Encyclopedia of wireless and mobile communications; Vol.1 (Boca Raton; New York, 2008). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаEncyclopedia of wireless and mobile communications. Vol.1 / ed. by B.Furht. - Boca Raton; New York: Auerbach, 2008. - xlv, 508 p., 1-36 p.: ill. - (Electrical engineers). - Incl. bibl. ref. and index. - ISBN 1-4200-5564-X

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Оглавление / Contents
Contributors .................................................. vii
Topical Table of Contents ..................................... xxi
Preface ...................................................... xxxi
Acronyms ................................................... xxxiii
About the Editor-in-Chief ..................................... xlv

                           Volume 1
3G Systems: Accounting Principles and Billing Models
   Zoheir Ezziane ............................................... 1
3G Telephony Control Stack: Interactive Playback Control of
   Michele Covell, Sumit Roy, Bo Shen and Frederic Huve ........ 13
4G Mobile Systems: Multimedia Content Transmission
   Antonio Cuevas Casado and Jose Ignacio Moreno ............... 26
4G Mobile Systems: Radio Resource Management
   Alexandres Kaloxylos, Ioannis Modeas, Nikos Passas and
   George Lampropoulos ......................................... 40
Access Methods
   Bernd-Peter Paris ........................................... 50
Ad Hoc Networks: GPS-Based Routing Algorithm
   Young-Joo Suh, Won-Ik Kim and Dong-Hee Kwon ................. 58
Ad Hoc Networks: Power-Conservative Designs
   Yu-Chee Tseng and Ting-Yu Lin ............................... 68
Ad Hoc Networks: Security
   Patroklos Argyroudis and Donal O'Mahony ..................... 76
Ad Hoc Networks: Technologies
   Marco Conti ................................................. 89
Adaptation Techniques
   Hiiseyin Arslan ............................................ 101
Ad-Coop Positioning System: Embedded Kaiman Filter Data Fusion
   Simone Frattasi and João Figueiras ......................... 120
Authentication and Privacy
   Thomas M. Chen and Nhut Nguyen ............................. 132
Bluetooth Systems
   William Stallings .......................................... 141
Body Area Networks
   Bin Wang and Yong Pei ...................................... 148
Broadcasting Multimedia Transport: 3G and Future Mobile
   Ramakrishna Vedantham and Igor D.D. Curcio ................. 157
CDMA Networks
   Tero Ojanperä and Steven D. Gray ........................... 167
CDMA Networks: Microcells
   Raymond Steele ............................................. 180
Cellular Base Stations: Open Standards
   Gerry Leavey and Steven Gorshe ............................. 186
Cellular Data Networks: Handoff and Rerouting
   Gopal Racherla and Sridhar Radhakrishnan ................... 196
Cellular Systems
   Lai C. Godara .............................................. 204
Cellular Systems: IG
   Lai C. Godara .............................................. 214
Cellular Systems: 2G
   Lai C. Godara .............................................. 216
Cellular Systems: 3G
   Lai C. Godara .............................................. 220
Channel Assignment: Fixed and Dynamic
   Bijan Jabbari .............................................. 225
Cognitive Radio Implementation
   Timothy R. Newman, Alexander M. Wyglinski and Joseph
   B. Evans ................................................... 230
Compact Dual-Band Direct Conversion CMOS Transceiver
   Zhiwei Xu, Charles Chien and M.C. Frank Chang .............. 239
Content Repurposing: Multimedia
   Shamim Hossain and Abdulmotaleb El Saddik .................. 253
Content Repurposing: Ontology-Based Approach for Mobile
   Mohan Ponnada and Nalin Sharda ............................. 259
Content-Enriched Communication: Social Uses of Interactive
   Konstantinos Chorianopoulos ................................ 267
Coordinated Multi-Device Presentations: Ambient-Audio
   Michael Fink, Michиle Covell and Shumeet Baluja ............ 274
Cordless Telephone Standard CT-2
   Lajos Hanzo ................................................ 286
Diversity Techniques
   Quazi Mehbubar Rahman and Mohamed Ibnkahla ................. 296
Dynamic Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs): Architecture and
   Symeon Papavassiliou and Jin Zhu ........................... 300
   Syed Ahson ................................................. 312
Generic Context Management Framework: Contextual Reasoning
   Herma van Kranenburg, Niels Snoeck, Hans Zandbelt and
   Martin Wibbels ............................................. 313
   Syed Ahson ................................................. 324
   George N. Aggélou .......................................... 325
Handoff Prioritization: Early Blocking
   Jörg Diederich and Martina Zitterbart ...................... 336
Heterogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
   Mihaela Cardei and Yinying Yang ............................ 345
High-Speed Wireless Internet Access: Multiantenna Technology
   Angel Lozano ............................................... 354
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs (WLANs)
   José Antonio Garcia-Macias and Leyla Toumi ................. 362
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs (WLANs): Clustering and Roaming
   Ahmed K. Elhakeem .......................................... 365
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs (WLANs): Quality of Service (QoS)
   José Villalón, Francisco Mico, Pedro Cuenca and Luis
   Orozco-Barbosa ............................................. 375
IEEE 802.11 Wireless LANs (WLANs): Security
   Costos Lambrinoudakis and Stefanos Gritzalis ............... 387
IEEE 802.15.4: MAC Layer Attacks in Sensor Clusters
   Vojislav Misic and Jobaida Begum ........................... 396
IEEE 802.15.4: Signature-Based Intrusion Detection in
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)
   Jelena Misic, Fereshteh Amini and Moazzam Khan ............. 404
IEEE 802.16 Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs)
   Carlos de M. Cordeiro and Dharma P. Agrawal ................ 412
IEEE 802.16 Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks (WMANs):
Resource Management
   Mehri Mehrjoo and Xuemin Sherman Shen ...................... 417
IEEE 802.16d: Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave
Access (WiMax)
   Mani Subramanian ........................................... 428
Image and Video Communication: Joint Source Channel Coding
   Muhammad Farooq Sabir, Robert W. Heath, Jr. and
   Alan C. Bovik .............................................. 429
Image and Video Communication: Power Optimized
   Muhammad Farooq Sabir, Robert W. Heath, Jr. and Alan
   C. Bovik ................................................... 436
Image and Video Communication: Source-Channel Distortion
   Muhammad Farooq Sabir, Alan C. Bovik and Robert
   W. Heath, Jr ............................................... 443
Integrated Wireless LANs (WLANs) and Cellular Networks:
Managing Handovers
   George Lampropoulos, Nikos Passas, Alexandros Kaloxylos
   and Lazaros Merakos ........................................ 452
IP Multimedia Subsystems (IMS)
   Mojca Volk, Mitja Stular, Janez Bester, Andrej Kos and
   Saso Tomazic ............................................... 462
IP Networks: Personal Mobility Challenges
   Björn Landfeldt, Jonathan Chan, Binh Thai and Aruna
   Seneviratne ................................................ 474
IP Networks: Terminal Mobility Challenges
   Björn Landfeldt, Jonathan Chan, Binh Thai and Aruna
   Seneviratne ................................................ 476
IP Networks: User Mobility
   Björn Landfeldt, Jonathan Chan, Binh Thai and Aruna
   Seneviratne ................................................ 484
Land Mobile Communication Systems: Phased-Array Antennas
   Hiroyo Ogawa, Hiroyuki Tsuji, Ami Kanazawa, Ryu Miura and
   Masato Tanaka .............................................. 491
Location-Based Services
   Ben Falchuk, Dave Famolari and Shoshana Loeb ............... 501

Index ......................................................... I-1

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