Single-molecule studies of proteins (New York, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаSingle-molecule studies of proteins / ed. by A.F.Oberhauser. - New York: Springer, 2013. - xiii, 274 p.: ill. - (Biophysics for the life sciences). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.269-274. - ISBN 978-1-4614-4920-1

Оглавление / Contents
1  Nanomechanics of Proteins, Both Folded and Disordered ........ 1
   Rubén Hervás, Albert Galera-Prat, Àngel Gómez-Sicilia, 
   Fernando Losada-Urzáiz, María del Carmen Fernández, Debora
   Fernández-Bravo, Elena Santana, Clara Barrio-García,
   Carolina Melero, and Mariano Carrión-Vázquez
2  Force Spectroscopy and Recognition Imaging of Ceils from 
   the Immune System ........................................... 49
   Bianca L. Bozna, Memed Duman, and Peter Hinterdorfer
3  Catch Bonds of Integrin/Ligand Interactions ................. 77
   Cheng Zhu and Wei Chen
4  AFM Visualization of Protein-DNA Interactions ............... 97
   Yuri L. Lyubchenko
5  Nanovisualization of Proteins in Action Using High-Speed
   AFM ........................................................ 119
   Takayuki Uchihashi, Noriyuki Kodera, and Toshio Ando
6  Enzyme Catalysis at the Single-Molecule Level .............. 149
   Raul Perez-Jimenez and Jorge Alegre-Cebollada
7  Single-Molecule Studies of Amyloidogenic Proteins .......... 169
   Miklós S.Z. Kellermayer, Árpád Karsai, Ünige Murvai, 
   Szilvia Erdélyi-Bótor, József Kardos, and Ricardo 
   H. Pires
8  Stretching and Imaging Individual Proteins on Live Cells
   Using Atomic Force Microscopy .............................. 211
   David Alsteens and Yves F. Dufrêne
9  Individual Proteins Under Mechanical Stress: Lessons
   from Theory and Computer Simulations ....................... 235
   Dmitrii E. Makarov

Index ......................................................... 269

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