| Student research workshop: proceedings of the Student research workshop associated with The 9th international conference on recent advances in natural language processing (RANLP 2013), 9-11 Sept., 2013, Hissar, Bulgaria / ed. by I.Temnikova et al. - Shoumen: INCOMA, 2013. - xi, 157 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - ISSN 1314-9156
Perceptual Feedback in Computer Assisted Pronunciation
Training: A Survey
Renlong Ai ................................................... 1
A Data set for Arabic Textual Entailment
Maytham Alabbas .............................................. 7
Answering Questions from Multiple Documents - the Rote of
Multi-Document Summarization
Pinaki Bhaskar .............................................. 14
Multi-Document Summarization using Automatic Key-Phrase
Pinaki Bhaskar .............................................. 22
Automatic Evaluation of Summary Using Textual Entailment
Pinaki Bhaskar and Partha Pakray ............................ 30
Towards a Discourse Model for Knowledge Elicitation
Eugeniu Costetchi ........................................... 38
Detecting Negated and Uncertain Information in Biomedical and
Review Texts
Noa Cruz .................................................... 45
Cross-Language Plagiarism Detection Methods
Vera Danilova ............................................... 51
Rule-based Named Entity Extraction for Ontology Population
Aurore De Amaral ............................................ 58
Towards Definition Extraction Using Conditional Random Fields
Luis Espinosa Anke .......................................... 63
Event-Centered Simplification of News Stories
Goran Glavaš and Sanja Štajner .............................. 71
Random Projection and Geometrization of String Distance
Daniel Hromada .............................................. 79
Improving Language Model Adaptation using Automatic Data
Selection and Neural Network
Shahab Jalalvand ............................................ 86
Unsupervised Learning of A-Morphous Inflection with Graph
Maciej Janicki .............................................. 93
Statistical-based System for Morphological Annotation of
Arabic Texts
Nabil Khoufi and Manel Boudokhane .......................... 100
A System for Generating Cloze Test Items from Russian-
Language Text
Andrey Kurtasov ............................................ 107
Korean Word-Sense Disambiguation Using Parallel Corpus as
Additional Resource
Chungen Li ................................................. 113
Towards Basque Oral Poetry Analysis: A Machine Learning
Mikel Osinalde, Aitzol Astigarraga, Igor Rodriguez and
Manex Agirrezabal .......................................... 119
GF Modern Greek Resource Grammar
Ioanna Papadopoulou ........................................ 126
Collection, Annotation and Analysis of Gold Standard Corpora
for Knowledge-Rich Context Extraction in Russian and German
Anne-Kathrin Schumann ...................................... 134
Named Entity Recognition in Broadcast News Using Similar
Written Texts
Niraj Shrestha and Ivan Vulić .............................. 142
Reporting Preliminary Automatic Comparable Corpora
Compilation Results
Ekaterina Stambolieva ...................................... 149