Encyclopedia of wireless and mobile communications; Vol.2 (Boca Raton; New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEncyclopedia of wireless and mobile communications. Vol.2. / ed. by B.Furht. - Boca Raton; New York: Auerbach, 2008. - xlv, P.509-1094, 1-36 p.: ill. - (Electrical engineers). - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 1-4200-5565-8

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Оглавление / Contents
Contributors .................................................. vii
Topical Table of Contents ..................................... xxi
Preface ...................................................... xxxi
Acronyms ................................................... xxxiii
About the Editor-in-Chief ..................................... xlv

                           Volume 2

   Marco Conti ................................................ 509
MANET: Clustering Techniques
   Jane Yang Yu and Peter Han Joo Chong ....................... 513
MANET: Location-A ware Routing
   Yu-Chee Tseng and Chih-Shun Hsu ............................ 528
MANET: Multicast Protocols
   Xiao Chen and Jie Wu ....................................... 537
MANET: Multicasting
   Dewan Tanvir Ahmed and Shervin Shirmohammadi ............... 546
MANET: Network Mobility as a Control Primitive
   Aravindhan Venkateswaran, Venkatesh Sarangan, Sridhar
   Radhakrishnan and Raj Acharya .............................. 556
MANET: Routing Protocols
   Ha Duyen Trung and Watit Benjapolakul ...................... 563
MANET: Selfish Behavior on Packet Forwarding
   Djamel Djenouri and Nadjib Badache ......................... 576
Media Streaming: Transmission Strategies in P2P Networks
   К.M. Ho, Kwok Tung Lo and Jian Feng ........................ 588
   Raymond Steele ............................................. 596
MDVfO: Wireless Communications
   Sreco Plevel, Saso Tomazic, Tornaz Javornik and
   Gorazd Kandus .............................................. 604
Mobile and Wireless Technologies: Spatial Presence
   Katharine Willis ........................................... 613
Mobile Commerce
   Abul Faiz Muhad Ishaq and Mohammad Mohsin .................. 622
Mobile Communications: 4G
   Jaka Sodnik, Mitja Stular, Veljko Milutinovic and Saso
   Tomazic .................................................... 634
Mobile Communications: Call Admission Control
   Jenjoab Virapanicharoen and Watit Benjapolakul ............. 643
Mobile Communications: Coding Techniques
   Quazi Mehbubar Rahman and Mohamed Ibnkahla ................. 652
Mobile Communications: Locating Position of Mobile Stations
   Watit Benjapolakul ......................................... 659
Mobile Communications: Power Control
   Wasimon Panichpattanakul and Watit Benjapolakul ............ 666
Mobile Computing: Context-Aware
   Daniel Schall, Christoph Dorn and Schahram Dustdar ......... 679
Mobile Devices: Quality of Service (QoS) Adaptation Using
   Marios C. Angelides and Anastasis A. Sofokleous ............ 686
Mobile Games: Multiplayer
   Predrag Maksimovic and Imad Mahgoub ........................ 694
Mobile Health: Wireless Body Sensor Network Integration
   Kevin Hung, Shudi Bao and Yuan-Ting Zhang .................. 707
Mobile Internet Technologies
   Christoph Dorn, Daniel Schall and Schahram Dustdar ......... 718
Mobile IP
   Andrianus Yofy and Watit Benjapolakul ...................... 726
Mobile Multimedia Transmission: Codecs
   Nalin Sharda and Mladen Georgievski ........................ 736
Mobile Music
   Marco Furini ............................................... 744
Mobile P2P: Computing
   Dewan Tanvir Ahmed and Shervin Shirmohammadi ............... 751
Mobile P2P: Data Retrieval and Caching
   Andrew Roczniak and Abdulmotaleb El Saddik ................. 759
Mobile Security: Game Theory
   Hadi Otrok, Mona Mehrandish, Chadi Assi, Prabir
   Bhattacharya and Mourad Debbabi ............................ 764
Mobile Sensor Networks
   Dharma P. Agrawal, Ratnabali Biswas, Neha Jain, Anindo
   Mukherjee, Sandhya Sekhar and Aditya Gupta ................. 771
Mobile Services
   Jenq-Shiou Leu ............................................. 774
Mobile Streaming: Performance Issues
   Igor D.D. Curcio ........................................... 782
Mobile Streaming: Standards
   Igor D.D. Curcio ........................................... 784
Mobile Systems: Migrating from 3G to 4G
   Nalin Sharda and Mohan Ponnada ............................. 788
Mobile Systems: Quality of Service (QoS)
   Nalin Sharda and Mladen Georgievski ........................ 795
Mobile Terminals: Recommendation Services
   Tomohiro Tsunoda and Masaaki Hoshino ....................... 805
Mobile Wireless Systems: Channel Characterization
   Quazi Mehbubar Rahman and Mohamed Ibnkahla ................. 817
Mobile Wireless Systems: Location Prediction Algorithms
   Christine Cheng, Ravi Jain and Eric van den Berg ........... 825
Modulation Methods
   Gordon L. Stüber ........................................... 835
Multicarrier Transceivers: Peak-to-Average Power Radio
   Rakesh Rajbanshi, Alexander M. Wyglinski and Gary
   J. Minden .................................................. 843
Multihop Cellular Network Architectures
   Xue Jun Li, Peter Han Joo Chong and Qijie Gao .............. 856
Multimedia Applications in Ad Hoc Networks: Quality of
Service (QoS) Support Cross-Layered Approach
   Sivapathalingham Sivavakeesar and George Pavlou ............ 870
Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS)
   Praveen Sanigepalli, Hari Kalva and Borko Furht ............ 880
Multimedia Streaming
   Abdulmotaleb El Saddik and Shamim Hossain .................. 884
Multimedia Streaming: Mobile Networks
   Igor D.D. Curcio ........................................... 890
Multiple Access Techniques
   Anton Umek, Mitja Stular and Saso Tomazic .................. 900
Nomadic Users: Context-Aware Information Retrieval
   M. Anwar Hossain and Abdulmotaleb El Saddik ................ 911
OFDM: Technology
   Tao Jiang .................................................. 918
OFDM-Based Systems: Modem Architectures
   Charles Chien .............................................. 934
Opportunistic Scheduling
   Amoakoh Gyasi-Agyei ........................................ 942
Optical Broadband Services Networks
   David Benjamin and Peter Green ............................. 953
Optical Communication Networks: Trends
   Aysegül Gençata, Narendra Singhal and Biswanath
   Mukherjee .................................................. 966
Optical Networks: Architectures
   M. Yasin Akhtar Raja ....................................... 981
Optical Networks: Resource Management and Allocation
   Ding Zhemin and Mounir Hamdi ............................... 989
P2P: Overlay Multicast
   Heather Yu and John Buford ................................ 1002
Packet Access: High-Speed Downlink
   Jyri Häдmäläinen, Risto Wichman, Markku Kuusela, Esa
   Tiirola and Kari Pajukoski ................................ 1016
Rerouting Schemes: Performance Evaluation
   Gopal Racherla and Sridhar Radhakrishnan .................. 1018
RF Systems Design
   Charles Chien ............................................. 1023
RF Transceiver Architectures
   Charles Chien ............................................. 1035
Smart Antenna Systems: Architecture
   T. Bao Vu ................................................. 1046
Smart Inter-Processor Communicator Protocol Stack
   Charbel Khawand ........................................... 1055
   Syed Ahson and Mohammad Ilyas ............................. 1065
Smartphones: Operating Systems
   Syed Ahson and Mohammad Ilyas ............................. 1073
Soft Handoff
   Bongkarn Homnan and Watit Benjapolakul .................... 1086

Index ......................................................... I-1

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