Landscape and culture in Northern Eurasia (Walnut Creek, 2011). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаLandscape and culture in Northern Eurasia / ed. by P.Jordan. - Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 2011. - 358 p.: ill., map. - (Publications of the Institute of Archaeology, University College London). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.345-358. - ISBN 978-1-59874-244-2

Оглавление / Contents
List of Illustrations ........................................... 7
Preface ........................................................ 11
Notes on Russian Transliteration ............................... 15

1  Landscape and Culture in Northern Eurasia: An Introduction .. 17
   Peter Jordan

         Part 1.  Landscape, Communication and Obligation
2  Seeing with Others' Eyes: Hunting and 'Idle Talk' in the 
   Landscape of the Siberian Iukagir ........................... 49
   Kane Willerslev
3  Shamanistic Revival in a Post-Socialist Landscape: Luck 
   and Ritual among Zabaikal'e Orochen-Evenkis ................. 71
   David G. Anderson
4  Landscapes in Motion: Opening Pathways in Kamchatkan 
   Hunting and Herding Rituals ................................. 97
   Patrick Plattet
5  Material and Linguistic Perspectives on Sel'kup Sacred 
   Places ..................................................... 117
   Alexandra A. Maloney

              Part 2. Landscape, Dwelling and Practice
6  Dwelling in the Landscape Among the Reindeer Herding
   Chukchis of Chukotka ....................................... 135
   Virginie Vaté
7  'Marking'the Land: Sacrifices, Cemeteries and Sacred 
   Places among the Iamal Nenetses ............................ 161
   Sven Haakanson Jr. and Peter Jordan
8  Landscape Perception and Sacred Places amongst the 
   Vasiugan Khants ............................................ 179
   Andrei Filtchenko
9  Perceptions of Landscape among the Lake Essei Iakut: 
   Narrative, Memory and Knowledge ............................ 199
   Tatiana Argounova-Low
10 The Creation and Persistence of Cultural Landscapes 
   among the Siberian Evenkis: Two Conceptions of 'Sacred'
   Space ...................................................... 215
   Alexandra Lavrillier

           Part 3. Landscapes in Long-term Transformation
11 The Mansi Sacred Landscape in Long-Term Historical 
   Perspective ................................................ 235
   Elena Glavatskaia
12 Sacred Places and Masters of Hunting Luck in the Forest 
   Worlds of the Udege People of the Russian Far East ......... 257
   Shiro Sasaki
13 Komi Reindeer Herders: Syncretic and Pragmatic Notions of
   Being in the Tundra ........................................ 279
   Joachim Otto Habeck
14 Siberian Landscapes in Ket Traditional Culture ............. 297
   Edward J. Vajda
15 Sacred Sites, Settlements and Place-Names: Ancient Saami
   Landscapes in Northern Coastal Sweden ...................... 315
   Noel D. Broadbent and Britta Wennstedt Edvinger

About the Editor and Contributors ............................. 339
Contact Details for Authors ................................... 343
Index ......................................................... 345

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