Arthington A.H. Environmental flows: saving rivers in the third millennium (Berkeley; London, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаArthington A.H. Environmental flows: saving rivers in the third millennium. - Berkeley; London: University of California Press, 2012. - xii, 406 p.: ill. - (Freshwater ecology series; 4). - Bibliogr.: p.329-382. - Ind.: p.383-406. - ISBN 978-0520-27369-6

Оглавление / Contents
   Preface and Acknowledgments ................................. ix
1  River Values and Threats ..................................... i
2  Global Hydrology, Climate, and River Flow Regimes ........... 13
3  Catchments, Drainage Networks, and Resource Regimes ......... 35
4  River Ecology, the Natural Flow Regime Paradigm, and 
   Hydroecological Principles .................................. 49
5  Effects of Catchment Change and River-Corridor Engineering .. 75
6  History of Water Control and Dam Impacts .................... 87
7  Effects of Dams on Sediment, Thermal, and Chemical Regimes .. 99
8  Effects of Dams on Habitat and Aquatic Biodiversity ........ 113
9  Introduction to Environmental Flow Methods ................. 125
10 Hydraulic Rating and Habitat Simulation Methods ............ 139
11 Flow Protection Methods .................................... 149
12 Flow Restoration Methods ................................... 165
13 Ecological Limits of Hydrologie Alteration (ELOHA) ......... 181
14 Environmental Flow Relationships, Models, and 
   Applications ............................................... 199
15 Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems and Threats ............... 213
16 Sustaining Groundwater-Dependent Ecosystems ................ 229
17 Wetlands, Threats, and Water Requirements .................. 243
18 Estuaries, Threats, and Flow Requirements .................. 259
19 Setting Limits to Hydrologie Alteration .................... 273
20 Implementing and Monitoring Environmental Flows ............ 287
21 Legislation and Policy ..................................... 299
22 Adapting to Climate Change ................................. 311
   Appendix: The Brisbane Declaration (2007) .................. 323
   Literature Cited ........................................... 329
   Index ...................................................... 383

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