Physical chemistry research for engineering and applied sciences; Vol.2: Polymeric materials and processing (Oakville; Waretown, 2015). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPhysical chemistry research for engineering and applied sciences. Vol.2: Polymeric materials and processing / ed. by E.M.Pearce et al. - Oakville; Waretown: AAP, 2015. - xxi, 252 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.245-252. - ISBN 978-1-77188-057-2

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Оглавление / Contents
   List of Contributors ........................................ ix
   List of Abbreviations ....................................... xv
   List of Symbols ........................................... xvii
   Preface .................................................... xix
1  Investigation on the Influence of a Strong Electric Field
   on the Electrical, Transport and Diffusion Properties of
   Carbon Nanostructures ........................................ 1
   S.A. Sudorgin and N.G. Lebedev
2  A Study Thermal Stability of Polyurethane Elastomers ........ 15
   I.A. Novakov, M.A. Vaniev, D.V. Medvedev, N.V. Sidorenko,
   G.V. Medvedev, and D.O. Gusev
3  Trends in Aromatic Polyesters ............................... 27
   Zinaida S. Khasbulatova and Gennady E. Zaikov
4  Microheterogeneous Titanium Ziegler-Natta Catalysts:
   1,3-Diene Polymerization Under Ultrasound Irradiations ..... 105
   Vadim P. Zakharov, Vadim Z. Mingaleev, Iriva D. Zakirova, 
   and Elena M. Zakharova
5  On Electric Conductivity of Polymer Composites: A Case
   Study ...................................................... 117
   J.N. Aneli, T.M. Natriashvili, and G.E. Zaikov
6  A Study on Rubber Vulcanizates Containing Modified 
   Fillers .................................................... 125
   Dariusz M. Bieliński, Mariusz Siciński, Jacek Grams, and 
   Michał Wiatrowski
7  A Study on Radiation Crosslinking of Acrylonitrile-
   Butadiene Rubber ........................................... 137
   Katarzyna Bandzierz, Dariusz M. Bielinski, Adrian 
   Korycki, and Grazyna Przybytniak
8  A Case Study on Sorption Properties of Biodegradable
   Polymer Materials .......................................... 149
   Marina Bazunova, Ivan Krupenya, Elena Kulish, and Gennady
9  The Influence of Polyamide Membranes on Ultrafiltration
   Process Productivity ....................................... 157
   E.M. Kuvardina, F.F. Niyazy, R.Y. Deberdeev, G.E. Zaikov, 
   and N.V. Kuvardin
10 A Study on Thermo-Chemical Changes of Natural Rubber ....... 167
   I.A. Mikhaylov, Yu.O. Andriasyan, R. Jozwik, G.E. Zaikov, 
   and A.A. Popov
11 Polymer/Carbon Nanotube Membrane Filtration ................ 175
   A.K. Haghi and G.E. Zaikov
12 Interfacial Tension of Water-In-Water Biopolymer Emulsion
   Close to the Critical Point ................................ 227
   A. Antonov, P. Van Puyvelde, and P. Moldenaers

   Index ...................................................... 245

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