Physical chemistry research for engineering and applied sciences. Vol.3: High performance materials and methdos (Oakville; Waretown, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPhysical chemistry research for engineering and applied sciences. Vol.3: High performance materials and methdos / ed. by E.M.Pearce et al. - Oakville; Waretown: AAP, 2015. - xvii, 272 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.265-272. - ISBN 978-1-77188-058-9

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Оглавление / Contents
   List of Contributors ........................................ xi
   List of Abbreviations ....................................... xv
   List of Symbols ............................................ xix
   Preface .................................................. xxiii
1  Regularity of Oxidation of Waste Fibrous and Film 
   Materials of Polyethylene and Polypropylene: A Research
   Note ......................................................... 1
   M.V. Bazunova, S.V. Kolesov, R.F. Tukhvatullin, 
   E.I. Kulish, and G.E. Zaikov
2  A Research Note on Creation Carbon Polymer Nanocomposites
   with Polyethylene as a Binder ................................ 9
   Sergei V. Kolesov, Marina V. Bazunova, Elena I. Kulish,
   Denis R. Valiev, and Gennady E. Zaikov
3  A Research Note on the Influence of Hybrid Antioxidants
   Ichphans on the Structure of Liposome Lipid Bi Layer ........ 19
   E.Yu. Parshina, L.Ya. Gendel, and A.B. Rubin
4  Dynamically Vulcanized Thermoelastoplastics Based on
   Butadiene-Acrylonitrile Rubber and Polypropylene Modified
   Nano Filler ................................................. 25
   S.I. Volfson, G.E. Zaikov, N.A. Okhotina, 
   A.I. Nigmatullina, O.A. Panfilova, and A.A. Nikiforov
5  Model Representations of the Effect of Temperature on 
   Resistance Polypropylene Filled with Carbon Black ........... 35
   N.N. Komova and G.E. Zaikov
6  A Research Note on Kinetics of Release Medicinal 
   Substances from Chitosan Films .............................. 47
   Angela Shurshina, Elena Kulish, and Roman Lazdin
7  Viscometry Study of Chitosan in Acetic Acid Solution:
   A Research Note ............................................. 57
   Valentina Chernova, Irina Tuktarova, Elena Kulish, 
   Gennady Zaikov, and Alflya Galina
8  The Role of H-Bonding Interactions (and Supra Molecular
   Nanostructures Formation) in the Mechanisms of Homogenous
   and Enzymatic Catalysis by Iron (Nickel) Complexes .......... 63
   L.I. Matienko, L.A. Mosolova, V.I. Binyukov, E.M. Mil, and 
   G.E. Zaikov
9  Nanocomposite Foils Based on Silicate Precursor with
   Surface-Active Compounds: A Research Note .................. 101
   L.O. Zaskokina, V.V. Osipova, Y.G. Galyametdinov, and 
   A.A. Momzyakov
10 Interaction of the 1,1,3-Trimethyl-3-(4-Methylphenyl)
   Butyl Hydro Peroxide with Tetraethyl Ammonium Bromide ...... 109
   N.A. Turovskij, Yu.V. Berestneva, E.V. Raksha, 
   M.Yu. Zubritskij, and G.E. Zaikov
11 Promises of Personalized Medicine in 21st Century .......... 121
   Sanjay Kumar Bharti and Debarshi Kar Mahapatra
12 Some Aspects of Molecular Mechanics and Dynamics 
   Interactions of Nanostructural Elements .................... 153
   A.V. Vakhrushev and A.M. Lipanov
13 A Detailed Review on Structure and Properties of
   High Performance Carbon Nanotube/Polymer Composites ........ 187
   A.K. Haghi and G.E. Zaikov
14 Controlled Immobilized Enzymes as Catalysts with 
   Particular Application in Industrial Chemical Processes .... 241
   M.S. Mohy Eldin, M.R. El-Aassar, and E.A. Hassan

   Index ...................................................... 265

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