Plant transposable elements: impact on genome structure and function (Berlin; Heidelberg, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаPlant transposable elements: impact on genome structure and function / ed. by
M.-A.Grandbastien, J.M.Casacuberta. - Berlin; Heidelberg: Springer Science+Business Media, 2012. - xii, 330 p.: ill. - (Topics in current genetics; 24). - Bibliogr. at the end of the chapters. - Ind.: p.325-330.
- ISBN 978-3-642-31841-2


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Оглавление / Contents
1  So Many Repeats and So Little Time: How to Classify
   Transposable Elements ........................................ 1
   Thomas Wicker
2  Transposable Element Annotation in Completely Sequenced
   Eukaryote Genomes ........................................... 17
   Timothee Flutre, Emmanuelle Permal, and Hadi Quesneville
3  Using Nextgen Sequencing to Investigate Genome Size
   Variation and Transposable Element Content .................. 41
   Concepcion Muñoz-Diez, Clémentine Vitte, Jeffrey Ross-
   Ibarra, Brandon S. Gaut, and Maud I. Tenaillon
4  Genome-Wide Analysis of Transposition Using Next
   Generation Sequencing Technologies .......................... 59
   Moaine Elbaidouri and Olivier Panaud
5  Hitching a Ride: Nonautonomous Retrotransposons and 
   Parasitism as a Lifestyle ................................... 71
   Alan H. Schulman
6  Plant Endogenous Retroviruses? A Case of Mysterious ORFs .... 89
   Howard M. Laten and Garen D. Gaston
7  MITEs, Miniature Elements with a Major Role in Plant 
   Genome Evolution ........................................... 113
   Helene Guermonprez, Elizabeth Hénaff, Marta Cifuentes, 
   and Josep M. Casacuberta
8  Glue for Jumping Elements: Epigenetic Means for 
   Controlling Transposable Elements in Plants ................ 125
   Thierry Pélissier and Olivier Mathieu
9  Responses of Transposable Elements to Polyploidy ........... 147
   Christian Parisod and Natacha Senerchia
10 Noise or Symphony: Comparative Evolutionary Analysis
   of Sugarcane Transposable Elements with Other Grasses ...... 169
   Nathalia de Setta, Cushla J. Metcalfe, Guilherme
   M.Q. Cruz, Edgar A. Ochoa, and Marie-Anne Van Sluys
11 Helitron Proliferation and Gene-Fragment Capture ........... 193
   Yubin Li and Hugo K. Dooner
12 Transposable Element Exaptation in Plants .................. 219
   Douglas R. Hoen and Thomas E. Bureau
13 SINE Exaptation as Cellular Regulators Occurred
   Numerous Times During Eukaryote Evolution .................. 253
   Jean-Marc Deragon
14 LTR Retrotransposons as Controlling Elements of Genome
   Response to Stress? ........................................ 273
   Quynh Trang Bui and Marie-Angele Grandbastien
15 Rider Transposon Insertion and Phenotypic Change in 
   Tomato ..................................................... 297
   Ning Jiang, Sofia Visa, Shan Wu, and Esther van der Knaap
16 Retrotransposons and the Eternal Leaves .................... 313
   Antonella Furini
Index ......................................................... 325

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