Монгол улсын улаан ном = Mongolian red book (Улаанбаатар, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаМонгол улсын улаан ном = Mongolian red book / ред. Ц.Шийрэвдамба; пер.: Z.Batjargal, B.Enkhjargal. - Улаанбаатар: Ministry of environment and green development, 2013. - 535 p.: ill. - Пер. загл.: Красная книга Монголии. - ISBN 978-99973-0-167-3

Место хранения: 02 | Отделение ГПНТБ СО РАН | Новосибирск

Оглавление / Contents
Foreword ........................................................ 6
Summary of the Introduction to the First Edition ................ 8
Introduction to the Second Edition ............................. 15
Introduction to the Third Edition .............................. 21
Introduction to the English Translation ........................ 27

Section i    Mammals ........................................... 33
Section ii   Birds ............................................ 115
Section iii  Reptiles ......................................... 188
Section iv   Amphibians ....................................... 199
Section v    Fish ............................................. 209
Section vi   Agnathans ........................................ 220
Section vii  Crustaceans ...................................... 225
Section viii Insects .......................................... 228
Section ix   Molluscs ......................................... 253

Section I  Vascular plants .................................... 263
Section II Lower plants ....................................... 447
   Mosses ..................................................... 450
   Algae ...................................................... 463
   Lichens .................................................... 481
   Fungi ...................................................... 498

Index of animal and plant names ............................... 528
Maps .......................................................... 534

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