Advances in statistical bioinformatics: models and integrative inference for high-throughput data (New York, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаAdvances in statistical bioinformatics: models and integrative inference for high-throughput data / ed. by K.-A.Do, Z.S.Qin, M.Vannucci. - New York: Cambridge univ. press, 2013. - xv, 481 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.477-481. - ISBN 978-1-107-02752-7

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Оглавление / Contents
List of Contributors .......................................... vii
Preface ........................................................ xi
1  An Introduction to Next-Generation Biological Platforms
   Virginia Mohlere, Wenting Wang, and Ganiraju Manyam .......... 1
2  An Introduction to The Cancer Genome Atlas
   Bradley M. Broom and Rehan Akbani ........................... 31
3  DNA Variant Calling in Targeted Sequencing Data
   Wenyi Wang, Yu Fan, and Terence P. Speed .................... 54
4  Statistical Analysis of Mapped Reads from mRNA-Seq Data
   Ernest Turro and Alex Lewin ................................. 11
5  Model-Based Methods for Transcript Expression-Level 
   Quantification in RNA-Seq 
   Zhaonan Sun, Han Wu, Zhaohui Qin, and Yu Zhu ............... 105
6  Bayesian Model-Based Approaches for Solexa Sequencing
   Riten Mitra, Peter Mueller, and Yuan Ji .................... 126
7  Statistical Aspects of ChlP-Seq Analysis
   Jonathan Cairns, Andy G. Lynch, and Simon Tavaré ........... 138
8  Bayesian Modeling of ChlP-Seq Data from Transcription 
   Factor to Nucleosome Positioning
   Raphael Gottardo and Sangsoon Woo .......................... 170
9  Multivariate Linear Models for GWAS
   Chiara Sabatti ............................................. 188
10 Bayesian Model Averaging for Genetic Association Studies
   Christine Peterson, Michael Swartz, Sanjay Shete, and
   Marina Vannucci ............................................ 208
11 Whole-Genome Multi-SNP-Phenotype Association Analysis
   Yongtao Guan and Kai Wang .................................. 224
12 Methods for the Analysis of Copy Number Data in Cancer
   Bradley M. Broom, Kim-Anh Do, Melissa Bondy, Patricia
   Thompson, and Kevin Coombes ................................ 244
13 Bayesian Models for Integrative Genomics
   Francesco C. Stingo and Marina Vannucci .................... 272
14 Bayesian Graphical Models for Integrating Multiplatform
   Genomics Data 
   Wenting Wang, Veerabhadran Baladandayuthapani, Chris 
   С. Holmes, and Kim-Anh Do .................................. 292
15 Genetical Genomics Data: Some Statistical Problems and
   Hongzhe Li ................................................. 312
16 A Bayesian Framework for Integrating Copy Number and
   Gene Expression Data
   Yuan Ji, Filippo Trentini, and Peter Mueller ............... 331
17 Application of Bayesian Sparse Factor Analysis Models in 
   Haisu Ma and Hongyu Zhao ................................... 350
18 Predicting Cancer Subtypes Using Survival-Supervised 
   Latent Dirichlet Allocation Models
   Keegan Korthauer, John Dawson, and Christina Kendziorski ... 366
19 Regularization Techniques for Highly Correlated Gene 
   Expression Data with Unknown Group Structure
   Brent A. Johnson ........................................... 382
20 Optimized Cross-Study Analysis of Microarray-Based 
   Xiaogang Zhong, Luigi Marchionni, Leslie Cope, Edwin 
   S. Iversen, Elizabeth S. Garrett-Mayer, Edward 
   Gabrielson, and Giovanni Parmigiani ........................ 398
21 Functional Enrichment Testing: A Survey of
   Statistical Method
   Laila M. Poisson and Debashis Ghosh ........................ 423
22 Discover Trend and Progression Underlying High-
   Dimensional Data
   Peng Qiu ................................................... 445
23 Bayesian Phylogenetics Adapts to Comprehensive Infectious
   Disease Sequence Data
   Jennifer A. Tom, Janet S. Sinsheimer, and Marc A. Suchard .. 460
Index ......................................................... 10l
Color plates follow ........................................... 104

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