Remote sensing of land use and land cover: principles and applications (Boca Raton, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаRemote sensing of land use and land cover: principles and applications / ed. by C.P.Giri. - Boca Raton: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2012. - xx, 425 p.: ill. - (Taylor & Francis series in remote sensing applications). - Пер. загл.: Дистанционное зондирование землепользования и земной поверхности. - ISBN 978-1-4200-7074-3

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Оглавление / Contents
Series Preface ................................................. ix
Preface ......................................................... 1
Acknowledgments	.............................................. xiii
Editor ......................................................... xv
Contributors ................................................. xvii

SECTION I  Overview
Chapter 1  Brief Overview of Remote Sensing of Land Cover ....... 3
           Chandra P. Giri
Chapter 2  History of Land-Cover Mapping ....................... 13
           Thomas R. Loveland

SECTION II  Basic Principles
Chapter 3  Semantic Issues in Land-Cover Analysis: 
           Representation, Analysis, and Visualization ......... 25
           Ola Ahlqvist
Chapter 4  Overview of Land-Cover Classifications and Their 
           Interoperability .................................... 37
           Antonio Di Gregorio and Douglas O'Brien
Chapter 5  Revisiting Land-Cover Mapping Concepts .............. 49
           Pierre Defourny and Sophie Bontemps
Chapter 6  Evaluating Land-Cover Legends Using the UN 
           Land-Cover Classification System .................... 65
           Martin Herold and Antonio Di Gregorio
Chapter 7  Long-Term Satellite Data Records for Land-Cover
           Monitoring .......................................... 91
           Sangram Ganguly
Chapter 8  Preprocessing: Need for Sensor Calibration ......... 113
           Gyanesh Chander
Chapter 9  Classification Trees and Mixed Pixel Training Data . 127
           Matthew C. Hansen
Chapter 10 Comparison between New Digital Image 
           Classification Methods and Traditional Methods for
           Land-Cover Mapping ................................. 137
           Alberto Jesús Perea Moreno and José Emilio Merono 
           De Larriva
Chapter 11 Land-Cover Change Detection ........................ 153
           Xuexia (Sherry) Chen, Chandra P. Giri, and James
           E. Vogelmann
Chapter 12 Supervised Classification Approaches for the 
           Development of Land-Cover Time Series .............. 177
           Darren Pouliot, Rasim Latifovic, Ian Olthof, and 
           Robert Fraser
Chapter 13 Forest-Cover Change Detection Using Support 
           Vector Machines .................................... 191
           Chengquan Huang and Kuan Song
Chapter 14 Global Land-Cover Map Validation Experiences: 
           Toward the Characterization of Uncertainty ......... 207
           Pierre Defourny, Philippe Mayaux, Martin Herold,
           and Sophie Bontemps
Chapter 15 Role of Remote Sensing for Land-Use and Land-Cover
           Change Modeling .................................... 225
           Terry Sohl and Benjamin Sleeter

SECTION III Application Examples
Chapter 16 Operational Service Demonstration for Global 
           Land-Cover Mapping: The GlobCover and GlobCorine
           Experiences for 2005 and 2009 ...................... 243
           Sophie Bontemps, Olivier Arino, Patrice Bicheron, 
           Christelle Carsten Brockman, Marc Leroy,
           Christelle Vancutsem, and Pierre Defourny
Chapter 17 Continental and Regional Approaches for
           Improving Land-Cover Maps of Africa ................ 265
           Philippe Mayaux, Christelle Vancutsem, 
           Jean-Franqois Pekel, Carlos de Wasseige, Pierre 
           Defourny, Matthew C. Hansen, and Landing Mane
Chapter 18 Land-Cover Mapping in Tropical Asia ................ 275
           Hans-Jurgen Stibig and Chandra P. Giri
Chapter 19 Land Cover and Its Change in Europe: 1990-2006 ..... 285
           Jan Feranec, Tomas Soukup, Gerard Hazeu, and 
           Gabriel Jaffrain
Chapter 20 North American Land-Change Monitoring System ....... 303
           Rasim Latifovic, Colin Homer, Rainer Ressl, Darren 
           Pouliot, Sheikh Nazmul Hossain, Renй R. Colditz, 
           Ian Olthof, Chandra P. Giri, andArturo Victoria
Chapter 21 The Application of Medium-Resolution MERIS 
           Satellite Data for Continental Land-Cover Mapping 
           over South America: Results and Caveats ............ 325
           Lorena Hojas Gascon, Hugh Douglas Eva, Nadine 
           Gobron, Dario Simonetti, and Steffen Fritz
Chapter 22 Mapping Land-Cover and Land-Use Changes in China ... 339
           Xiangzheng Deng and Jiyuan Liu
Chapter 23 An Approach to Assess Land-Cover Trends in the 
           Conterminous United States (1973-2000) ............. 351
           Roger F. Auch, Mark A. Drummond, Kristi L. Sayler,
           Alisa L. Gallant, and William Acevedo
Chapter 24 Is Africa Losing Its Natural Vegetation? 
           Monitoring Trajectories of Land-Cover Change Using 
           Landsat Imagery .................................... 369
           Andreas Bernhard Brink, Hugh Douglas Eva, and 
           Catherine Bodart

SECTION IV  Looking Ahead
Chapter 25 The NASA Land-Cover and Land-Use Change Program: 
           Research Agenda and Progress (2005-2011) ........... 379
           Garik Gutman, Chris Justice, and LeeAnn King
Chapter 26 Building Saliency, Legitimacy, and Credibility 
           toward Operational Global and Regional Land-Cover 
           Observations and Assessments in the Context of
           International Processes and Observing Essential
           Climate Variables .................................. 397
           Martin Herold, Lammert Kooistra, Annemarie van 
           Groenestijn, Pierre Defourny, Chris Schmullius, 
           Vasileios Kalogirou, and Olivier Arino

Index ......................................................... 415

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