Jongsung Y. Cultural protection policy in Korea: intangible cultural properties and living national treasures (Edison; Seoul, 2003). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаJongsung Y. Cultural protection policy in Korea: intangible cultural properties and living national treasures. - Edison; Seoul: Jimoondang International, 2003. - 166 p. - (Korean studies dissertation series; N 3). - Bibliogr.: p.149-166. - ISBN 1-9311897-05-0

Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... iii
Acknowledgments ................................................. v

Chapter One. Introduction

Chapter Two. Korean Folklore Studies
1  Modern History and Folkloristics in Korea ................... 16
2  Folklorists as Cultural Nationalists: Song Sok-ha and Yim
   Suk-jay ..................................................... 19

Chapter Three. Folklore and Policy: The Cultural Property
Protection Law
1  Cultural Property Legislation ............................... 33
2  Munhxvajae Gwalliguk (The Bureau of Cultural Properties) .... 35
3  Munhwajae Wiwonhoe (The Cultural Properties Committee) ...... 37
4  Designation Process for Cultural Properties and Their
   Performers .................................................. 39
5  Muhyeong Munhwajae Jeonsuhoegwan (Transmission Center for
   Intangible Cultural Properties) ............................. 48

Chapter Four. Folklore and Political Ideology: Reshaping
Traditions as National Treasures
1  Reshaping Tradition as National Culture ..................... 53
2  The Folklore Performer as a Living National Treasure ........ 69
3  Continuation of National Tradition in a "Fixed Context" ..... 77

Chapter Five. Folklore and Nationalism: Folklore and National
1  Folklore as a National Symbol ............................... 88
2  Folklore as Promotion for Tourism and Commercialism ......... 93
3  Minjok Munhwa Undong (National Cultural Movement) ........... 95

Chapter Six. Conclusion
Appendix I-IV ............................................. 119-138
Glossary ...................................................... 139
Bibliography .................................................. 149

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