Molecular biotechnology: principles and practices (Hyderabad; London, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMolecular biotechnology: principles and practices / Channarayappa. - Hyderguda, Hyderabad; London: Universities Press, 2007. - 1217 p.: ill.; 24 cm. - (Biotechnology) - ISBN 9781420051575

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ........................................................ ix

PART I: Introduction to Biotechnology ........................ 1-35
1  Biotechnology: Scope and Importance .......................... 2
2  Biosafety and Good Laboratory Practices ..................... 17

PART II: Advanced Techniques in Molecular Biology .......... 36-124
3  Techniques of Cell Fractionation and Centrifugation ......... 37
4  Сhemical Synthesis of Nucleic Acids ......................... 58
5  DNA Chip Technology and its Potential Applications .......... 74
6  Bioinformatics in Biotechnology ............................. 94

PART III: Working with Nucleic Acids ...................... 125-361
7  Isolation of Nucleic Acids ................................. 126
8  Measuring Nucleic Acid Concentration and Purity ............ 166
9  Electrophoretic Techniques ................................. 191
10 DNA Sequencing ............................................. 232
11 Genetic Maps and Marker Analysis ........................... 247
12 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) ............................ 288
13 In Situ Hybridization ...................................... 317

PART IV: Recombinant DNA and Genetic Engineering .......... 362-547
14 Fundamentals of Recombinant DNA Technology ................. 363
15 Enzymes in Molecular Cloning ............................... 382
16 Gene Constructs and Cloning Vectors ........................ 401
17 DNA Libraries .............................................. 441
18 Molecular Biology of Gene Transfer Systems ................. 473
19 Selection and Screening of Recombinant Molecules ........... 511

PART V: Applications of Biotechnology ..................... 548-644
20 Genetic Engineering of Microorganisms ...................... 549
21 Genetic Engineering of Animals ............................. 581
22 Genetic Engineering in Plants .............................. 612

PART VI: Working with Proteins ............................ 645-785
23 Protein Purification Techniques ............................ 646
24 Protein Detection and Estimation ........................... 663
25 Protein Fractionation Techniques ........................... 679
26 Immunochemical Techniques .................................. 734

PART VII: Bacterial and Mammalian Cell Culture ............ 786-868
27 Biology of Bacteria ........................................ 787
28 Cultivation of Mammalian Cells In vitro .................... 836

PART VIII: In Vitro Plant Cell Culture and Crop
Improvement .............................................. 869-1037
29 Plant Cell Culture Laboratory and Requirements ............. 870
30 Plant Culture Media, Preparation, and Culture Initiation ... 887
31 Micropropagation ........................................... 905
32 Cultures of Organized Tissues .............................. 925
33 Culture of Unorganized Tissues ............................. 944
34 Cryopreservation and Distribution of Clonal Material ....... 980
35 Measurement of Plant Cell Growth and Cytological Analysis .. 992
36 Protoplast Fusion and Somaclonal Variation ................ 1003
37 Application of Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture ....... 1026

PART IX: Environmental Biotechnology .................... 1038-1154
38 Biotechnology in Pollution Control ........................ 1039
39 Biodiversity and Genetic Conservation ..................... 1073
40 Bioenergy Fuel from Biomass ............................... 1107
41 Regulatory Aspects of Using Genetically-Modified
   Organisms ................................................. 1118
42 Intellectual Property Rights and Socio-Legal Aspects of
   Biotechnology ............................................. 1136

Appendices ................................................... 1155
Index ........................................................ 1183

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