Flow analysis with spectrophotometric and luminometric detection (Waltham, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаFlow analysis with spectrophotometric and luminometric detection / E.A.G.Zagatto et al. - Waltham: Elsevier, 2012. - x, 471 p.: ill. - Пер. загл.: Анализ потока со спектрофотометрическим и люминесцентным детектированием. - ISBN 978-0-12-385924-2

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Оглавление / Contents
Preface ....................................................... vii
Foreword ....................................................... ix
1  Introduction ................................................. 1
   1.1  General ................................................. 2
   1.2  The Advent of Flow Analysis ............................. 3
   1.3  The Development of Flow Analysis ........................ 4
   1.4  Main Features of Flow Analysis .......................... 5
   1.5  Aims and Scope of the Monograph ........................ 10
        References ............................................. 11
   Appendix 1.1. Important Monographs Related to Flow Analysis . 12
   Appendix 1.2. Journal Special Issues Dedicated to
   Conferences on Flow Analysis ................................ 12
2  Historical View ............................................. 13
   2.1  Early Developments ..................................... 15
   2.2  Segmented Flow Analysis ................................ 16
   2.3  Flow Injection Analysis ................................ 20
   2.4  Sequential Injection Analysis .......................... 24
   2.5  Multi-commuted Flow Analysis ........................... 26
   2.6  Other Flow Systems ..................................... 29
   2.7  Commutation in Flow Analysis ........................... 30
   2.8  Flow Pattern ........................................... 31
   2.9  Instrument Characteristics ............................. 32
   2.10 Trends ................................................. 33
   References .................................................. 34
3  Fundamentals ................................................ 45
   3.1  The Flowing Sample ..................................... 46
   3.2  System Configurations .................................. 79
   3.3  The Detector Response 83 References .................... 87
4  Interaction of Radiation with the Flowing Sample ............ 95
   4.1  Fundamentals ........................................... 96
   4.2  The Schlieren Effect .................................. 119
   4.3  Presence of Immiscible Phases ......................... 137
   References ................................................. 140
5  Flow Analysers ............................................. 147
   5.1  The Segmented Flow Analyser ........................... 148
   5.2  The Flow Injection Analyser ........................... 158
   5.3  The Sequential Injection Analyser ..................... 174
   5.4  The Multi-Commuted Flow Analyser ...................... 180
   5.5  Other Flow Analysers .................................. 183
   5.6  Describing a Flow Analyser ............................ 186
   References ................................................. 195
6  Instrumentation ............................................ 205
   6.1  Fluid Propulsion ...................................... 206
   6.2  Sample Handling ....................................... 217
   6.3  Detection and Data Processing ......................... 231
   6.4  Miniaturisation of the Flow System .................... 236
   References ................................................. 237
7  Special Strategies for Flow Manipulation ................... 243
   7.1  Merging Zones ......................................... 244
   7.2  Zone Sampling ......................................... 255
   7.3  Stream Splitting ...................................... 263
   7.4  Zone Splitting ........................................ 268
   7.5  Sample Incubation ..................................... 269
   7.6  Multi-detection ....................................... 273
   7.7  Final Remarks ......................................... 284
   References ................................................. 284
8  Sample Handling ............................................ 295
   8.1  Sampling .............................................. 298
   8.2  Sample Dilution ....................................... 307
   8.3  Reagent Additions ..................................... 311
   8.4  Sample Treatment ...................................... 323
   8.5  Analyte Separation/Concentration ...................... 338
   8.6  Measurement Strategies ................................ 399
   8.7  Expert Flow Systems ................................... 407
   8.8  Flow Methods as Teaching Tools ........................ 416
   References ................................................. 419
9  Future Trends .............................................. 449

Index ......................................................... 451

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