The complex mind: an interdisciplinary approach (Houndmills; New York, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаThe complex mind: an interdisciplinary approach / ed. by D.McFarland, K.Stenning, M.McGonigle-Chalmers. - Houndmills; New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. - xv, 295 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.289-295. - ISBN 978-0-230-24757-4

Оглавление / Contents
List of Illustrations .......................................... ix
Preface ....................................................... xii
Notes on Contributors ......................................... xiv

Part I  Complexity and the Animal Mind
Introduction .................................................... 3
Maggie McGonigle-Chalmers
1  Relational and Absolute Discrimination Learning by Squirrel
   Monkeys: Establishing a Common Ground with Human Cognition .. 12
   Barry T. Jones
2  Serial List Retention by Non-Human Primates: Complexity
   and Cognitive Continuity .................................... 25
   F. Robert Treichler
3  The Use of Spatial Structure in Working Memory:
   A Comparative Standpoint .................................... 38
   Carlo De Lilio
4  The Emergence of Linear Sequencing in Children:
   A Continuity Account and a Formal Model ..................... 55
   Maggie McGonigle and Iain Kusel
5  Sensitivity to Quantity: What Counts across Species? ........ 80
   Sarah T. Boysen and Anna M. Yocom

Part II  Complexity in Robots
Introduction ................................................... 99
   David McFarland
6  Towards Cognitive Robotics: Robotics, Biology and
   Developmental Psychology ................................... 103
   Mark Lee, Ulrich Nehmzow and Marcos Rodriguez
7  Structuring Intelligence: The Role of Hierarchy,
   Modularity and Learning in Generating Intelligent
   Behaviour .................................................. 126
   Joanna J. Bryson
8  Epistemology, Access and Computational Models .............. 144
   George Luger
9  Reasoning about Representations in Autonomous Systems:
   What Pуlya and Lakatos Have to Say ......................... 167
   Alan Bundy

Part III Language, Evolution and the Complex Mind
Introduction .................................................. 187
Keith Stenning
10 How to Qualify for a Cognitive Upgrade: Executive
   Control, Glass Ceilings and the Limits of Simian Success ... 197
   Andy Clark
11 Private Codes and Public Structures ........................ 223
   Colin Allen
12 The Emergence of Complex Language .......................... 243
   Wolfram Hinzen
13 Language Evolution: Enlarging the Picture .................. 264
   Keith Stenning and Michael van Lambalgen

Epilogue: Brendan McGonigle ................................... 283
Index ......................................................... 289

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