Research on energy material, chemical engineering and mining engineering II (Durnten-Zurich; Enfield, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаResearch on energy material, chemical engineering and mining engineering II: sel., peer rev. papers from the 2014 2nd intern. conf. on energy material, chem. engineering a. mining engineering (EMCEM 2014), Jan. 12-13 2014, Wuhan, China / ed.: B.Xu, H.Y.Li. - Durnten-Zurich; Enfield: Trans Tech Publications, 2014. - xiii, 322 p.: ill. - (Applied mechanics and materials; vol.508). - Bibliogr. at the end of the art. - Keyword, auth. ind.: p.318-322. - ISBN 978-3-03835-016-3; ISSN 1660-9336

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ......................................................... v
Committees and Sponsors ........................................ vi

Chapter 1: Materials Science and Chemical Technologies in 

EPS and Cotton Straw Slag Composite Thermal Insulation 
Material Research
   S.M. Yao, Y. Feng and Q. Jin ................................. 3
The Effect of Reheating Temperature on Precipitation of 
a High Strength Microalloyed Steel
   Y. Zhang, G. Xu, M.X. Zhou, H.L. Yang and M. Wang ............ 8
Microstructure and Precipitation of a High Strength 
Microalloyed Steel
   H.L. Yang, G. Xu, Y. Zhang, M. Wang and M.X. Zhou ........... 12
Effect of Sc, Zr Grain Refiner on the Microstructure and
Mechanical Properties of Pure Aluminum
   A.W. Yu, C.G. Yang, S.L. Wang, F.C. Liu and Q. Zheng ........ 16
Absorption and Attenuation Properties in Time-Lapse Seismic
   Y. Wang ..................................................... 22
Preparation and Photoluminescent Properties of Ce3+, Yb3+
Co-Doped YF3 Nanophosphors for Solar Cells
    S.W. Li and M. Yue ......................................... 26
Effect of Welding Wires on Microstructure and Mechanical 
Properties of CO2 Shielded Arc Welding Welded Joint of 
30CrMnSiA Steel
   H. Chen, C.G. Yang, A.W. Yu, Q. Zheng and X.B. Yu ........... 30
Adsorption Performance to Methylene Blue by Non-Activated
Tire-Based Pyrolytic Char
   Z.B. Wang, Y.J. Tian and X.K. Wang .......................... 35
The Desalination Effect Comparison of Two Kinds of 
Nanofiltration Membrane
   Q.Y. Liu, J.R. Wu, Y.M. Liu and R.N. Wu ..................... 40
A Comparative Study on Antibacterial and Wash Durability 
Behaviour of ZnO and CuO Nanoparticles Treated Cotton Fabric
Using Sodium Alginate as Cross Linker
   R. Yuvakkumar, J. Suresh, A.J. Nathanael, M. Sundrarajan 
   and S.I. Hong ............................................... 44
Antibacterial and Wash Durability Properties of Untreated and
Treated Cotton Fabric Using MgO and NiO Nanoparticles
   J. Suresh, R. Yuvakkumar, A.J. Nathanael, M. Sundrarajan 
   and S.I. Hong ............................................... 48
High Aspect Ratio Hydroxyapatite Nanorods Formed by Polymer 
Assisted Synthesis
   A.J. Nathanael, R. Yuvakkumar, Т.Н. Oh and S.I. Hong ........ 52
Interface Bonding and its Effect on the Mechanical Properties
in Roll-Bonded Cu/Al/Cu Hybrid Alloy
   I.H. Lee, K.H. Lee, H.T. Kim and S.I. Hong .................. 56
Behaviour and Material Properties of the Grain Boundary on
the Surface of an Anode during the Formation of a Dense Layer
   H.B. He ..................................................... 61
Effect of Vibration Characteristics for Carbon Fiber 
Composite Materials on Musical Instruments Making
   M. Lv and J.L. Sun .......................................... 66
Research on Influencing Factors of Crystallization of 
Caffeine from Tea
   S.X. Guan, C.H. Song and L. Ji .............................. 70
Analysis of Relationship between Sensory Quality and
Physiochemical Indexes of Natural Fermented Soybean Paste
   T. Tian, J.R. Wu and X.Q. Yue ............................... 75
Preparation of Sodium Diacetate
   J.W. Zhang and J.W. Liu ..................................... 79
The Effect of Electro-Deposition Current Density to Silicon 
Steel's Surface Topography and Microstructure
   H. Li and Y.G. Li ........................................... 83
The Choice of Metallographic Corrosive in the Sample of 
Electro-Deposition Silicon Steel Section
   H. Li and Y.G. Li ........................................... 87
The Effect of Electro-Deposition Time to the Microstructure
and the Texture of Silicon Steel
   H. Li and Y.G. Li ........................................... 91
Steelmaking Desulfurization Process
   H. Li and J.L. Liang ........................................ 95
Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on Compressive Properties of 
Aluminum Bronze
   R.H. Zhang, B. Wu and X.P. Zheng ............................ 99
Effect of Cryogenic Treatment on Creep Resistance of
Cu-11.74Al-0.38Ni Alloy
   R.H. Zhang, B. Wu and X.P. Zheng ........................... 102
Effect of High Pressure Treatment on Nanoindentation Creep 
Property of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu Alloy
   R.H. Zhang, B. Wu and X.P. Zheng ........................... 106
Study on the β1→α+β2 Transformation Kinetics of Ti-6Al-4V
Alloy by DSC
   R.H. Zhang, B. Wu and X.P. Zheng ........................... 110

Chapter 2: Mining Engineering and Technology

Activity Rules of Earthquake Induced Coal Mining in Northern
   S.Y. Fang and J. Yang ...................................... 117
Numerical Simulation of Multi-Impeller High Intensity 
Conditioning in Fine Coal Flotation
   J.H. Li, L.Q. Ma, X.W. Xiao, W.J. Li and L. Xu ............. 121
The Underwater Project Management in 'Dong Fang' Offshore 
Oil Engineering
   J. Fang, Q.H. Yu and L. Xu ................................. 125
Shale Gas Resources Evaluation of the Songliao Basin
   X. Zhang, J. Yuan, P. Xue, J.J. Fan and J. Wang ............ 129
Process to Reduce Ash in Flotation of Hard-to-Float Fine Coal
   J.H. Li, L.Q. Ma, G. Cheng, X.H. Liu, Z.L. Zhang and
   Y.X. Yu .................................................... 133
Organic Petrology Study of the Early Cretaceous Source Rocks
in Weichang, Chifeng Basin
   C.L. Liu, H. Guo, X.H. Wang and J. Wang .................... 137
Influencing Degree of Star-Stop Frequency on Running
Efficiency of Ground Source Heat Pump which Using Vertical
Buried Pipe
   X.F. Hu, Y.Y. Li, Y.H. Chen and Z.Y. Yu .................... 141
Identification Method for Shallow Gas Layers in Cased Well
   X.M. Tang, X. Deng, J. Fu and L. Hou ....................... 146
Working Fluids Used for Drilling Deep Boreholes
   M. Šofranko, E. Škvareková and G. Wittenberger ............. 150
Research of the Effect of Drilling Fluid Solids on Plugging 
and Flowing Back
   Y.M. Liu, J.G. Zhao and M.N. Li ............................ 156
Studies on Rock-Breaking of Positive Disc Cutter and Edge 
Disc Cutter
   K. Yang, Y.M. Xia and Y. Wu ................................ 159
Simulation Study of Steam-Flooding Mechanisms and Influence
Factors in Light-Oil Reservoirs after Water-Flooding
   Q.J. Gu .................................................... 165
Technology Application on Two-Stage Model of Horizontal Well 
in the Block Oilfield
   H.W. Liu ................................................... 169
Mechanical Characteristics of Inorganic Binder Stabilized 
Iron Tailings
   H.B. Li, F. Zhao and B.K. Ning ............................. 173
Fault System Study in South Beir Sag
   Y. Huoand Z.H. Zhang ....................................... 177

Chapter 3: Machinery, Equipment and Technologies of
Manufacturing Processes

Applied Technology in Multi-Frequency Eddy Detection Signal
Processing Using Kalman Filter
   Q.Q. Gao, H.Y. Sun and J.D. Li ............................. 183
Study on the Far Field Laser Power Density of the Laser-UAVs 
with Photovoltaic Panel
   X.Y. Cui, Y.J. Hong and X. Jin ............................. 188
Development of PCG Monitor Based on Virtual Instrument 
   Z.D. Wang, Y. Guo, H. Ye and B. Yang ....................... 192
PI Controller Design for DFIG Wind Power Generation System 
RSC Based on PSO Algorithm
   Y.M. Chu and W. Wang ....................................... 196
Research on Mechanical Properties of Diesel Generator with
Loop Shaping Optimization Control for Islanded Microgrid 
   Z.H. Yin, P. Li, P.C. Dou and R.Y. Shi ..................... 200
Design Research on Pressure Vessel of Automobiles Assembly 
   Y.D. Song .................................................. 204
Influence of Axial Load on the Seismic Behavior of RC Beam-
Column Joints with Wide Beam
   A. Masi, G. Santarsiero, A. Mossucca and D. Nigra .......... 208
Modal and Wind Vibration Analysis about Steel Chimney Outer
Wall with a Spiral Guide Plate Based on Workbench
   X.L. Deng, J.N. He, C. Zhang, J.S. Li and Y. Li ............ 215
Micro-Vibration Mechanism of Micro-Gears Fault Diagnosis 
Based on Fault Characteristics and Differential Evolution
Wavelet Neural Networks
   L.Y. Su .................................................... 219
Research and Application of Energy Saving Technology in 
Textile Warp Slashing Process
   Y. Tong .................................................... 223
Energy Saving Benefit Evaluation of Zone and Time Control 
Heating for One College
   T.T. Liu ................................................... 227
Short-Term Load Forecasting of Microgrid by a New Advanced 
Prediction Strategy
   X.Y. Yin ................................................... 231
Environment Protection and Energy Saving in Public Private
Partnerships Governance in the Distributed Energy Generation
   D.J. Hu .................................................... 236
Incremental Variable Plastic Three-Dimensional Elastic-
Plastic Finite Element Analysis in Soft Rock Tunnel 
   J.P. Li, X. Li and D.Q. Zhu ................................ 243

Chapter 4: Environmental Engineering and Human Safety

An Engineering Example of Removing Iron and Manganese from 
Underground Water
   Y. Li and Y.F. Li .......................................... 251
Environment Protection for Human Behavior in Metro Fire
   J.R. Tian .................................................. 255
Environment Analysis on Controlling PM2.5 in Beijing
   C. Qiu, C.L. Ye, L.Y. Yang and C.B. Ye ..................... 259
The Possibilities of Wastes Utilization from Magnesite
Extraction and Treatment for Backfilling
   M. Šofranko, E. Škvareková and G. Wittenberger ............. 263
Based on IF-PSO River Basin Water Pollutant Total Amount
Control Optimization Model
   M.H. Chen, W. Liu, Z.S. Wang and Y. Li ..................... 269
The Countermeasures Research on the Livable Environment
Construction of Shenyang Tiexi Old Industrial Relocation
   W. Cheng, Y.K. Wang and L.J. Qiu ........................... 275
Expression of a Recombinant Endo-P-1,4-Xylanase in Pichia
pastoris and its Application in Degradation of Corn Stalk
   Q. Li, L.G. Zhao and F. Li ................................. 279
Dynamicly Observing Influence of Ambient PM2.5 on Human
Lymphocyte Subsets
   Z.H. Yuan, Y.J. Hou, C. Zhao and Y. Li ..................... 286
Research on Biological Materials with Uranium Biosorption by
Microalgae: A Review
   J.Y. Yu, W.Y. Zhao, G.W. Yang and S.S. Zeng ................ 290
Biological Characteristics for Mycelial Growth of Agaricus
   Y. Ma, C.Y. Guan and X.J. Meng ............................. 297
Examination the Concentration of HPAM - the Starch-Cadmium
Iodine Method
   S.X. Guan, Y.Y. Fan, X.X. Wang and H.C. Ye ................. 303
Assessment Indexes System of Marine Ecosystem Damage Caused
by Oil Spill
   W.F. Liu, S.X. Zhang, J. Yu and J.Y. Zang .................. 308
Application Analysis of Water Saving in Thermal Power Plant
   H. Li and J.L. Liang ....................................... 312

Keyword Index ................................................. 317
Author Index .................................................. 321

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