Advances in semiconductor lasers (San Diego; London, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdvances in semiconductor lasers / ed. by J.J.Coleman, A.C.Bryce, Ch.Jagadish. - San Diego; London: Elsevier/Academic Press, 2012. - xiv, 526 p.: ill. – (Semiconductors and semimetals; vol.86). - Incl. bibl. ref. – Ind.: p.487-500. – ISBN 978-0-12-391066-0

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Оглавление / Contents
List of Contributors ........................................... ix
Preface ...................................................... xiii

1  High-Power Slab-Coupled Optical Waveguide Lasers and
   Amplifiers ................................................... 1
   Joseph P. Donnelly, Paul W. Juodawlkis, Robin Huang,
   Jason J. Plant, Gary M. Smith, Leo J. Missaggia,
   William Loh, Shawn M. Redmond, Bien Chann, Michael
   K. Connors, Reuel B. Swint, and George W. Turner
1  Introduction ................................................. 2
2  Slab-Coupled Optical Waveguide Concept and Initial Laser
   Demonstration ................................................ 3
3  GaAs-Based SCOW Devices ...................................... 8
4  InP-Based 1.5-μm SCOW Devices ............................... 29
5  GaSb-Based 2-μm SCOWLs ...................................... 43
6  Summary ..................................................... 43
   Acknowledgments ............................................. 44
   References .................................................. 44

2  High-Power, High-Efficiency Monolithic Edge-Emitting GaAs-
   Based Lasers with Narrow Spectral Widths .................... 49
   P. Crump, O. Brox, F. Bugge, J. Fricke, C. Schultz,
   M. Spreemann, В. Sumpf, H. Wenzel, and G. Erbert
   1  Introduction ............................................. 50
   2  DFB and DBR Simulation Methods ........................... 50
   3  Production of Short-Period Gratings ...................... 58
   4  Gratings with Epitaxial Overgrowth ....................... 60
   5  Surface Grating Patterning ............................... 64
   6  Single-Lateral-Mode Lasers ............................... 69
   7  Broad-Area, Laterally Multi-Mode Diode Lasers ............ 75
   8  Tapered Devices .......................................... 78
   9  Novel Resonators ......................................... 82
   10 Conclusions .............................................. 87
   References .................................................. 87

3  Advances in Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers ................ 93
   E.A. Avrutin and E.U. Rafailov
   1  Introduction ............................................. 94
   2  Mode-Locking Techniques in Laser Diodes: The Main
      Features ................................................. 96
   3  Mode-Locking Theory: Recent Progress and the State of
      the Art .................................................. 98
   4  The Main Predictions of Mode-Locked Laser Theory ........ 112
   5  Important Tendencies in Optimizing the Mode-Locked
      Laser Performance ....................................... 118
   6  Novel Mode-Locking Principles ........................... 130
   7  Overview of Possible Applications of Mode-Locked
      Lasers .................................................. 141
   8  Concluding Remarks ...................................... 144
   References ................................................. 144

4  GaN Laser Diodes on Nonpolar and Semipolar Planes .......... 149
   К.M. Kelchner, S.P. DenBaars, and J.S. Speck
   1  Introduction ............................................ 150
   2  Material Properties of Different Planes of GaN .......... 152
   3  Growth Issues ........................................... 163
   4  Laser Diode Design on Alternative GaN Planes ............ 169
   5  Conclusions ............................................. 177
   References ................................................. 178

5  Mid-Infrared Semiconductor Lasers: A Review ................ 183
   Eric Tournieacute; and Alexei N. Baranov
   1  Introduction ............................................ 184
   2  Mid-Infrared Semiconductor Technologies ................. 185
   3  Type-I GaInAsSb/AlGaInAsSb Quantum Well Laser Diodes .... 193
   4  Type-II InAs/GalnSb Interband Cascade Lasers ............ 205
   5  Antimonide Quantum Cascade Lasers ....................... 209
   6  Summary - Perspectives .................................. 218
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 219
   References ................................................. 219

6  Coherent Coupling of Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting
   Laser Arrays ............................................... 227
   Dominic F. Siriani and Kent D. Choquette
   1  Introduction ............................................ 228
   2  Review of Beam Combining ................................ 228
   3  Injection Phase Locking ................................. 237
   4  Evanescent Coupling ..................................... 241
   5  Diffractive Coupling .................................... 245
   6  Antiguided Coupling ..................................... 255
   7  Conclusion .............................................. 263
   References ................................................. 264

7  Ultrafast Vertical-External-Cavity Surface-Emitting
   Semiconductor Lasers ....................................... 269
   Anne С. Tropper, Adrian H. Quarterman, and Keith G. Wilcox
   1  Introduction ............................................ 269
   2  Design of Ultrashort Pulse VECSELs ...................... 273
   3  Advances in Mode-Locked VECSEL Performance .............. 287
   4  Repetition Rate ......................................... 296
   5  Conclusion .............................................. 298
   References ................................................. 298

8  Photonic Crystal Lasers .................................... 301
   Soon-Hong Kwon, Hong-Gyu Park, and Yong-Hee Lee
   1  Introduction ............................................ 301
   2  ID Photonic Crystal Laser: Vertical Cavity Surface-
      Emitting Laser .......................................... 302
   3  2D Photonic Crystal Slab Laser .......................... 304
   4  Other Forms of Photonic Crystal Lasers .................. 316
   5  Summary and Prospects ................................... 329
   References ................................................. 331

9  Metallic and Plasmonic Nanolasers .......................... 335
   Martin T. Hill
   1  Introduction ............................................ 335
   2  Metals and Surface Modes ................................ 337
   3  Optical Gain ............................................ 341
   4  Lasing Structures ....................................... 345
   5  Future Directions and Conclusion ........................ 366
   References ................................................. 367

10 GaAs-Based Quantum Dot Lasers .............................. 371
   Mark T. Crowley, Nader A. Naderi, Hui Su, Frederic
   Grillot, and Luke F. Lester
   1  Introduction ............................................ 372
   2  Ultralow-Threshold and Temperature-Insensitive
      Operation ............................................... 372
   3  The Linewidth Enhancement Factor in Quantum Dot Lasers .. 383
   4  QD Distributed Feedback Lasers .......................... 394
   5  High-Speed Performance of QD Lasers ..................... 401
   6  Conclusion and Outlook .................................. 411
   References ................................................. 412

11 InP-Based Quantum Dot Lasers ............................... 419
   Philip Poole
   1  Introduction ............................................ 419
   2  InAs Quantum Dot Growth on InP Substrates ............... 421
   3  InP-Based Quantum Dot Lasers ............................ 429
   4  Conclusions and Future Perspectives ..................... 449
   References ................................................. 449

12 Semiconductor Nanowire Lasers .............................. 455
   C.Z. Ning
   1  Introduction ............................................ 456
   2  Growth of Semiconductor Nanowires ....................... 457
   3  Lasing of Nitride Nanowires ............................. 459
   4  Lasing in Group II—VI Compound and Alloy Nanowires ...... 461
   5  Widely Tunable Nanowire Lasing and Emission from
      a Single Substrate ...................................... 464
   6  Lasing of ZnO Nanowires and Nanobelts ................... 469
   7  Infrared and Long-Wavelength Lasing ..................... 471
   8  Lasing from Coupled Nanowires ........................... 473
   9  Electrical injection Lasing ............................. 475
   10 Theory, Modeling, and Simulation ........................ 477
   11 Size Reduction and Metal-Dielectric Core-Shell
      Structures .............................................. 481
   12 Concluding Remarks and Outlook .......................... 482
   Acknowledgments ............................................ 483
   References ................................................. 483

Index ......................................................... 487
Contents of Volumes in this Series ............................ 501

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