Paleobotany and biogeography: a festschrift for A. Graham in His 80th Year (St. Louis, 2014). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPaleobotany and biogeography: a festschrift for A. Graham in His 80th Year / eds.: W.D.Stevens, O.M.Montiel, P.H.Raven - St. Louis: Missouri botanical garden, 2014. - xxiii, 404 p.: ill. - (Monographs in systematic botany from the Missouri botanical garden; vol.128). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - ISBN 978-0-915279-97-5

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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ....................................................... ix
Preface ...................................................... xiii
Contributors ................................................... xv
Profile of Alan Graham ........................................ xix
Scientific Publications of Alan Graham ........................ xxv

1  Response of Plant Diversity to Miocene Forcing Events:
   The Case of Patagonia ........................................ 1
   Viviana D. Barreda and Luis Palazzesi
2  A New Leaf in the Genus Inga (Fabaceae) in Eocene
   Sediments of the La Carroza Formation, La Popa, Nuevo
   León, Mexico, with Comments on Its Biogeographic
   Implications ................................................ 27
   Laura Calvillo-Canadell, Sergio Rafael Silvestre Cevallos-
   Ferriz, and Mario Sousa-Sánchez
3  Catahoulea grahamii, a New Genus and Species of Fagaceous
   Involucres from the Oligocene Catahoula Formation, East
   Texas, and the Middle Eocene Claiborne Formation of
   Kentucky and Tennessee, U.S.A. .............................. 40
   Melanie L. DeVore, Kathleen B. Pigg, David L. Dilcher,
   and Deborah Freile
4  An Extinct Caesalpinoid Flower from the Eocene of Western
   Tennessee ................................................... 51
   David L. Dilcher, Terry A. Lott, Michael A. Gibson, and
   Callie Dudley
5  The Vasa Park Flora, King County, Washington, U.S.A.:
   A Window into the Late Miocene of the Pacific Northwest ..... 64
   Richard M. Dillhoff, Thomas A. Dillhoff, Anthony R. Jijina,
   and Caroline A.E. Strömberg
6  Connectivity Dynamics Since the Last Glacial Maximum in
   the Northern Andes: A Pollen-driven Framework to Assess
   Potential Migration ......................................... 98
   Suzette G.A. Flantua, Henry Hooghiemstra, John H. Van
   Boxel, Marian Cabrera, Zaire González-Carranza, and
   Catalina González-Arango
7  Fruits of Oreomunnea (Juglandaceae) in the Early Miocene
   of Panama .................................................. 124
   Fabiany Herrera, Steven R. Manchester, Rebecca Koll, and
   Carlos Jaramillo
8  Palynological Record of the Last 20 Million Years in
   Panama ..................................................... 134
   Carlos Jaramillo, Enrique Moreno, Valentina Ramírez,
   Silane da Silva, Atria de la Barrera, Adara de la
   Barrera, Carlos Sánchez, Sara Morón, Fabiany Herrera,
   Jaime Escobar, Rebecca Koll, Steven R. Manchester, and
   Natalia Hoyos
9  Biogeographic History of Abies bracteata (D. Don) Poit.
   in the Western United States ............................... 252
   Estella В. Leopold and Stephanie Zaborac-Reed
10 The Influence of Regional History and Ecological Affinity
   in the Angiosperm Composition of Mexican Lowland Tropical
   Rainforests ................................................ 287
   Susana Magallón, R. Toby Pennington, José Luis
   Villaseñor, Pilar Rodríguez, Euridice N. Honorio
   Coronado, Robin Foster, David Harris, and Jan Wieringa
11 Fruits of Melia (Meliaceae, Melioideae) from the Middle
   Miocene Yakima Canyon Flora of Central Washington State,
   U.S.A. ..................................................... 326
   Kathleen B. Pigg, Melanie L. DeVore, John C. Benedict,
   and Richard M. Creekmore
12 Whence the Flora of Southern South America? Biases May
   Distort Our Conclusions .................................... 338
   Beryl B. Simpson
13 Paleobotany and Paleoecology of the Munce s Hill Fossil
   Locality near Red Deer, Alberta, Canada .................... 367
   Ruth A. Stockey, Georgia L. Hoffman, and Matthew J. Vavrek
14 Historical Biogeography of the Neotropical Legume Genus
   Dussia: The Andes, the Panama Isthmus, and the Choco ....... 389
   Cathy Winterton, James E. Richardson, Michelle
   Hollingsworth, Alexandra Clark, Nelson Zamora, and
   R. Toby Pennington

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