Intelligent computational paradigms in earthquake engineering (Hershey; London, 2007). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаIntelligent computational paradigms in earthquake engineering / ed. by N.D.Lagaros, Y.Tsompanakis. - Hershey; London: Idea group publ., 2007. - xiv, 444 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.442-444. - Пер. загл.: Умные вычислительные парадигмы в прикладной сейсмологии. - ISBN 1-59904-099-9

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Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ....................................................... vi
Preface ...................................................... viii

Section I: Structural Optimization Applications

Chapter I
Improved Seismic Design Procedures and Evolutionary Tools ....... 1
   Michalis Fragicdakis, National Technical University of
   Athens, Greece
   Nikos D. Lagaros, University of Thessaly, Greece
   Yiannis Tsompanakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
   Manolis Papadrakakis, National Technical University of
   Athens, Greece

Chapter II
Applying Neural Networks for Performance-Based Design in
Earthquake Engineering ......................................... 22
   Ricardo O. Foschi, University of British Columbia, Canada

Chapter III
Evolutionary Seismic Design for Optimal Performance ............ 42
   Arzhang Alimoradi, John A. Martin & Associates, Inc., USA
   Shahram Pezeshk, University of Memphis, USA
   Christopher M. Foley, Marquette University, USA

Chapter IV
Optimal Reliability-Based Design Using Support Vector 
Machines and Artificial Life Algorithms ........................ 59
   Jorge E. Hurtado, Universidad National de Colombia,

Chapter V
Optimum Design of Structures for Earthquake Induced Loading
by Wavelet Neural Network ...................................... 80
   Eysa Salajegheh, University of Kerman, Iran
   Ali Heidari, University of Shahrekord, Iran

Chapter VI
Developments in Structural Optimization and Applications to
Intelligent Structural Vibration Control ...................... 101
   Sk. Faruque Ali, Indian Institute of Science, India
   Ananth Ramaswamy, Indian Institute of Science, India

Section II: Structural Assessment Applications

Chapter VII
Neuro-Fuzzy Assesment of Building Damage and Safety After
an Earthquake ................................................. 123
   Martha L. Carreno, Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna,
   Omar D. Cardona, Universidad National de Colombia, Colombia
   Alex H. Barbat, Universidad Politecnica de Cataluna, Spain

Chapter VIII
Learning Machines for Structural Damage Detection ............. 158
   Miguel R. Hernandez-Garcia, University of Southern
   California, USA
   Mauricio Sanchez-Silva, Universidad de Los Andes, Colombia

Chapter IX
Structural Assessment of RC Constructions and Fuzzy Expert
Systems ....................................................... 188
   Mauro Mezzina, Technical University of Bari, Italy
   Giuseppina Uva, Technical University of Bari, Italy
   Rita Greco, Technical University of Bari, Italy
   Giuseppe Acciani, Technical University of Bari, Italy
   Giuseppe Leonardo Cascella, Technical University of Bari,
   Girolamo Fornarelli, Technical University of Bari, Italy

Chapter X
Life-Cycle Cost Evaluation of Bridge Structures Considering
Seismic Risk .................................................. 231
   Hitoshi Furuta, Kansai University, Japan
   Kazuhiro Koyama, NTT Comware Ltd., Japan

Chapter XI
Soft Computing Techniques in Probabilistic Seismic Analysis
of Structures ................................................. 248
   Nikos D. Lagaros, University of Thessaly, Greece
   Yiannis Tsompanakis, Technical University of Crete, Greece
   Michalis Fragiadakis, National Technical University of
   Athens, Greece
   Manolis Papadrakakis, National Technical University of
   Athens, Greece

Section III: Structural Identification Applications

Chapter XII
Inverse Analysis of Weak and Strong Motion Downhole Array
Data: A Hybrid Optimization Algorithm ......................... 271
   Dominic Assimaki, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Chapter XIII
Genetic Algorithms in Structural Identification and Damage
Detection ..................................................... 316
   Chan Ghee Koh, National University of Singapore, Singapore
   Michael John Perry, National University of Singapore,

Chapter XIV
Neural Network-Based Indentification of Structural
Parameters in Multistory Buildings ............................ 342
   Snehashish Chakraverty, Central Building Research
   Institute, India

Chapter XV
Application of Neurocomputing to Parametric Identification
Using Dynamic Responses ....................................... 362
   Leonard Ziemiański, Rzeszów University of Technology,
   Bartosz Miller, Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland
   Grzegorz Piątkowski, Rzeszów University of Technology,

Chapter XVI
Neural Networks for the Simulation and Identification
Analysis of Buildings Subjected to Paraseismic Excitations .... 393
   Krystyna Kuźniar, Pedagogical University of Cracow, Poland
   Zenon Waszczyzyn, Rzeszów University of Technology, Poland

About the Authors ............................................. 433
Index ......................................................... 442

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