Cooperation and its evolution (Cambridge, 2013). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCooperation and its evolution / ed. by K.Sterelny et al. - Cambridge: MIT Press, 2013. - vii, 577 p.: ill. - (Life and mind: philosophical issues in biology and psychology). - Incl. bibl. ref. - Ind.: p.575-577. - ISBN 978-0-262-01853-1

Оглавление / Contents
Introduction: The Ubiquity, Complexity, and Diversity of
Cooperation ..................................................... 1
Kim Sterelny, Richard Joyce, Brett Calcott, and Ben Fraser

I  Agents and Environments IS
1  The Evolution of Individualistic Norms ...................... 17
   Don Ross
2  Timescales, Symmetry, and Uncertainty Reduction in the
   Origins of Hierarchy in Biological Systems .................. 45
   Jessica C. Flack, Doug Erwin, Tanya Elliot, and David
   C. Krakauer
3  On Depending on Fish for a Living, and Other Difficulties
   of Living Sustainabiy ....................................... 75
   Hanna Kokko and Katja Heubel
4  Life in Interesting Times: Cooperation and Collective 
   Action in the Holocene ...................................... 89
   Kim Sterelny
5  The Birth of Hierarchy ..................................... 109
   Paul Seabright
6  Territoriality and Loss Aversion: The Evolutionary Roots 
   of Property Rights ......................................... 117
   Herbert Gintis
7  Cooperation and Biological Markets: The Power of Partner
   Choice ..................................................... 131
   Ronald Noe and Bernhard Voelkl
8  False Advertising in Biological Markets: Partner Choice 
   and the Problem of Reliability ............................. 153
   Ben Fraser
9  МНС-Mediated Benefits of Trade: A Biomolecular Approach 
   to Cooperation in the Marketplace .......................... 175
   Haim Ofek
10 What We Don't Know about the Evolution of Cooperation in
   Animals .................................................... 195
   Deborah M. Gordon
11 Task Partitioning: Is It a Useful Concept? ................. 203
   Adam G. Hart
12 Cooperative Breeding in Birds: Toward a Richer Conceptual
   Framework .................................................. 223
   Andrew Cockburn

II  Agents and Mechanisms ..................................... 247
13 Why the Proximate-Ultimate Distinction Is Misleading, and 
   Why It Matters for Understanding the Evolution of
   Cooperation ................................................ 249
   Brett Calcott
14 Emergence of a Signaling Network with Probe and Adjust ..... 265
   Brian Skyrms and Simon M. Huttegger
15 Bacterial Social Life: Information Processing
   Characteristics and Cooperation Coevolve ................... 275
   Livio Riboli-Sasco, François Taddei, and Sam Brown
16 Two Modes of Transgenerational Information Transmission .... 289
   Nicholas Shea
17 What Can Imitation Do for Cooperation? ..................... 313
   Cecilia Heyes
18 The Role of Learning in Punishment, Prosociality, and 
   Human Uniqueness ........................................... 333
   Fiery Cushman
12 Our Pigheaded Core: How We Became Smarter to Be 
   Influenced by Other People ................................. 373
   Hugo Mercier
20 Altruistic Behaviors from a Developmental and Comparative
   Perspective ................................................ 399
   Felix Warneken
21 Culture-Gene Coevolution, Large-Scale Cooperation, and 
   the Shaping of Human Social Psychology ..................... 425
   Maciek Chudek, Wanying Zhao, and Joseph Henrich
22 Suicide Bombers, Weddings, and Prison Tattoos: An
   Evolutionary Perspective on Subjective Commitment and
   Objective Commitment ....................................... 459
   Daniel M.T. Fessler and Katinka Quintelier
23 Communicative Functions of Shame and Guilt ................. 485
   June P. Tangney, Jeffrey Stuewig, Elizabeth T. Maiouf,
   and Kerstin Youman
24 Moral Disgust and the Tribal Instincts Hypothesis .......... 503
   Daniel R. Kelly
25 Evolution, Motivation, and Moral Beliefs ................... 525
   Matteo Mameli
26 The Many Moral Nativisms ................................... 549
   Richard Joyce

Contributors .................................................. 573
Index ......................................................... 575

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