Characterization of minerals, metals, and materials: proceedings of symposium (Hoboken, 2012). - ОГЛАВЛЕНИЕ / CONTENTS

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ОбложкаCharacterization of minerals, metals, and materials: proceedings of symposium / sponsored by the Materials Characterization Committee of the Extraction and Processing Division of TMS (The Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society); ed. by J.-Y.Hwang et al. - Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. - xviii, 533 p.: ill. - Incl. bibl. ref. and indexes. - ISBN 978-1-11829-122-1

Оглавление / Contents
Preface ...................................................... xiii
Editors ........................................................ xv

       Characterization of Minerals, Metals, and Materials

             Characterization of Ferrous Metals I
Characterization of the Microstructure of Compacted Graphite
Cast Iron ....................................................... 3
   V. Rastegar
EBSD Analysis of Complex Microstructures of CSP® Processed Low
Carbon Micro-Alloyed Steels .................................... 11
   C. Reip, R Flender, and M. Frommert
Empirical Models of Cold Working Effect in Steel Tube
Production ..................................................... 19
   R. Batson, and J. Zhang
Microstructural Investigation of Carbon Steel after Hot
Rolling to Optimize Complex Hot Forming of Thick Plates ........ 27
   G. Tober, O. Anopuo, and P. Maier
Microstructural Characterization of Fe-Mn-C Ternary Alloy
under Near-Rapid Solidification ................................ 35
   W. Xia, R. Yang, C. Song, and Q. Zhai
Effects of Surface Modifications on SCW Corrosion Resistance ... 43
   J. Li, S. Penttilä, and W. Zheng
Interface Mass Transfer during the Tribofinishing Process ...... 49
   J. Hilerio, D. Medina, V. Cortes, and J. Muñoz

           Characterization of Non-Ferrous Materials

Improvement of Mechanical Properties in Severely Plastically
Deformed Ni-Cr Alloy ........................................... 61
   K. Song, H. Kim, H. Son, and W. Kim
Processing and Microstructural Control of Copper Foams for
Thermal Wick Material Systems .................................. 69
   K. Ledford, S. Lin, and J. Nadler

            Characterization of Minerals and Ceramics

A Novel Low-Energy Route for the Extraction of Copper And
Cobalt Metals/Alloys from the Zambian Sulphide Concentrates .... 79
   Y. Hara, and A. Jha
Structural and Chemical Modification of Sulfide Mineral
Surfaces by High-Power Nanosecond Pulses ....................... 89
   J. Bunin, V. Chanturiya, A. Kovalev, I. Khabarova, and
   E. Koporulina
Characterization of Magnetic and Non-Magnetic Iron Oxide
Nanoparticles Synthesized by Different Routes .................. 99
   A. Maich, E. Erdem, and F. Doyle
Characterization of Concentrate, Pellet and DRI Samples for
Trace Elements ................................................ 107
   M. Zhang
The Dielectric and the Temperature-rising Characteristics of
Ore Fines Materials in Microwave Field ........................ 115
   Я Zhu, L. Dai, J. Peng, W. Liang, Z. Wei, Z. Weng, Q. Ye,
   and J. Chen
Characterization on the Roughness of the Iron Ore Particles ... 123
   X. Lv, X. Huang, R. Zhang and M. Zhou
Synthesis and Characterization of Al, Ag, Ti, Cu, and В 
Substituted Hydroxy lapatite .................................. 131
   C. Ergun, T. Webster, G. Gunes, A. Bahadir, H. Liu, and
   I. Erden
Electric Resistivity of Fine Chromite Ore ..................... 139
   C. Pan, X. Lv, C. Bai, X. Liu, and D. Li
Melting and"Reduction of Manganese Sinter with Fluxes ......... 147
   T. Brynjulfsen, and M. Tangstad
Ceramic Pigments with Spinel Structure Obtained by Low
Temperature Methods ........................................... 155
   O. Restrepo, E. Chavarriaga, and L. Jaramillo
Mechanical Characterization of Cellular Ceramic Materials ..... 163
   W. Acchar, F. Barcelos, and L. Pereira
Study of Attapulgite for Human Health ......................... 169
   W. Acchar, T. Moura, A. Costa, and L. Barreto

                  Characterization Technologies

3D Metallography of Multiphase Steels ......................... 177
   M. Fischer, P. Lutomski, A. Stieben, and W. Bleck
Characterization of Open-Pored Metals Using Image Processing .. 185
   B. Hinze, and J. Roesler
Thermography Assisted Fatigue Testing ......................... 193
   A. Saigal, R. Gu, C. San Marchi, and D. Matson

   Characterization of Environmental and Construction Materials

Tile Production Using Wastes from Mining Industry of the
Mining District Pachuca and Real Del Monte .................... 203
   J. Hernandez, E. Salinas, F. Patiño, I. Rivera, 
   J. Flores, N. Trápala, M. Perez, M. Flores, and I. Reyes
Concrete with Cementitious Steel Slag Composites and Its 
Applications .................................................. 211
   H. Fang, J. Hwang, G. Xue, and L. Lu
Characterization of Dust Generated in the BOF Converter ....... 221
   E. Junca, J. Oliveirq, D. Espinosa, and J. Tenório
Experimental Research to Improve the Soundness of
Cementitious Material Blended with Cycled Fluidized Bed Ash ... 229
   S. Zhu, and X. He
Production of Apathie Material Using Turkish Colemanite
Mineral ....................................................... 239
   Ç. Moral, T. Başargan, and G. Nasun-Saygili
Setting Time of Concrete Material; Laboratory Measurements
Versus Field Applications ..................................... 251
   M. Riad, S. Shoukry, and G. William
Gas Emission and Structural Changes in the Firing of Red
Clay Ceramics with Addition of Sanitary Ware Mass Wastes ...... 259
   R. Faria, V. Souza, S. Cosin, R. Toledo, and H. Vargas

  Characterization of Energy, Electronic and Optical Materials

Influence of La2O3 Additive Content on the Phase Stability,
Sintering and Microstructure of 8 MOL% Y2O3 Stabilized Cubic
Zirconia (8YSZ) Ceramic Used for Solid Oxide Fuel Cell 
Applications .................................................. 269
   S. Tekeli, B. Aktas, and S. Salman
Development and Characterization of Carbonaceous Materials 
Incorporated with Metal (Ti, V and Zn )-Organic Compounds
for Hydrogen Storage .......................................... 277
   M. Nath, A. Kumar, and A. Mallick
Characterization of Nickel Oxide Nanoparticles for Hydrogen
Adsorption with External Electric Field ....................... 285
   Z. Zhang, X. Sun, Z. Peng, and J. Hwang
Nanocrystalline CdS Thin Films Prepared by Vacuum 
Evaporation ................................................... 293
   S. Ikhmayies
Structure-Property Correlation of x)Рb(Ni0.33Nb0.673-(1-
х)Рb(Zr0.31Тi0.693 Based Relaxor-Ferroelectric Ceramics
Synthesized Via Columbite Precursor Method .................... 303
   B. Mallesham, T. Jayaraman, A. James, and D. Das
The Characteristics of Optical Recording Media Affected by
the Accelerating Aging Test ................................... 311
   D. Huang, J. Lin, T. Lin, J. Chen, M. Lin, and J. Tsai
A Comparison between the Properties of Spray-Pyrolyzed 
SnO2:F/CdS:In Structures Prepared by Using NH4F and HF as 
a Source of Fluorine .......................................... 319
   S. Ikhmayies, and R. Ahmad-Bitar
Characterization and Preparation of Anti-Reflection Coatings
in the RANGE of 3-5 μm for Si Optical Window .................. 327
   K. Iqbal, A. Maqsood, M. Mujahid and M. Asghar

           Characterization of Carbon and Soft Materials

Thermal Properties of Polyester Composites Incorporated with
Coir Fiber .................................................... 341
   H. Santafé Júnior, N. Simonassi, and S. Monteiro
Investigating the Rheology of LCPs through Different Die 
Geometries .................................................... 349
   A. Ahmadzadegan, M. Zimmerman, and A. Saigal
Effect of the Fiber Equivalent Diameter on the Elastic
Modulus and Density of Sisal Fibers ........................... 357
   A. Camposo Pereira, W. Pereira Inдcio, F. Muylaert
   Margem, and S. Neves Monteiro
Correlation between the Density and the Diameter of Buriti
Fibers ........................................................ 365
   A. de Paula Barbosa, M. Picanco Oliveira, A. da Silva
   Crespo, N. Suely Silva Santos, F. Muylaert Margem, and
   S. Neves Monteiro
Thermal and Morphological Behavior of EVOH/Piassava Fiber 
Composites .................................................... 373
   B. Nogueira, A. Chinellato, A. Ortiz, A. Parveen, 
   V. Rangari, and E. Moura
Thermal Behavior of Banana Fiber .............................. 381
   F. Muylaert Margem, L. Barbosa de Souza Martins, 
   N. Carneiro Garcia Rosa, and S. Neves Monteiro
Comparative Studies of Crushing Behavior of Various Fiber
Reinforced Skin Polyurethane Foam Cored Composite Sandwich 
Structures .................................................... 387
   K. Sharma, and M. Sripathy
Elastic Modulus Variation with Diameter for Ramie Fibers ...... 395
   A. Barreto Bevitori, I. Leдo Amaral da Silva, 
   R. Sopeletto Carreiro, F. Muylaert Margem, and
   S. Neves Monteiro
Comparative Study of the Sugarcane Bagasse Fiber/HDPE
Composite Properties Using Electron-Beam and Gamma Radiation 
Treatments .................................................... 403
   A. Pereira, A. Soria, A. Abreu, A. Chinellato, N. del
   Mastro, and E. Moura

                 Characterization of Light Metals

Influence of Deformation on the Properties of Carbon-Fiber
Reinforced 2024 Alloy Matrix Composites ....................... 413
   L. Wu, and G. Yao
Microstructure and Deformation Behavior of Mg-Zn-Al-Re
Magnesium Alloy ............................................... 421
   J. Zhang, F. Pan, and C. Bai
Microstructures and Tensile Mechanical Properties of 
Mg-9Zn-0.6Zr-2Er Magnesium Alloy .............................. 427
   J. Zhang, and B. Zhang
Nanobond - The Perfect Refractory Choice for Quick Lining
and Repairing of Aluminium Melting Furnaces ................... 435
   T. Schemmel, H. Jansen, В. Kesselheim, and U. Kremer
Characterization of Grit Blasted Metallic Biomaterials by 
Thermoelectric Power Measurements ............................. 443
   H. Carreon, S. Barriuso, J. González-Carrasco, F. Garcia-
   Caballero, and M. Lieblich
Characterization of the Torsional Response of As-cast
A359-SiCp-30% at Elevated Temperatures ........................ 451
   J. DeMarco, J. Karl, Y. Sohn, and A. Gordon

               Characterization of Ferrous Metals II

Comparison of Creep Life Assessment between Tin-Based
Lead-Free Solders and Lead Solders ............................ 479
   K. Monden
Correlationship between JIK and Equivalent Fracture Strain
Determined by Small-Punch Test in JN1, JJ1 and JK2
Austenitic Stainless Steels ................................... 487
   V. Lopez-Hirata, M. Saucedo-Muñoz, and T. Hashida
Effect of Heat Treatment on the Surface Characteristics of
AISI D2 Steel Machined by Wire EDM ............................ 495
   M. Dhobe, I. Chopde, and C. Gogte
Hot Deformation Study by Processing Maps of N Containing
Microalloyed Steel ............................................ 503
   M. Dikovits, C. Poletti, F. Warchomicka, G. Chaudhari,
   and V. Pancholi
Influence of Annealing Treatment on Microstructure and
Mechanical Properties of Cold-Rolled Sheet of Fe-36Ni Invar
Alloy ......................................................... 511
   X. Jiang, L. Li, X Xia, J. Huang and Q. Zhai
Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Inconel 600/SS
400 Lap Joints ................................................ 519
   K. Song, W. Kim, and К. Nakata
Author Index .................................................. 527
Subject Index ................................................. 531

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