Adaptive optics for biological imaging (Boca Raton, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdaptive optics for biological imaging / ed. by J.A.Kubby. - Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2013. - xvi, 359 p.: ill. - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.345-359. - ISBN 978-1-4398-5018-3

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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ....................................................... ix
Preface ........................................................ xi
Editor ....................................................... xiii
Contributors ................................................... xv

SECTION I Principles

1  Principles of Wave Optics .................................... 3
   Donald T. Gavel
2  Principles of Geometric Optics .............................. 29
   Joel A. Kubby
3  Theory of Image Formation ................................... 43
   Michael Schwertner


4  Aberrations and the Benefit of Their Correction in
   Confocal Microscopy ......................................... 51
   Michael Schwertner
5  Specimen-Induced Geometrical Distortions .................... 75
   Michael Schwertner
6  Simulation of Aberrations ................................... 83
   Michael Schwertner
7  Overview of Adaptive Optics in Biological Imaging ........... 95
   Elijah Y.S. Yew and Peter Т.C. So
8  Wavefront Correctors ....................................... 109
   Joel A. Kubby
9  Adaptive Optics System Alignment and Assembly .............. 151
   Diana C. Chen

SECTION III Applications

PART 1 Indirect Wavefront Sensing
10 Sensorless Adaptive Optics for Microscopy .................. 177
   Martin J. Booth and Alexander Jesacher
11 Implementation of Adaptive Optics in Nonlinear Microscopy
   for Biological Samples Using Optimization Algorithms ....... 191
   John M. Girkin
12 AO Two-Photon Fluorescence Microscopy Using Stochastic
   Parallel Descent Algorithm with Zernike Polynomial Basis ... 209
   Yaopeng Zhou
13 Pupil-Segmentation-Based Adaptive Optics for Microscopy .... 231
   Na Ji and Eric Betzig

PART 2  Direct Wavefront Sensing
14 Coherence-Gated Wavefront Sensing .......................... 253
   Jonas Binding and Markus Rückel
15 Adaptive Optics in Wide-Field Microscopy ................... 271
   Peter Kner, Zvi Kam, David A. Agard, and John Sedat
16 Biological Imaging and Adaptive Optics in Microscopy ....... 299
   Elijah Y.S. Yew, Jae Won Cha, Jerome Ballesta, and
   Peter Т.C. So
17 Adaptive Optical Microscopy Using Direct Wavefront
   Measurements ............................................... 315
   Oscar Azucena, Xiaodong Tao, and Joel A. Kubby

Index ......................................................... 345

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