Molecular and colloidal electro-optics (Boca Rotation, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаMolecular and colloidal electro-optics / ed. by S.P.Stoylov, M.V.Stoimenova. - Boca Rotation: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2007. - [11], 594 p.: ill. - (Surfactant science series; vol.134). - Пер. загл.: Молекулярная и коллоидная электрооптика. - ISBN 0-8493-9811-8

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Оглавление / Contents
The First Years of Modern Electro-Optics ........................ 1

A. Historical Review
   H. Benoît

Part I Electro-Optic Methods—Advances in Theory and Methodology

Chapter 1  Polar Nanoparticles ................................. 17
           Stoyl P. Stoylov
Chapter 2  Thin Double Layer Theory of the Wide-Frequency 
           Range Dispersion of the Polarizability of
           Nonconducting Spheroidal Particles .................. 39
           V.N. Shilov, Yu. B. Borkovskaja, and S.N. Budankova
Chapter 3  Quantitative Molecular Electro-Optics: 
           Macromolecular Structures and Their Dynamics in 
           Solution ............................................ 59
           Dietmar Porschke and Jan M. Antosiewicz
Chapter 4  Computational Methods for Dynamic Electro-Optic
           Properties of Macromolecules and Nanoparticles in 
           Solution ........................................... 109
           J. García de la Torre, F.G. Díaz Ba 	ños, and 
           H.E. Pérez Sánchez
Chapter 5  Simulation of Electric Polarizability of 
           Polyelectrolytes ................................... 135
           Kazuo Kikuchi and Hitoshi Washizu
Chapter 6  Electrokinetics of Concentrated Colloidal 
           Dispersions ........................................ 149
           A.V. Delgado, F. Carrique, M.L. Jiménez, 
           S. Ahualli, and F.J. Arroyo
Chapter 7  Electro-Optics of Polydisperse Colloids ............ 193
           A.A. Spartakov, A.A. Trusov, A.V. Voitylov, and 
           V.V. Vojtylov
Chapter 8  Application of the Scaling Method in Electro-
           Optics ............................................. 229
           Maria Stoimenova

Part II New Applications

A. Rigid Particles, Polyelectrolytes, Biosystems

Chapter 9  Counterions Dynamics as Studied by Electric Light
           Scattering ......................................... 251
           Ivana B. Petkanchin
Chapter 10 Optical Kerr Effect of DNA Oligomers and tRNA ...... 265
           Sergio Aragon, Martin Perez, Kerwin Ng, and Don
Chapter 11 The Use of Transient Electric Birefringence to 
           Analyze Curvature in Naturally Occurring, 
           Mixed-Sequence DNA Molecules ....................... 285
           Nancy C. Stellwagen and Yongjun Lu
Chapter 12 Electro-Optics and Electroporation of Synthetic
           Lipid Vesicles ..................................... 301
           Zoltan A. Schelly, Niloofar Asgharian, 
           N. Mariano Correa, Viktor Peikov, Sixin Wu, 
           Hongxia Zeng, and Hongguang Zhang
Chapter 13 Electro-Optical Analysis of Bacterial Cells ........ 307
           Alexander Angersbach, Victor Bunin, and Oleg 
Chapter 14 Geometry of Purple Membranes in Aqueous Medium ..... 327
           Alexandar M. Zhivkov

B. Adsorption on Particles

Chapter 15 Nanoscale Charge Nonuniformity on Colloidal 
           Particles .......................................... 369
           Darrell Velegol
Chapter 16 A Study of the Anomalous Kerr Effect on 
           Dispersions of Clays in the Presence of Excess 
           Salt and Water-Soluble Amphiphilic Additives ....... 383
           P. Schmiedel, S. Holzheu, and H. Hoffmann
Chapter 17 Structural and Electrical Properties of 
           Polyelectrolyte Multilayers on Colloidal
           Particles .......................................... 401
           Tsetska Radeva
Chapter 18 Electro-Optics of Composite Nanoparticles .......... 425
           M. Buleva and Stoyl P. Stoylov 

C. Structured Systems

Chapter 19 Electro-Optics of Colloidal Crystals ............... 447
           Akira Tsuchida and Tsuneo Okubo
Chapter 20 Electric Birefringence of Liquid Crystalline 
           Polymers ........................................... 457
           Igor' P. Kolomiets, David Lacey, and Peter 
           N. Lavrenko
Chapter 21 Frequency-Domain Electro-Optic Response of
           Chiral Smectic Liquid Crystals ..................... 525
           Yasuyuki Kimura and Reinosuke Hayakawa
Chapter 22 Electro-Optic Behavior of Fullerene-Containing 
           Compounds .......................................... 551
           Natalia P. Yevlampieva
Chapter 23 Drying Dissipative Structures of Colloidal 
           Dispersions ........................................ 573
           Tsuneo Okubo
Index ......................................................... 591

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