Modeling phosphorus in the environment (Boca Raton, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаModeling phosphorus in the environment / ed. by D.E.Radcliffe, M.L.Cabrera. - Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2007. - [12], 420 p.: ill. - Пер. загл.: Моделирование транспортирования фосфора в окружающую среду. - ISBN 0-8493-3777-1

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Оглавление / Contents
Section I  Basic Approaches ..................................... 1

Chapter 1  Modeling Phosphorus Movement from Agriculture
to Surface Waters ............................................... 3
Andrew N. Sharpley

Chapter 2  Modeling Runoff and Erosion in Phosphorus Models .... 21
Mary Leigh Wolfe

Chapter 3  Modeling Phosphorus in Runoff: Basic Approaches ..... 65
Miguel L. Cabrera

Chapter 4  Basic Approaches to Modeling Phosphorus Leaching .... 81
Nathan O. Nelson and John E. Parsons

Chapter 5  Phosphorus Transport in Streams: Processes and
Modeling Considerations ....................................... 105
Brian E. Haggard and Andrew N. Sharpley

Chapter 6  Uncertainty Estimation in Phosphorus Models ........ 131
Keith Beven, Trevor Page, and Malcolm McGechan

Section II  Models ............................................ 161

Chapter 7  Phosphorus Modeling in Soil and Water
Assessment Tool (SWAT) Model .................................. 163
Indrajeet Chaubey, K.W. Migliaccio, C.H. Green, J.G. Arnold,
and R. Srinivasan

Chapter 8  Modeling Phosphorus with Hydrologie Simulation
Program-Fortran ............................................... 189
David E. Radcliffe and Zhulu Lin

Chapter 9  Phosphorus Modeling in the Annualized Agricultural
Nonpoint Source Pollution (AnnAGNPS) Model .................... 215
Yongping Yuan, Ronald L. Bingner, and Indrajeet Chaubey

Chapter 10 ANSWERS-2000: A Nonpoint Source Pollution Model
for Water, Sediment, and Phosphorus Losses .................... 241
Faycal Bouraoui and Theo A. Dillaha

Chapter 11 Watershed Ecosystem Nutrient Dynamics-Phosphorus
(WEND-P Models) ............................................... 261
Robert L. Kort, E. Alan Cassell, and Stefanie G. Aschmann

Chapter 12 Modeling Phosphorus with the Generalized
Watershed Loading Functions (GWLF) Model ...................... 277
Elliot M. Schneiderman

Section III Phosphorus Indices, Best Management Practices,
and Calibration Data .......................................... 299

Chapter 13 Phosphorus Indices ................................. 301
Jennifer Weld and Andrew N. Sharpley

Chapter 14 Challenges to Using and Implementing Phosphorus
Indices in Nutrient Management Planning: an MMP Perspective ... 333
Philip Hess, Bradley Eisenhauer, and Brad Joern

Chapter 15 Quantifying the Effects of Phosphorus Control
Best Management Practices ..................................... 351
Margaret W. Gitau and Tamie L. Veith

Chapter 16 Small Watershed Data Collection to Support
Phosphorus Modeling ........................................... 383
Daren Harmel and Brian E. Haggard

Section IV Modeling in the Future ............................. 403

Chapter 17 Suggestions to Improve Modeling of Phosphorus ...... 405
David E. Radcliffe and Miguel L. Cabrera

Index ......................................................... 417

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