Luer C.A. Lepanthes of Colombia (Orchidaceae) (St. Louis, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLuer C.A. Lepanthes of Colombia (Orchidaceae) / C.A.Luer, L.Thoerle. - St. Louis: Missouri bot. garden, 2012. - 300 p.: ill. - (Monographs in systematic botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden; vol.123. Icones Pleurothallidinarum; 32). - Bibliogr.: p.296. - Ind. to sci. names: p.297-300. - ISBN 978-1-915279-11-1

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Оглавление / Contents
Lepanthes quadricornis Luer & R. Escobar Frontispiece
The genus Lepanthes in Colombia
   Introduction ................................................. 1
   Keys to the species of Lepanthes of Colombia ................ 13
   Descriptions of species ..................................... 34
   Doubtful and excluded species .............................. 219
   Illustrations .............................................. 220
   References and acknowledgments ............................. 296
   Index of scientific names .................................. 297

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