International snow science workshop: ISSW 09: proceedings (Birmensdorf, 2009). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаInternational snow science workshop: ISSW 09: proceedings, 27 Sept. to 2 Oct. 2009, Davos, Switzerland / eds.: J.Schweizer, A. van Herwijnen. - Birmensdorf: Swiss federal institute for forest, snow and landscape research WSL, 2009. - 699 p.: ill. - Text engl., fr. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art.

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Оглавление / Contents
Avalanche case studies
La 'mort blanche' au Quebec (Canada) depuis 1825: de la
prise de conscience du problème a là gestion du risque ......... 13
   Boucher Dominic, Hetu Bernard
Mitigating the avalanche hazard on the Milford Road, New
Zealand ........................................................ 18
   Carran, Wayne; Carran, Ann; Conway, Howard B.
The challenges for Scottish avalanche forecasters observing
a maritime snowpack ............................................ 22
   Diggins Mark John
The avalanche events of December 2008 in Ceresole Reale
(Piedmont Western Italian Alps) ................................ 25
   Maggioni Margherita, Caimi Angelo, Godone Danilo,
   Freppaz Michele, Bertea Andrea, Cordola Marco, Prola Maria
   Cristina, Bertoglio Valerio, Frigo Barbara
The avalanche cycle of December 2008 in the eastern part of
the southern French Alps: cross comparison of meteorological
and avalanche data ............................................. 30
   Coléou Cécile, Eckert Nicolas, Deschatres Michael,
Erfahrungen mit der Gratlawine bei Blatten, Kt. Wallis
Schweiz ........................................................ 35
   Schwitter Peter, Stoffel Lukas
Avalanches in the Sibillini Mounts (Marche, Italy) ............. 39
   Fabbrizio Alessandro, Mainini Giuliano
Avalanches and snow mobile traffic around Longyearbyen,
Svalbard ....................................................... 44
   Eckerstorfer Markus, Neumann Ullrich, Christiansen
   Hanne H.
Major avalanches in Eastern Pyrenees and North Atlantic
Oscillation .................................................... 48
   Garcia Carles, Peña Juan Carlos, Martí Glòria, Oiler Pere,
   Martínez Pere
Snow avalanches potential and management of Romanian
Carpathians. Case study-Bâlea glacial valley
(Făgăraşmassif)-Southern Carpathians ........................... 53
   Mircea Voiculescu

Snow and snow cover properties
Temperature gradient metamorphism is not a classical 
coarsening process ............................................. 58
   Pinzer Bernd, Schneebeli Martin
Visualization of three-dimensional snow: how to use it in
snow education ................................................. 62
   Heggli Martin, Jaggi Matthias, Pinzer Bernd, Steiner
   Stephen, Theile Thiemo, Schneebeli Martin
Controlling crystal habit in a small scale snowrriaker ......... 67
   Bones Josephine Anne, Adams Edward E.
Numerical investigation of factors causing near-surface
metamorphism ................................................... 72
   Slaughter Andrew Edward, Adams Edward E.
In-situ measurements and temporal evolution of the thermal
conductivity profile of an alpine snowpack ..................... 77
   Morin Samuel, Dominé Florent, Arnaud Laurent, Picard
   Ghislain, Jacobi Hans-Werner, Willemet Jean-Marie
Non-destructive quantification of snowpack properties .......... 82
   Heilig Achim, Eisen Olaf, Schneebeli Martin, Marshall Hans
Snow characterization by optical properties .................... 87
   Gergely Mathias Alexander, Schneebeli Martin, Roth Kurt
Faceted melt forms, a deadly and unpredictable weak layer ...... 92
   Glude Bill
Modeling variation of surface hoar and radiation
recrystallization across a slope ............................... 97
   Adams Edward E., McKittrick L., Slaughter A., Staron P.,
   Shertzer R., Miller D., Leonard Т., McCabe D.,
   Henninger I., Catharine D., Cooperstein M., Laveck, K.
Spatially predicting surface hoar crystal size in sparse
forests using shading in satellite imagery .................... 102
   Shea Cora, Jamieson Bruce
Tracking changes in buried melt-freeze crusts ................. 107
   Smith Michael Andrew, Jamieson Bruce
Measurements of weak snowpack layer friction .................. 112
   van Herwijnen Alec, Heierli Joachim
Observations of two seasons of sintering in a mountain
snowpack ...................................................... 115
   Bair Edward Hamilton, Colee Mike, Dozier Jeff, Blackford
   Jane, Kaempfer Thomas U., Davis Robert E., Mielke Randall
Force-controlled shear experiments with layered snow
samples ....................................................... 120
   Reiweger Ingrid, Ernst Robert, Schweizer Jürg, Dual Jürg
Snow-profiling at Weissfluhjoch ............................... 124
   Meister Roland
SPA - Snowpack analyzing system ............................... 129
   Fiel Reinhard, Sommer Wolfram, Rentsch Thomas
Systematic assessment of new snow settlement in SNOWPACK ...... 132
   Steinkogler Walter, Fierz Charles, Lehning Michael,
   Obleitner Friedrich
Aerodynamic and surface characteristic length scales of snow
covered flat planes ........................................... 136
   Gromke Christof, Walter Benjamin, Manes Costantino,
   Lehning Michael, Guala Michele
Understanding snow transport processes shaping the mountain
snow cover .................................................... 141
   Mott Rebecca, Schirmer Michael, Grunewald Thomas, Lehning
Online NWP-model data as boundary conditions for snow drift
simulation .................................................... 146
   Schneiderbauer Simon, Pirker Stefan
Measurements of small scale spatial and temporal variability
of snow depth and SWE in a small mountain catchment ........... 151
   Grunewald Thomas, Schirmer Michael, Lehning Michael
Analysis of temporal and spatial snow depth changes in
a steep rock face ............................................. 155
   Wirz, Vanessa; Lehning, Michael; Schirmer, Michael

Snow chemistry
The influence of aspect on physical and chemical properties
of the snow cover in a basin on the Monte Rosa Massif
(North-western Italian Alps) .................................. 160
   Brulport Antoine, Maggioni Margherita, Freppaz Michele,
   Filippa Gianluca, Squinobal Emil
Major element chemistry of inner-alpine snowpacks, Aosta
Valley (NW Italian Alps) ...................................... 165
   Filippa Gianluca, Freppaz Michele, Williams Mark W.,
   Zanini Ermanno

Remote sensing and SWE
Automated detection and mapping of rough snow surfaces
including avalanche deposits using airborne optical 
remote sensing ............................................... 170
   Buhler Yves, Hiini Andreas, Christen Marc, Meister Roland,
   Kellenberger Tobias
Innovative devices for the SWE estimation at the basin
scale: a field study in the Western Alps ...................... 175
   Frigo Barbara, Bal Germain, Bevilacqua Ivan, Cremonese
   Edoardo, Dellavedova Paola, Diotri Fabrizio, Ferraris
   Stefano, Godio Alberto, Letey Stephanie, Morra di Cella
   Umberto, Pogliotti Paolo, Previati Maurizio, Rege Roberto
SensorWebEnablement - Standards and open source
implementations for observation data .......................... 180
   Andrae Stefanie, Gruber Gerald, Hecke Andreas, Wieser
Satellite observed SCA and gamma distributed snow in the HBV
model ......................................................... 184
   Skaugen Thomas, Randen Frode
The PermaSense Remote Monitoring Infrastructure ............... 187
   Beutel Jan, Gruber Stephan, Hasler Andreas, Keller
   Matthias, Lim Roman, Talzi Igor, Thiele Lothar, Tschudin
   Christian, Yücel Mustafa
Terrestrial laser scanning for snow depth observations: An
update on technical developments and applications ............. 192
   Prokop Alexander
High resolution imaging for environmental monitoring
applications .................................................. 197
   Keller Matthias, Beutel Jan, Yücel Mustafa
Snowpack depth modelling and water availability from LIDAR
measurements in eastern Pyrenees .............................. 202
   Moreno Ignacio, Ruiz Antoni, Marturià Jordi, Oiler Pere,
   Piña Jordi, Garcia Carles, Martinez Pere, Talaya Julià 
Could retrieval of snow layer formation by optical satellite
remote sensing help avalanche forecasting? Presentation of
first results ................................................. 207
   Solberg Rune, Koren Hans, Frauenfelder Regula, Kronholm
Snow simulation and forecasting through all Norway: the
SeNorge model ................................................. 211
   Endrizzi Stefano, Skaugen Thomas
Snow cover monitoring and modeling in the Alps using multi
temporal MODIS data ........................................... 214
   Rastner Philipp, Irsara Luca, Schellenberger Thomas, Delia
   Chiesa Stefano, Bertoldi Giacomo, Endrizzi Stefano,
   Notarnicola Claudia, Zebisch Marc

Results of 50 years of climate reanalyses in the French
Pyrenees (1958-2008) using the SAFRAN and CROCUS models ....... 219
   Maris Malou, Giraud Gérald, Durand Yves, Navarre Jean-
   Pierre, Mérindol Laurent
Trends in annual maximum snow water equivalent in South-
Norway (1914-2008) ............................................ 224
   Stranden Heidi Bache, Skaugen Thomas
Recent snow cover variations and avalanche activities in the
Southern Alps ................................................. 229
   Valt Mauro, Moro Daniele, Zasso Renato, Cianfarra Paola
Assessing the impact of climate change on snow avalanche
activity in France over the last 60 winters using change
point models .................................................. 234
   Eckert Nicolas, Parent Eric, Naaim Mohamed

Snow sports
SkiSim - A tool to assess the impact of climate change on
ski season length and snowmaking .............................. 239
   Steiger Robert

Wet snow and wet snow avalanches
Measuring the water retention curve of snow ................... 244
   Yamaguchi Satoru, Katsushima Takafumi, Sato Atsushi,
   Kumakura Toshiro
Measurement of dynamic water-entry value for dry snow ......... 248
   Katsushima Takafumi, Yamaguchi Satoru, Kumakura Toshiro,
   Sato Atsushi
Numerical modeling of liquid water movement in snow cover ..... 252
   Hirashima Hiroyuki, Yamaguchi Satoru, Sato Atsushi
Wet snow diurnal evolution and stability assessment ........... 256
   Techel Frank, Pielmeier Christine
Observations and analysis of two wet-snow avalanche cycles .... 262
   Mitterer Christoph, Mott Rebecca, Schweizer Jürg
Rain-on-snow avalanches: forecasting the return to stability .. 267
   Conway Howard В., Carran Wayne, Carran Ann

Avalanche formation and snow stability evaluation
The effect of daytime warming on snowpack creep ............... 271
   Exner Thomas, Jamieson Bruce
Interpretation of prevalent avalanche scenarios on the basis
of the anticrack model ........................................ 276
   Harvey Stephan, Heierli Joachim
Validating the Propagation Saw Test on the slope scale ........ 282
   Ross Cameron, Jamieson Bruce
Übertragbarkeit von Prozessen, die in der Schneedecke
ablaufen, anhand einzelner Testergebnisse ..................... 287
   Kronthaler Georg
Where to dig? On optimizing sampling strategy ................. 298
   Schweizer Jürg, Bellaire Sascha
Glide avalanche response to an extreme rain on snow event,
Snoqualmie Pass, Washington, USA 301
   Stimberis John, Rubin Charles
Regional stability evaluation with modelled snow cover data ... 306
   Schirmer Michael, Schweizer Jürg, Lehning Michael
Validation of the SNOWPACK model in the Dolomites ............. 313
   Monti Fabiano, Cagnati Anselmo, Fierz Charles, Lehning
   Michael, Pozzi Andrea, Valt Mauro
The 2008-2009 exceptional snowfalls in the Italian Alps:
threshold sum approach and analysis of the SNOWPACK model
stability indices ............................................. 318
   Monti Fabiano, Cagnati Anselmo, Valt Mauro
Snow and avalanche: the influence of forest on snowpack
stability ..................................................... 323
   Viglietti Davide, Letey Stephanie, Motta Renzo, Maggioni
   Margherita, Freppaz Michele
Comparison of shock waves provoked by various artificial
avalanche release techniques, and of their effects on the
snowpack ...................................................... 328
   Berthet-Rambaud Philippe
Avalanche triggering by sound: myth and truth ................. 330
   Reuter Benjamin, Schweizer Jürg
Fracture line profiles in Japan ............................... 334
   Ikeda Shinji

Avalanche forecasting
Simple calculations of avalanche risk for backcountry skiing .. 336
   Jamieson Bruce, Schweizer Jürg, Shea Cora
Use of the models Safran-Crocus-Mepra in operational
avalanche forecasting ......................................... 341
   Coléou Cécile, Giraud G., Danielou Y., Dumas J.-L.,
   Gendre, C; Pougatch, E. Styria
Avalanche Service - danger scale 5 - more than 200
avalanches .................................................... 346
   Studeregger Arnold, Rieder Hannes
The lower Austria Avalanche Warning Service - the youngest
in the Alps ................................................... 350
   Studeregger Arnold, Rieder Hannes, Salzer Fritz
Early warnings for extreme snowfall in the Swiss Alps ......... 353
   Hachler Patrick, Gerstgrasser Daniel
Integration of the snowdrift modelling into the French
operational chain for avalanche hazard forecasting ............ 356
   Guyomarch Gilbert, Durand Yves, Giraud Gerald
A new iconographic avalanche bulletin for the Catalan
Pyrenees: a beginning for a future avalanche forecasting
database ...................................................... 361
   Martí Glòria, Pujol Jordi, Fleta Jorge, Garcia Carles,
   Oiler Pere, Costa Olga, Martinez Pere
Estimating the forecasting success of artificially
triggering of avalanches with the combination of cluster and
discriminant analysis ......................................... 366
   Fromm Reinhard
Regional avalanche warning in Norway, a new concept for
a large country ............................................... 371
   Jaedicke Christian, Bakkehøi Steinar, Sandersen Frode,
   Brattlien Kjetil, Solheim Anders
Evolving public uses and the general avalanche forecast ....... 375
   Comey Robert, McCollister Chris
The seismic detection of avalanches: an information tool for
the avalanche forecaster ...................................... 379
   Navarre Jean-Pierre, Bourova Ekaterina, Roulle Jacques,
   Deliot Yannick
AVALUATION: Estimating the Economic Value of the Avalanche
Bulletin ...................................................... 384
   Alberini Anna, Leiter Andrea, Rheinberger Christoph,
   McCormick Chuck, Mizrahi Andrew
Avalanche patterns as aid in avalanche forecasting ............ 389
   Nairz Patrick
Mobile information systems for avalanche topics ............... 391
   Suter Christoph, Harvey Stephan

Avalanche dynamcis and hazard mapping
In situ and photogrammetric measurements of avalanche crown
transects ..................................................... 395
   Bair Edward Hamilton, Birkeland Karl, Dozier Jeff
Wireless sensors as a tool to explore avalanche internal
dynamics: experiments at the Weissfluhjoch snow chute ......... 400
   Vilajosana I., Llosa J., Schaefer M., Surinach E.,
   Marquès J.M., Vilajosana X.
Alpha-Beta model: Can we learn more from the statistical
avalanche model with respect to the dynamical behavior of
avalanches .................................................... 405
   Gauer Peter, Lied Karstein, Bakkehoi Steinar, Kronholm
CLPA - Reflection on the quality of the testimonies
collected during a field investigation ........................ 409
   Gaucher Romain, Bonnefoy Mylene, Pasquier-Bernachot Xavier
First experiences in applying the "Swiss Guideline to
account for avalanche hazard of ropeways in ski areas" ........ 413
   Schaer Mark, Margreth Stefan
Fundamental studies on applications of MPS method for
computing snow avalanches ..................................... 418
   Otsuka Tatsuya, Shimizu Yasuyuki, Kimura Ichiro, Otsuki
   Masaya, Saito Yoshihiko
French avalanche research: Experimental test sites ............ 423
   Ravanat Xavier, Ousset Frederic
Analyzing the environmental effects on the danger of
avalanches using geoinformation technology .................... 428
   Gruber Gerald, Hecke Andreas, Wieser Alfred
Snow and weather conditions study for the avalanches on the
Lautaret pass road (French Alps) .............................. 433
   Goetz Daniel
Documentation and analysis of avalanche events ................ 438
   Sauermoser Siegfried, Hübl Hannes
Comparison and complementarities of avalanche pressure
measurements: piezo-electric load cells and deformation
based pressure deconvolution .................................. 443
   Baroudi Djebar, Sovilla Betty, Thibert Emmanuel
Dynamic avalanche modeling in natural terrain ................. 448
   Fischer Jan-Thomas, Kowalski Julia, Pudasaini Shiva P.,
   Miller Stephen A.
The solid ortho-image: a new tool to identify avalanche
terrains ...................................................... 454
   Godone Danilo, Maggioni Margherita, Freppaz Michele
Detecting snow avalanches with seismic stations in North-
East Italy: first results of dataset analysis ................. 458
   Valt Mauro, Pesaresi Damiano
Using LIDAR (Light Distancing and Ranging) data to more
accurately describe avalanche terrain ......................... 463
   McCollister Christopher Michael, Comey Robert Howard
Identification of areas potentially affected by extreme snow
avalanche combining expert rules, flow-routing algorithms
and statistical analysis ...................................... 468
   Pagliardi Matteo, Barbolini Massimiliano, Corradeghini
   Paolo, Ferro Francesco
Automatised range-gated Doppler radar measurements of
a spontaneously released avalanche at the Vallee de la
Sionne test site .............................................. 472
   Rammer Lambert, Schreiber Helmut, Hiller Martin, Dufour
   François, Sovilla Betty, Gauer Peter, Kern Martin
Scaled laboratory experiments on the evolution of fluidised
avalanches .................................................... 477
   Koegl Josef, Graf Armin, Rammer Lambert, Kleemayr Karl,
   Kern Martin, Gauer Peter, Kapeller Gerhard, Aufleger
Statistical avalanche run-out modelling using GIS on
selected slopes of Western Tatras National park, Slovakia ..... 482
   Biskupic Marek, Barka Ivan
Definition of hazard zones for dense snow avalanches .......... 488
   Scotton Paolo, Moro Francesca, Dalla Valle Daniele, Vigni
High-speed video recording in snow chute experiments .......... 492
   Schaefer Marius Roman, Kern Martin
Using high resolution LiDAR data to estimate potential
avalanche release areas on the example of Polish mountain
regions ....................................................... 495
   Chrustek Pawet, Wężyk Piotr
Discrete element modelling to compute drag coefficients of
obstacles impacted by granular flows .......................... 500
   Favier Lionel, Daudon Dominique, Donzé Frédéric, Mazars
Regional methods for snow avalanche prediction: the case of
Italian Alps .................................................. 505
   Bocchiola Daniele
The current state of avalanche risk analysis and hazard
mapping in Uzbekistan ......................................... 509
   Semakova Eleonora, Myagkov Sergey, Armstrong Richard
Experiences in avalanche assessment with the powder snow
avalanche model SamosAT ....................................... 514
   Granig Matthias, Sampl Peter, Tollinger Christian, Jörg
Avalanche Simulation with SAMOS-AT ............................ 519
   Sampl Peter, Granig Matthias
Using AVAL-1D to simulate avalanches in eastern Pyrenees ...... 524
   Oiler Pere, Janeras Marc, de Buén Hèctor, Arnó Georgina,
   Christen Marc, Martinez Pere, Garcia Carles
2D modeling of Icelandic snow avalanches for hazard zoning .... 529
   Gislason Eirikur

Avalanche protection
Evolution of avalanche risk reduction on the Alaska Railroad .. 533
   Hamre David
PROTECT - A Swiss approach to the assessment of the
effectiveness of mitigation measures .......................... 538
   Margreth Stefan, Romang Hans
Actions of snow avalanche on the snow shed .................... 543
   Ma Ying, Thibert Emmanuel, Perrotin Pascal, Mommessin
Investigation on the effectiveness of the catch-fence
"Snowcatcher" as avalanche protection system .................. 548
   Rammer Lambert, Stelzer Gemot, Kern Martin
Total safety in mountain passes ............................... 553
   Rocco Jürg
Web-based tool to support local avalanche services with
hazard evaluation and documentation ........................... 554
   Möhle Sibylle, Stoffel Lukas
Evaluation of avalanche warning strategies for traffic
routes using signal detection theory .......................... 559
   Rheinberger Christoph Matthias, Rhyner Jakob
Avalanche risk in a changing climate - Development of
a landslide and avalanche risk model .......................... 564
   Bjordal Heidi K., Larsen Jan Otto
Experiences on a storm causing avalanche cycles in south-
west Norway ................................................... 567
   Farestveit Njål, Skutlaberg Sara
Artificial avalanche release above settlements ................ 572
   Stoffel Lukas, Margreth Stefan
Handling of avalanche risk for the "Bonaigua" and "Beret"
roads, Aran valley, Spain ..................................... 577
   Gavaldà Jordi, Moner Ivan
Three years snownet project Hafelekar/lnnsbruck ............... 582
   Rammer Lambert, Granig Matthias
Finite element models and sensitivity analysis of the
vulnerability of an avalanche protection gallery .............. 587
   Daudon Dominique, Baroth Juline, Ma Ying, Perrotin
   Pascal, Szczurowska Patrycia
Avalanche protection for construction site .................... 592
   Rentsch Thomas, Stüssi Ruedi
10 Jahre Erfahrung mit dem Wyssen Lawinen-Sprengmast .......... 597
   Wyssen Samuel

Avalanche education and decision making
Avalanche education as public service ......................... 599
   Kranebitter Klaus
Weiterentwicklung der strategischen Lawinenkunde - Ein
Diskussionsbeitrag ............................................ 600
   Roth Eike
Information value of the avalanche bulletin for snowsports .... 605
   Semmel Chris, Hellberg Florian, Mair Paul
Intuition, recognition and patterns: decision-making by
mountain guides in avalanche situations ....................... 606
   Mersch Jan, Kühberger Anton
Trend analysis of Canadian avalanche accidents: The
Avaluator avalanche accident prevention card has not reduced
the number of accidents ....................................... 610
   Uttl Bob, Kibreab Mekale, Kisinger Kelly, Uttl Jan
Pitfalls in the analyses of accident records: The meaning of
missing values ................................................ 614
   Uttl Bob, Kisinger Kelly
Avaluator's obvious clues prevention values are inflated:
Evidence from Canadian avalanche accidents .................... 619
   Uttl Bob, Kisinger Kelly, Kibreab Mekale, Uttl Jan
On superiority of simple solutions to complex problems and
other fairy tales ............................................. 623
   Uttl Bob, Uttl Jan
Avalanche hazard and visitor numbers - a study in Lochaber,
Scotland ...................................................... 628
   Moss Graham
Apprehension of avalanche risk and decision making process
in a medium-high mountain range. The case of the Vosges
(France) ...................................................... 633
   Giacona Florie, Martin Brice
Promotion of secure mountain exploration by the Anna Pasek
Foundation .................................................... 636
   Chrustek Pawel
Safety is Freedom ............................................. 640
   Schniewind Henry
Human factors in avalanche accidents: Evolution and
interventions ................................................. 644
   McCammon Ian
How do leadership styles cope with the impact of human
factors in decision making in risky terrain? .................. 649
   Förster Miriam
Practical risk assessment and decision making in avalanche
terrain. An overview of concepts and tools in Switzerland ..... 654
   Harvey Stephen, Nigg Paul
Rules, knowledge, distance and intuition: the development
of risk management skills for decision-making in avalanche
situations .................................................... 659
   Mersch Jan, Behr Wolfgang

Avalanche rescue
Iron man, the steel crash test dummy, measures forces in
an avalanche .................................................. 664
   Jenkins Michael J., Samaras Timothy M.
Will a guest ever be able to save your live? .................. 666
   Genswein Manuel
Searching in parallel: Taking advantage of multiple
searchers in a transceiver rescue ............................. 671
   Edgerly Bruce, Stopper Dieter, Hohensinn Franz
Avalanche scenario with double burial. The effectiveness of
different rescue equipment, specific operational methods
and their benefits for companion rescue ....................... 675
   Hauer Othmar, Eck Markus, Schober Michael
Updating and expansion of a field study to optimize the
search strip width of avalanche beacons ....................... 681
   Schreilechner Marcellus, Eck Markus, Schober Michael
1985-2009 twenty-five years of avalanche accidents in Italy ... 686
   Valt Mauro, Chiambretti Igor, Zasso Renato
La sécurite des pistes en France: les services des pistes;
les accidents d'avalanches chez les pisteurs secouristes,
perspectives et évolutions .................................... 691
   Tuaillon Jean-Louis

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