Jelinek R. Biomimetics: a molecular perspective (Berlin; Boston, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаJelinek R. Biomimetics: a molecular perspective. - Berlin; Boston: de Gruyter, 2013. - vi, 252 p.: ill. - Bibliogr.: p.245-248. - Ind.: p.249-252. - ISBN 978-3-11-028117-0

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Оглавление / Contents
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
2  Bio-inspired and bio-hybrid materials ........................ 3
   2.1  Biomimetic functional materials ......................... 3
   2.2  Protein-based functional materials ...................... 7
   2.3  Bioelectronics ......................................... 26
   2.4  Microorganism-synthesized biomimetic materials ......... 29
3  Biomimetic surfaces ......................................... 39
   3.1  Adhesion and wetting ................................... 39
   3.2  Color and photonics .................................... 48
   3.3  Biosensing ............................................. 51
   3.4  Cell-surface interactions .............................. 52
4  Tissue Engineering .......................................... 61
   4.1  Artificial organs ...................................... 61
   4.2  Tissue engineering ..................................... 63
        4.2.1  Cell seeding and growth in engineered tissues ... 64
        4.2.2  ТЕ scaffolds .................................... 65
        4.2.3  Tissue-engineered cartilage: a case study ....... 82
   4.3  Tissue engineering and drug design ..................... 86
5  Biomineralization ........................................... 91
   5.1  Protein- and peptide-associated biomineralization ...... 92
   5.2  Organism-templated biomineralization .................. 102
6  Synthetic biology .......................................... 115
   6.1  Synthetic proteins .................................... 116
   6.2  Directed evolution .................................... 124
   6.3  Protein modeling and synthetic proteins ............... 129
   6.4  Engineered oligonucleotides and synthetic genes ....... 136
   6.5  Synthetic functional biomolecules ..................... 140
   6.6  Artificial chromosomes ................................ 143
   6.7  Engineered microorganisms ............................. 146
7  Artificial cells ........................................... 149
   7.1  Biomimetic membranes .................................. 150
   7.2  Artificial cell division .............................. 160
   7.3  Biomolecules encapsulated in artificial cells ......... 163
   7.4  Artificial replication ................................ 165
8  Drug delivery .............................................. 171
9  DNA and RNA nanotechnology ................................. 191
   9.1  Basics of DNA nanostructures .......................... 191
   9.2  DNA origami ........................................... 193
   9.3  DNA-based advanced materials .......................... 201
   9.4  RNA nanostructures .................................... 208
   9.5  DNA-based computing ................................... 211
10 Mimicking biological phenomena and concepts ................ 215
   10.1 Catalytic antibodies .................................. 215
   10.2 Artificial photosynthesis ............................. 217
   10.3 Bio-inspired motors ................................... 221
   10.4 Artificial muscles .................................... 224
   10.5 Biomimetic pores and channels ......................... 228
   10.6 Biomimetic signaling pathways ......................... 231
   10.7 Electronic noses ...................................... 232
   10.8 Neural networks and biologically-inspired computers ... 238
Further Reading ............................................... 245
Index ......................................................... 249

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