applications, and Recent Advances ................ 269
   M. Arruebo, R. Mallada, and M.P. Pina   
Chapter 11  Membrane Fouling: Recent Strategies and 
   Methodologies for Its Minimization ......................... 325
   Mattheus F. A. Goosen, S.S. Sablani, and R. Roque-Malherbe   
Chapter 12  Membrane Extraction in Preconcentration,
   Sampling, and Trace Analysis ............................... 345
   Jan Åke Jönsson   
Chapter 13  Hybrid Liquid Membrane Processes with Organic 
   Water-Immiscible Carriers (OHLM): Application in Chemical
   and Biochemical Separations ................................ 371
   Vladimirs Kislik   
Chapter 14  Advancements in Membrane Processes for 
   Pharmaceutical Applications ................................ 409
   Ralf Kuriyel, Masatake Fushijima, and Gary W. Jung   
Chapter 15  Membranes in Drug Delivery ........................ 427
   Mario Grassi   
Chapter 16  Bio-Responsive Hydrogel Membranes ................. 473
   John Hubble and Rongsheng Zhang

SECTION II  Membrane Applications in Biotechnology,
Food Processing, Life Sciences, and Energy Conversion 
Chapter 17  Membrane Applications in Biotechnology, Food 
   Processing, Life Sciences, and Energy Conversion: 
   Introduction ............................................... 495
   Syed S.H. Rizvi   
Chapter 18  Ultrafiltration-Based Protein Bioseparation ....... 497
   Raja Ghosh   
Chapter 19  Membrane Distillation in Food Processing .......... 513
   Sanjay Nene, Ganapathi Patil, and K.S.M.S. Raghavarao   
Chapter 20  Applications of Membrane Separation in the
   Brewing Industry ........................................... 553
   Carmen I. Moraru and Ernst Ulrich Schrader   
Chapter 21  Developments of Bipolar Membrane Technology in
   Food and Bio-Industries .................................... 581
   Gerald Pourcelly and Laurent Bazinet   
Chapter 22  Applications of Membrane Technology in the Dairy 
   Industry ................................................... 635
   Philipina A. Marcelo and Syed S.H. Rizvi   
Chapter 23  Microporous Membrane Blood Oxygenators
   S.R. Wickramasinghe and B. Han ............................. 671
Chapter 24  Transporting and Separating Molecules Using 
   Tailored Nanotube Membranes ................................ 693
   Punit Kohli and Charles R. Martin   
Chapter 25  Use of Emulsion Liquid Membrane Systems in 
   Chemical and Biotechnological Separations .................. 709
   Jilska M. Perera and Geoff W. Stevens   
Chapter 26  Membrane Electroporation and Emerging Biomedical
   Applications ............................................... 741
   K.P. Mishra
Chapter 27  Proton-Conducting Membranes for Fuel Cells ........ 759
   Vineet Rao, K. Andreas Friedrich, and Ulrich Stimming   

SECTION III Membrane Applications in Industrial Waste
Management (Including Nuclear), Environmental Engineering, 
and Future Trends in Membrane Science
Chapter 28  Membrane Applications in Industrial Waste 
   Management (Including Nuclear), Environmental
   Engineering, and Future Trends in Membrane Science:
   Introduction ............................................... 823
   Ana Maria Sastre and Anil Kumar Pabby   
Chapter 29  Treatment of Radioactive Effluents: 
   Introduction, Fundamentals, and Scope of Different
   Membrane Processes ......................................... 827
   B.M. Misra and V. Ramachandhran   
Chapter 30  Radioactive Waste Processing: Advancement in 
   Pressure-Driven Processes and Current World Scenario ....... 843
   Grazyna Zakrzewska-Trznadel   
Chapter 31  Liquid Membrane-Based Separations of Actinides .... 883
   P.К. Mohapatra and V.K. Manchanda   
Chapter 32  Reverse Osmosis-Based Treatment of Radioactive
   Liquid Wastes Generated in Hospital Facility and in Steel
   Industry: Case Studies ..................................... 919
   M. Sancho, J.M. Arnal, G. Verdú, and J. Lora   
Chapter 33  Evaluation of Membrane-Based Processing of 
   Radioactive Nuclear Plant Waste: Case Studies .............. 933
   Anil Kumar Pabby, S.K. Gupta, S.R. Sawant, N.S. Rathore, 
   P. Janardan, R.D. Changrani, and P.K. Dey   
Chapter 34  Application of Donnan Membrane Process for 
   Recovery of Coagulants from Water Treatment Residuals ...... 945
   Prakhar Prakash and Arup К. SenGupta   
Chapter 35  Utilization of Membrane Processes in Treating 
   Various Effluents Generated in Pulp and Paper Industry ..... 981
   Mika Mänttäri and Marianne Nyström   
Chapter 36  Membrane Bioreactors for Wastewater Treatment .... 1007
   Eoin Casey
Chapter 37  Membrane-Assisted Solvent Extraction for the 
   Recovery of Metallic Pollutants: Process Modeling and 
   Optimization .............................................. 1023
   Inmaculada Ortiz and J. Angel Irabien   
Chapter 38  Membrane Contactors for Gaseous Streams 
   Treatments ................................................ 1041
   Alessandra Criscuoli and Enrico Drioli   
Chapter 39  Strip Dispersion Technique: Application for
   Strategic and Precious Metal Separation and Treatment of 
   Wastewater Streams ........................................ 1057
   Anil Kumar Pabby, S.C. Roy, J.V. Sonawane, F.J. Alguacil,
   and Ana Maria Sastre   
Chapter 40  Electrically Enhanced Membrane Separations and 
   Catalysis ................................................. 1071
   V.M. Linkov, B.J. Bladergroen, and A.M. Maluleke   
Chapter 41  Membrane Processes for Treatment of Industrial 
   Tannery Effluents: A Case Study ........................... 1087
   A. Bódalo, E. Gómez, and A.M. Hidalgo   
Chapter 42  New Developments in Nanofiltration 
   Technology: A Case Study on Recovery of Impurity-Free 
   Sodium Thiocyanate for Acrylic Fiber Industry ............. 1101
   S. Sridhar and B. Smitha   
Chapter 43  Future Progresses in Membrane Engineering ........ 1131
   Enrico Drioli and Enrica Fontananova
Index ........................................................ 1147

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